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The Value Implication of Common Prosperity of Spiritual Life

Author: Zhang Xia (lecturer of tianjin polytechnic university Marxism Institute, researcher of tianjin polytechnic university Base of Tianjin Socialism with Chinese characteristics Theoretical System Research Center)
Report to the 20th CPC National Congress of the Party pointed out that Chinese-style modernization is a modernization in which material civilization and spiritual civilization are in harmony. Material wealth and spiritual wealth are the fundamental requirements of socialist modernization. This important thesis enriches the era connotation of common prosperity of spiritual life and highlights the common prosperity of spiritual life from common prosperity. The common prosperity of spiritual life is of profound value to continuously improve people’s quality of life, promote the realization of Chinese modernization and promote people’s free and all-round development.
 Common prosperity of spiritual life is a realistic need to continuously improve people’s quality of life.
With the continuous development of social productive forces, China has created a miracle of rapid economic development and long-term social stability, constantly meeting the people’s growing material and cultural needs, and gradually improving people’s lives, so that people have new expectations for the quality of life. The inherent requirement of people’s high-quality life is to meet people’s new expectations for a better life and enrich people’s spiritual world on the basis of meeting the needs of material life. Promoting the common prosperity of people’s spiritual life plays a decisive role in continuously improving people’s quality of life.
Common prosperity of spiritual life is a realistic choice to continuously meet people’s needs for a better life. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the main contradiction in our society has been transformed into the contradiction between the people’s growing need for a better life and the unbalanced development. "The need for a better life" includes the needs of material and spiritual life in quantity, which is a more comprehensive needs system; In terms of quality, it conforms to the law that people’s needs upgrade with the development of production, which shows that the Communist Party of China (CPC) always regards people’s expectations as the direction of governance. Meeting people’s spiritual needs is one of the key elements of "the need for a better life". The common prosperity of spiritual life requires our party to fully realize that the common prosperity of spiritual life is not a minority, temporary and average prosperity, but a sustained and common prosperity for all people in the process of uniting and leading the broad masses of people to strive to achieve the goal of the second century, and always put the common prosperity of spiritual life in a more prominent position, taking it as an important value measure to judge the continuous improvement of people’s lives, and we must make continuous efforts and make contributions for a long time.
The common prosperity of spiritual life is a realistic measure to greatly enrich the spiritual world of the people. After the people’s material living standards have been greatly improved, it is even more urgent to continuously enrich the people’s spiritual world. Promoting the common prosperity of people’s spiritual life plays an important role in solving similar problems such as mental poverty and further promoting socialist core values. Promoting the common prosperity of people’s spiritual life is helpful to strengthen the leading role of socialist core values, stimulate the effect of socialist core values to unite social consensus, infiltrate the hearts of the broad masses of people with the beauty of truth, value and realm contained in socialist values, lead the people to standardize their spiritual life with socialist core values, consciously resist the invasion of decadent ideas such as money worship and hedonism, and constantly polish the spiritual background and provide spiritual nourishment for enriching the people’s spiritual world.
Common prosperity of spiritual life is the inevitable choice to promote the realization of Chinese modernization
The inherent requirement of common prosperity of spiritual life is to lead the development of economy, politics, culture, society and ecology through advanced ideas, so as to realize the harmonious coexistence of people, people and society, people and nature at the spiritual level.
The common prosperity of spiritual life is an inquiry into the modernization of western style. Modernization includes both material modernization and human modernization. At the same time, people’s spiritual modernization should be an integral part of all modernization paradigms. However, Western-style modernization is confined to its own chronic disease, which regards modernization as a single economic growth, and excludes cultural and spiritual factors from the needs of society and individuals, so that economic things are unilaterally placed in the center, leading to spiritual, moral and artistic things being squeezed into secondary positions. With the continuous advancement of western-style modernization, the civilization dominated by capital centralism has aggravated people’s spiritual emptiness, moral decay, value nothingness and lack of faith, and people’s one-sided development and mental illness have reached an unprecedented level. Western-style modernization imprisons people in a material "cage", which cannot bear the historical responsibility of "human liberation" and does not conform to the value goal and progress direction of human civilization.
The common prosperity of spiritual life opens a new way for the exploration of modernization path. The common prosperity of spiritual life runs through the whole process of Chinese modernization. Different from the western-style modernization road, Chinese-style modernization adheres to the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), takes Marxism as the fundamental guiding ideology, and takes the free and all-round development of human beings as the value goal, thus opening up a brand-new road to break the myth of "modernization = westernization". On the one hand, we continue to plant a modern material foundation and consolidate the material conditions for people’s happy lives; On the other hand, we continue to care for people’s spiritual needs, enrich people’s spiritual world, and promote the realization of people’s spiritual life prosperity. In this way, spiritual common prosperity and material common prosperity are placed in the same position, which has planted the value foundation of Chinese modernization and is more conducive to activating the great power of all people to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with cultural power. At the same time, the rich and full spiritual life of all the people has also helped China to stand among the nations of the world with more confidence, which has opened a new practice of human exploration of modernization.
The common prosperity of spiritual life has enriched and deepened the exploration of the era of people’s free and all-round development. The common prosperity of all people’s spiritual life does not hinder the enrichment and improvement of the quality of spiritual life of every member of society. From a holistic perspective, the common prosperity of spiritual life is the organic unity of the free and all-round development of all people and the free and all-round development of individuals. From a comprehensive analysis, achieving common prosperity in spiritual life is a systematic project, which not only pays attention to improving people’s scientific and cultural literacy, but also pays attention to improving their ideological and moral quality and physical and mental health quality, and pays more attention to sublimating their spiritual realm. From the dynamic analysis, it is a long-term process to realize the common prosperity of people’s spiritual life. It is not a matter of time, but haste makes waste. It is necessary to make strategic arrangements and long-term plans, step by step, solidly promote the common prosperity of people’s spiritual life, and constantly accumulate strength for realizing people’s free and all-round development.
[This paper is the phased achievement of Tianjin Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project "Research on Long-term Mechanism of Tianjin Local Culture Revitalization in the All-Media Era" (ProjectNo.: TJKS19-003). 】
Source: Guangming. com-Academic Channel

