It snows in Yichang!

It snows in Yichang!

Rain and snow come as promised.

From yesterday to today

There is light rain in most cloudy days in Yichang city.

There is sleet in some periods.

There is snowfall in the mid-mountain and above.

At 8 o’clock on February 2, netizens filmed snow on the roof of Wujiagang District.

just now

Snow in Bei ‘ao, Hejiaping Town, Changyang

Still raining.

The traffic police are checking the safety of passing vehicles.

Snow on the Road of Yandaiya Section of Xingshan National Highway 209

Xingshan Brigade actively cooperates with the transportation department.

Take snow removal measures

Issued by Hubei province

Yellow warning of low temperature rain and snow freezing

Wuhan Central Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning of freezing rain and snow at 07: 02 on February 2: It is estimated that there will be snow in Shiyan, Xiangyang, Shennongjia, Yichang, Jingmen and Suizhou from 08: 00 on February 2 to 08: 00 on February 3, and there will be freezing rain or sleet in Enshi, Jingzhou, Tianmen, Qianjiang, Xiantao, Wuhan, Xiaogan and Huanggang. Please take precautions.

1-2 February afternoon

Yichang Meteorological Observatory and several county meteorological observatories

Release one after another

Yellow warning of road icing

The latest travel tips are coming.

Wujiagang Yangtze River Bridge

The main deck of Wujiagang Yangtze River Bridge is from north to south, and there is snow on the road surface. As of press time, the relevant departments are carrying out snow removal operations, and the traffic police temporarily control traffic and leave one lane for traffic.

The Wujiagang Yangtze River Bridge has begun to remove snow.

yiling yangtze river bridge

Last night, the bridge deck of Yiling Yangtze River Bridge and some sections of Jiangcheng Avenue were frozen, and the traffic police brigade of Dianjun joined forces with the Bridge Company and the road maintenance department to carry out emergency snow removal operations.

In the early morning of February 2, after the emergency snow removal by the Bridge Company and the road maintenance department, under the command of the duty personnel, at present, some electric bicycles have been released to cross the river slowly.

Zhushi Street traffic police squadron early patrol auxiliary police reminded electric vehicle riders to pay attention to safety.

S68 dam-turning expressway

At 4 o’clock in the morning today (February 2), due to the drop in temperature, most sections of S68 Fanba Expressway snowed, and the traffic police controlled the four toll stations of Dianjun, Chexi, Zigui and Zigui Port. The maintenance construction unit sprinkles snow melting agent on the whole line. At present, the S68 dam-turning control section has been completely deregulated.

Yichang weather forecast

Today and tomorrow.

Moderate rain turns to heavy snow.

There is sleet or freezing rain in some periods.

Local snowstorm in mountainous area

5 -8 February

There is also a rainy and snowy weather process.

The temperature will continue to fall in the next three days.

The highest temperature dropped to 0 ~ 3℃

The minimum temperature drops to about -2℃

The temperature changes sharply.

Everyone must take warm measures.

Original title: "It snows in Yichang! 》

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