Night reading | He said that life is a tearful smile.

  CCTV News:His life was full of ups and downs, and he began his literary creation when he was nearly puzzled, but he became one of the "three great short story masters in the world". He has left nearly 300 novels in his creative career for more than ten years, including Sacrifice of Love, Gift of Maggie, and The Last Leaf … … Articles are literary classics; He wrote "a tearful smile" with his own experience, enlightening the world that "as long as you believe, there will always be miracles".

  He is O. Henry.

  1862-O Henry, a famous American short story writer, was born. Tonight, review his classic works and feel the love and hope in life.

Maggie’s gift

(with deletion)

  Life is made up of sobs, sobs and smiles, and sobs occupy most of them.

  One yuan and eighty-seven cents. It’s all here, including 60 cents in coppers. This is saved by bargaining from grocery store owners, vegetable vendors and butcher’s shops, and I feel ashamed every time. I deeply feel that this kind of deal is really embarrassing. Della counted it three times, and it was still 1.87 yuan, and the next day was Christmas. 

  Obviously, there is no other way but to throw yourself on that shabby nap chair and cry. 

  Della did this, but her spiritual feelings came to life. Life is made up of sobs, sobs and smiles, and sobs occupy most of them.

  After Della finished crying, she smeared powder on her cheeks. She stood at the window and stared at a gray cat walking on a gray fence in the gray backyard. Only one yuan and eighty-seven cents to buy Jim a present, her Jim! How many days did she spend planning to give him a lovely gift, an exquisite, rare and expensive gift — — At least something worthy of Jim.

  The couple each have something they are particularly proud of. One is Jim’s gold watch; The other is Della’s hair. 

  There is a wall mirror between the two windows in the room. Suddenly, she whirled around from the window and stood in front of the wall mirror. Her eyes were crystal clear, but her face lost its luster within twenty seconds. She tore her hair apart quickly and let it splash completely. 

  The couple each have something they are particularly proud of. One is Jim’s gold watch, which was handed down from his grandfather to his father and from his father to his family heirloom. The other is Della’s hair. 

  At this moment, Della’s hair splashed around her, and the microwave fluctuated and shone like a brown waterfall. Her hair is knee-length, like a robe for her. Then, she quickly combed her hair nervously, hesitated for a minute, and stood there motionless, splashing a tear or two on the worn red carpet. 

  She bought it for twenty-one dollars. With the gold watch and this chain, Jim can look at the time without shame on any occasion.

  She put on the old brown coat and hat, and there were glittering and translucent tears in her eyes. As soon as her skirt swung, she floated out of the door and went downstairs to the street. 

  She stopped at a sign that said, "Mrs. Sofroni — — Specializing in all kinds of hair. " Della ran up the stairs, panting and composed. That lady is fat, too pale and as cold as ice, which simply doesn’t match the nickname of "Sofroni". 

  "Do you want to buy my hair?" Della asked. 

  "I buy hair," said the lady. "Take off your hat and let me see the hair sample." 

  The brown waterfall splashed down. 

  "Twenty dollars," said the lady, grasping her hair expertly. 

  "Give me the money quickly," said Della. 

  Oh, the next two hours seemed to fly by happily with wings. She searched everywhere for a present for Jim. 

  She finally found it. It must be specially made for Jim. It’s a simple platinum watch chain, engraved with patterns, which is just right for Jim’s gold watch. She bought it for twenty-one dollars and hurried home, leaving only eighty-seven cents. The gold watch matches this chain, so Jim can look at the time without shame on any occasion. 

  After Della came home, her ecstasy became a little cautious and rational. She found out the curling iron, lit the gas, and began to repair the damage caused by the generosity of love. Within forty minutes, her head was covered with small curls that clung to her scalp, and she looked like a little boy playing truant.

  "If Jim looks at me and doesn’t kill me," she said to herself, "he will say that I look like a singing girl in Coney Island, but what can I do — — Alas, there is only one yuan and eighty-seven cents. What can I do? " 

  She held her hair comb to her chest, and after a long time, she raised her tearful eyes and smiled and said, "My hair grows very fast, Jim!" " 

  At seven o’clock, she made coffee, put the frying pan on the hot stove, and could make steak at any time. 

  Jim always comes home on time. The door opened, Jim stepped in and closed the door behind him. His eyes were fixed on Della, and her expression made her unable to understand and made her hair stand on end. It was neither anger nor surprise, nor dissatisfaction, nor disgust, and it was not any expression she had expected at all. He stared at della with this expression. 

  Della twisted her waist, jumped off the table and walked over to him. 

  "Jim, honey," she cried, "don’t stare at me like that. I cut off my hair and sold it, because I can’t spend Christmas without giving you a present. Hair will grow back — — You won’t mind, will you? I have to do this. My hair is growing very fast. Say ‘ Merry Christmas ’ Ok! Jim, let’s be happy. You’ll never guess what a nice, beautiful and exquisite gift I bought you! " 

  "Have you cut off your hair?" Jim asked laboriously, as if he had racked his brains and failed to understand the obvious fact. 

  "Cut it off and sell it," said Della. "Anyway, don’t you also like me? Without long hair, I am still me, right? " 

  Jim looked around the room strangely. 

  "Did you say your hair was gone?" He asked almost like an idiot. 

  "Stop looking," said Della. "To tell you, I have sold it — — It’s sold. It’s gone. Treat me well, it’s for you. Maybe I can count my hair, "she suddenly said softly," but no one can count my love for you. Shall I cook steak, Jim? " 

  Jim seemed to wake up from a trance and held Della tightly in his arms. Jim took a small bag from his coat pocket and threw it on the table. 

  "Don’t get me wrong, Del," he said. "When you open that bag, you will know why I looked like that just now." 

  White fingers deftly untied the rope and opened the paper bag. Followed by ecstatic screams, suddenly turned into women’s neurotic tears and crying, in urgent need of the male host to do everything possible to comfort. 

  Because it’s a comb on the table — — Full set of combs. It was something that Della had seen and envied to death in a Broadway window a long time ago. These wonderful hair combs are made of pure tortoiseshell, and the edges are inlaid with jewels — — Its color just matches her lost hairdressing. She knows that this set of combs is really too expensive. For this, she was only envious and eager before, and never thought about getting them. Now, all this actually belongs to her, but unfortunately the beautiful long hair that is qualified to wear this coveted ornament has disappeared without a trace. 

  However, she still held her hair comb to her chest, and it took a long time before she raised her tearful eyes and smiled and said, "My hair grows very fast, Jim!" " 

  I sold my gold watch and bought a hair comb for you.

  Then Della jumped up like a scalded kitten and cried, "Oh! Oh! " Jim hasn’t seen his beautiful gift yet.

  Della spread out her palm and reached out to him. "Isn’t it beautiful, Jim? I searched all over the city before I found it. Now, you can watch the time a hundred times a day. Give me the watch, I want to see how it matches it. " 

  Instead of following her instructions, Jim collapsed on the couch with his hands under his head and smiled slightly. 

  "Del," he said, "let’s put Christmas presents aside. They are too good to be used at present. I sold my gold watch and bought a hair comb for you. Now, you make the steak. " 


△ Figure from British illustrator David Renshaw

▽ Sketch | O Henry

  O Henry, born on September 11th, 1862, was originally named william sydney porter. He created the precedent of modern American short stories, and was called "the three great short story masters in the world" together with French Mo Bosang and Russian Chekhov.

  After a lifetime of ups and downs, I began to create in prison when I was near confusion.

  In 1898, O Henry, who worked as a cashier in a bank, was jailed for "embezzlement" because of problems in the bank accounts he handled. In order to make a living, he began to write short stories in prison, nearly 30 years old. Because of the prisoner’s identity, he dared not use his real name, so he took the abbreviation "O Henry" of a French pharmacopoeia editor as his pen name.

  In 1901, after serving more than three years in prison, O Henry was released early, and then he devoted himself to writing. But just when his creativity was at its peak, his health began to deteriorate and he died in 1910. 

  "Smile with tears" and "O ‘Henry-style ending" are well-known in the literary world.

  "Smile with tears" — — The organic combination of comedy form and tragedy connotation is the creative style of O ‘Henry’s novels. In his works, the kind and kind poor people have no food to eat and no shelter. He profoundly revealed the soul and fate of the little people in American society at the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century, which constituted the unique humanistic care in his novels.

  O Henry is also famous for being good at endings. At the end of his works, the fate of the hero is often suddenly reversed, or the psychological situation of the characters is unexpectedly changed. This is an unexpected and reasonable ending, which is specially called "O Henry’s ending" by American literary circles.

  More than ten years of writing time has left nearly 300 short stories.

  Although he has only spent more than ten years in his life writing novels, O Henry is a prolific writer. He left behind a novel "Cabbage and the Emperor" and nearly 300 short stories, including the famous novels "Sacrifice of Love", "Police and Hymns", "The Gift of Maggie", "A Room with Furniture for Rent", "The Last Leaf" and "Twenty Years Later".

  In 1918, the United States set up the "O Henry Memorial Award" to reward the best short stories every year.

Draw a leaf for life,

As long as you believe, there will always be miracles.

Although the hope is slim, it will last forever.

— — O Henry’s The Last Leaf

One second into the picture! These original ecological landscapes are so beautiful, and some of them are limited in seasons …

Living in Beijing

We have seen many architectural monuments.

Indulge in the bustling night of the city

Visited many unpopular art halls.

But sometimes

I always have one in my heart.

The throb of longing for the vastness of the world

Birds are singing and flowers are fragrant between mountains and rivers

Forget the world and indulge in chic.

Actually, there are several wetland parks in Beijing.

Original ecological landscape

It can also make you short-lived

Let’s take a look together ~


Cuihu Wetland Park

The total area of Cuihu Wetland is 157.16 hectares, and the water area is about 90 hectares, including 45 hectares of open area and 18.3 hectares of water area.

The reservation opening hours of Cuihu Wetland are from April to October every year, and group tourists are allowed to make reservations on Mondays and Wednesdays, and individual tourists are allowed to make reservations on Saturday mornings.

Birds can be seen in almost all months of the year. If you are a bird watcher, then spring and autumn are the best seasons to watch waterfowl in Cuihu Wetland, especially in October.

The purpose of Cuihu Wetland is to show the northern wetland landscape, popularize wetland knowledge, watch wetland animals and plants, and publicize popular science. The park focuses on ecological protection and does not have amusement facilities.

Address: Cuihu North Road, Shangzhuang Town, Haidian District, Beijing


Dongjiao Forest Park Wetland Park

Beijing Eastern Suburb Forest Park-Wetland Park is one of the five major theme parks in Beijing Eastern Suburb Forest Park, adjacent to the bank of Wenyu River, with a planned total area of about 3.15 million square meters and a water area of about 30% of the park area.

There are Yuling Lake, the largest lake in the Eastern Suburb Forest Park, and Lancui Tower, the first commanding height in the Eastern Suburb Forest Park. In addition, there are scenic spots such as Lin Yun Jade Watching, Lover’s Wharf, White Sands Heron Watching and Liu Yin Yuze Watching.

There are facilities such as riding greenway, landscape wooden plank road, rest station, tree-lined square, children’s activity equipment and so on.

There are more than 60 species of trees and shrubs, such as Sophora japonica, Fraxinus chinensis, weeping willow, Fraxinus fargesii, Pyrus pyrifolia, Magnolia grandiflora, Begonia, Prunus armeniaca, Lagerstroemia indica, and more than 70 species of ground cover flowers and aquatic plants, such as pseudo-faucet, chrysanthemum morifolium, lotus, Lythrum lyratum and Acorus calamus.

Address: East Sixth Ring Road, Tongzhou District, Beijing


Majiawan Wetland Park

Majiawan Wetland Park covers a total area of 710,000 square meters, including 260,000 square meters of water area and 450,000 square meters of landscape area.

The water source of Xiao Taihou Yunliang River is cited in the park, which makes the wetland waters in the park communicate with each other and keep the water level above 1 meter all the year round.

There is a scenic spot in the park, "Woniu Wenxi". In the shape of a huge cow, lying still beside a wetland. Legend has it that a bronze bull statue was built on the south bank of Xiao Taihou River in Liao Dynasty as a water beast, so the nearby village was named "Buffalo House", and the former bronze bull has long been a thing of the past.

In the Woods on the bank of Henan in Xiao Taihou, there is a wooden plank road that is as long as 1,000 meters. This little-known wooden plank road, with no other plank road or road interspersed, bends around and is hidden in the surrounding green jungle.

Address: Daludian North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing


Hanshiqiao Wetland Park

Hanshiqiao Wetland Nature Reserve is located in JD.COM Plain, with a total area of 1,900 hectares, of which the core area is about 3,000 mu. It is the only large reed swamp wetland in Beijing Plain.

There are 153 species of birds recorded in the nature reserve, including 2 species of national first-class protected animals, 17 species of national second-class protected animals and 292 species of wild plants. It is the habitat and transit point of many rare and endangered bird migration.

Hanshiqiao Wetland is open from March 16th to November 14th every year, and it is closed at 8:00-17:20 and 16:20 from Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday are closed from 8: 00 to 17: 50 and 16:50. It is closed to the public from November 15th to March 15th of the following year.

Address: Han Shi Qiaocun, Yangzhen Town, Shunyi District, Beijing


Xinfengqu Wetland Park

Xinfengqu Wetland Park used to be a three-room industrial compound, but now it has been transformed into a picturesque wetland.

The park mainly includes three parts: the front pond in the north, the subsurface wetland in the middle and the surface wetland in the south, which have the functions of regulation, purification and stability respectively, and discharge the treated surface water to the main stream of Xinfeng River.

The park is built by the lake, surrounded by dense green vegetation, and the roads are paved with plastic trails, including small bridges, kiosks and plank roads in the water. Beautiful scenery, fresh air, quiet and comfortable.

The whole park is just the right size, and it is just right to go shopping. Whether it’s oxygen inhalation and lung washing, or want to see the scenery, it is a good place. And every place here can be a holy place to take pictures, so you can pat it as you like.

Address: Zhongding Road, Daxing District, Beijing

Source: Beijing Tourism Network Comprehensive

After reading these 14 historical truths, I realized how shallow my historical knowledge is! How many do you know?

1. Women in Song Dynasty will be fined if they don’t marry at fourteen.

During the Song Renzong period, men were married at the age of fifteen and women at the age of thirteen; Ming Taizu stipulates that a man marries at the age of 16 and a woman marries at the age of 14. A woman who does not marry at the legal age will be fined.

For example, when Emperor Xiaohui of the Han Dynasty was filial, anyone who wanted to have a daughter who was over 15 to 30 years old and had not married was fined 600 yuan; In the Tang Dynasty, men over the age of 20 and girls over the age of 15 were also punished.

2. Zhongguancun was originally a eunuch nursing home.

Zhongguancun, a desolate cemetery decades ago, is mostly the tomb of eunuchs.Because eunuchs were called "middle officials" in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was called "middle official grave".

Eunuchs built temples and old-age manors here, and because they were called "middle officials" at that time, they called this place "middle official village". After liberation, they chose to build the China Academy of Sciences here. They thought the word "middle official" was not good, so they changed their names to "Zhongguancun".

3. Confucius is the pioneer of Weibo style.

The Analects of Confucius is the earliest collection of Weibo;

1. Each Analects does not exceed 140 words;

2, concise and profound;

3, more fragmented, mostly for Confucius to bask in the mood and exchange philosophy.

4. Strong interaction, and often reply and interact with Zigong, Yan Hui, Zilu, etc.

5. Confucius has more than 3,000 fans, 72 of whom are V tuba.

4. The origin of "jealousy" originated from the Tang Dynasty.

Fang Xuanling was the prime minister for 22 years and was an important founder of Zhenguan rule.In order to show his merits, Emperor Taizong gave two beautiful women. Then this angered the prime minister’s wife and forbade beautiful women to enter the house.

Li Shimin gave her two choices:One is to get back the beauty; The second is to drink the "poisoned wine" given by the royal family.

After the heroic Mrs. Fang drank the "poisoned wine" on the spot, she knew it was a cup of vinegar. Emperor Taizong couldn’t help but take back the beauty, and the word "jealous" spread.

5, Gao Qiu was Su Dongpo extremely.

Gao Qiu was originally Su Dongpo’s mini-story, that is, extremely clever and good at copying.When Su Shi was transferred to Zhongshan House, he gave him to Wang Jinqing of Wang Shen, the captain of Xiaowangdu. Once, Wang Shen wanted to send Duan Wang was a comb knife for trimming sideburns, which was sent by Gao Qiu.

It happened that Duan Wang was playing cuju, and Gao Qiu took the opportunity to show off his skills, so he won the favor of Zhao Ji and stayed with Duan Wang from now on.After Zhao Ji succeeded to Song Huizong, Gao Qiu rose steadily.

6. Yan was not alone.

I always thought that Yan was one person, but it turned out to be ten.Yamaraja in Ten Temples is the floorboard of ten hades who are in charge of hell, which is said by China Buddhism. This statement began in the late Tang Dynasty.

They are:King Guang of Qin, Chu Jiangwang, Emperor Song, King Wu Guan, Yan Luowang, King Bian Cheng, King Tai Shan, King Ping, King Du Shi and King Huan.

These ten kings live on the ten halls of hell respectively, because they are called the ten halls of hell.

7. "Hou" was originally the title of emperor.

When you see the last word, you will always think of the queen, the queen mother and so on.However, in ancient times, the latter word represented men, was the embodiment of power, the symbol of emperors and the title of the son of heaven.

Later, it was the title of emperor before the Zhou Dynasty, when the wife of the son of heaven was a princess, and later it was used as the title of emperor for more than 360 years. It was not until the Zhou Dynasty that the princess was renamed.

After Qin Shihuang unified the six countries, the emperor was called the emperor, and the emperor’s wife was called the queen.

8. In Wei and Jin Dynasties, a man must look like a beautiful woman to be beautiful.

In Wei and Jin Dynasties, a man had to look like a beautiful woman to be praised, and gentle female beauty was the standard of beautiful men.Therefore, men of all ages in Wei and Jin dynasties desperately went to the "false mother" line. Noble men and women, almost everyone never leaves the mirror. Every day, they wear powder, lipstick and perfume, to the point where they disappear without makeup.

At that time, the famous false mothers were: writers Cao Zhi, Pan An, calligrapher Wang Xizhi …

9. Although the Ming emperor was dissolute, he had no wimps.

Although some emperors of the Ming Dynasty were dissolute and heartless, none of them were wimps!The Great Ming Dynasty lasted for 276 years, and never paid compensation, ceded land or paid tribute. The emperor guarded the country and the king died.

Emperor Chongzhen was martyred, but orthodox prisoners never begged for mercy. Longwu was killed in the battlefield, and Shaowu was captured and committed suicide by hunger strike.At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the soldiers were still divided into two ways to deal with the Manchu and the King, and they did not give up the desire of "the whole Liao can be restored" from beginning to end.

10. It was stipulated in the Song Dynasty that officials were not allowed to enter the wine shop, regardless of public or private funds, they were impeached.

According to Ouyang Xiu’s "Returning to the Field", Lu Su’s simple public service is a virtue, and the public service is easy to take and drink in a wine shop. Zhenzong asked, "Why did you enter the wine shop privately?" Gong said:"I am poor and have no utensils, and I have everything in the wine shop. I have come from afar with my relatives in the village, so I drink with them. However, the minister is easy to serve, and the city people have no knowledge of the minister. "

Zhenzong said, "Your majesty is a courtier, and I’m afraid he will be played by the censor."

11, the origin of the yellow flower girl

In ancient times, unmarried women liked to use yellow color to draw various patterns on their foreheads or faces when dressing up. It can also be cut into various patterns with yellow paper and pasted.

And "yellow flower" refers to chrysanthemum. Because chrysanthemum can resist cold in Ao Shuang, it is often used as a metaphor for people having moral integrity.

Therefore, adding the word "yellow flower" in front of the prostitute means that the woman is not married yet, but can remain chaste.

12. The origin of "Erguotou"

In the middle of Qing Dynasty, in order to improve the quality of shochu, Jingshi shochu Workshop needed to treat the distilled liquor, the "liquor head" cooled by cold water in the tin pot for the first time and the "liquor tail" cooled by cold water in the tin pot for the third time.

Because the first pot and the third pot are cooled by substances, only the wine that flows out after being cooled by the cold water changed into the tin pot for the second time is picked, so it is called "Erguotou".

13. Housing security system in Song Dynasty: the monthly rent of low-rent housing in Kaifeng is 106 yuan.

Building shop service, later renamed as "shop house service", is responsible for the management and maintenance of state-owned real estate, and to the public for rent. Look a little familiar! Equivalent to the current low-rent housing.At that time, there were 1192 public houses in Kaifeng, the capital, with a monthly rent of 170 yuan (RMB 106.25).

Can ordinary people afford to rent the land of capital city at the foot of the son of heaven?This is a housing security system, which is completely affordable.

14. Four nicknames of ancient China: Shenzhou, Kyushu, Huaxia and Zhongyuan.

1. China, the ancient sage took China’s China, which was called "the land of China".

2. Huaxia, originally referred to the Central Plains, later included the whole territory.

3. Kyushu, the ancient China, was divided into: Ji, Yan, Qing, Xu, Yang, Jing, Liang, Yong and Yu.

4. The Central Plains, the birthplace of Chinese civilization, was regarded as the center of the world by the Chinese nation in ancient times.

Source: One poem and one lesson.

32 historical photos, reviewing history

In 1979, 518 meters above the street in new york, a worker was responsible for installing the antenna of the World Trade Center, which attracted attention to his security measures. The train carriages in the 1890 s showed the comfortable travel environment at that time. In 1987, a building in alba iulia was relocated. In the 1890s, the picture of an Inuit warm wife showed deep love. In 1901, Anne Edersen Taylor survived by going down Niagara Falls in a wooden bucket. Children’s skulls without deciduous teeth and human hearts without blood reveal the strangeness of life.

In 1993, Queen Elizabeth II tested a combat rifle. In 2006, Qatar auctioned the world’s most expensive telephone number 666-6666 for 1.5 million pounds for charity. The duel between WWE legend Andre and boxing legend Mehmetali was impressive. The oldest copper fishhook found in the archaeological site of Ashkelon reveals ancient fishing techniques.

The colonial life during the British Empire and the abnormal brain of Russian poet Vladimir Mayakovsky glimpse the cruelty and strangeness of history. Franz Reichelt died trying to test his parachute, and the photos were chilling. The similarity between chimpanzees and human fingers is thought-provoking. Nelson mandela became the South African President after 27 years in prison, showing people tenacity and victory. Warren Buffett’s life in his youth glimpses the trajectory of future billionaires.

Newton’s original handwriting and a group of people celebrating the arrival of bananas in Norway outline the subtle interweaving of individuals and history. Marilyn Monroe’s wedding photos reveal the reality under the dreamy appearance. Kung Fu superstar Bruce Lee, dressed in the uniform of the Reserve Officers Training Corps, presents a multifaceted life. Tokyo’s urban buildings are as dense as chips, emitting modern prosperity.

The scenes of ancient Greek and Roman athletes cleaning their bodies with oil and grinding fine sand make people understand the way of life of ancient culture. The vertical staircase scenery in Hawaii is amazing. Beauty in modern dress style shows the evolution of fashion. During the Iranian revolution in 1979, the scene of burning the American flag showed political turmoil.

The night view of Italy reflects the light of the city, just like a shining river flowing to the sea. The wooden houses on the Polish Tartrat Mountain exist like fairy tales. Blue gem ring, which has a history of nearly 2,000 years, once belonged to the Roman emperor Ka Rygula, and it is stained with the blood of history.

Cindy Chin’s pencil-carved works of train art show the combination of creativity and skill. The London boy in historical photos shows complex emotions in the face of family death. These 32 historical pictures guide us to review history, feel the long river of time and enjoy the colorful life. Which of these photos do you think impressed you the most?

# century famous painting! # # Exploring the mystery of art # # Shocking works # # Real times # # Corbusier’s works # # Talking about the history of Russian art # # Moving Matisse # # Anecdote in the Art Museum # # History of exotic paintings # # Review after a hundred years #

Life lies in exercise, but you need to master the "health ladder" of exercise! How to exercise is reasonable?

As the saying goes, life lies in exercise, which is true at all. Moderate exercise can improve cardiopulmonary function, promote systemic blood circulation and relieve nervous mood. However, there must be a degree in everything, and the same is true for sports. You need to choose the right sports according to your own situation, and you can’t blindly pursue quantity and duration. If the amount of exercise is insufficient, the body function will slowly deteriorate; Excessive exercise will cause persistent muscle pain, irritability and loss of appetite, and at the same time, it will also reduce immunity and increase the damage to bones and joints.

1. Exercise intensity

Exercise intensity, as its name implies, is the strength spent in exercise, which is determined by the type and purpose of exercise. There are different ways to measure the intensity of exercise, such as jogging or brisk walking. The intensity is measured by the target bull’s-eye rate and based on the maximum heart rate, which is equal to 220 minus age. The bull’s-eye rate of moderate and high-intensity aerobic exercise ranges from 60% to 80% of the maximum heart rate, and strength training needs to measure the exercise intensity by weight and repetition times.

2. Motion frequency

Exercise frequency refers to the interval time of exercise, and the optimal frequency is determined by the type and purpose of exercise. If the purpose of exercise is to lose weight, at least 300 minutes of moderate and high-intensity aerobic exercise a week can reduce weight and body fat; If the purpose of exercise is to maintain good health, you need to have 150 minutes of aerobic exercise a week, and then match it with 2~3 days of strength training.

3. Exercise time

Exercise time refers to the duration of exercise, which is determined by the type of exercise, the purpose of fitness and the level of exercise. At the beginning, you can do aerobic exercise first, and the exercise time is about 15~20 minutes, and the exercise intensity is well controlled; If you want to enhance flexibility through exercise, make sure that each muscle group stretches for about 15 seconds and repeat it three times; If you want to enhance your cardiopulmonary endurance, the duration of high-intensity exercise should not be less than 20 minutes.

4. Type of exercise

There are many types of sports, such as aerobic training, flexibility and resistance training, etc. The specific types of sports are divided into cycling swimming, weightlifting and running, squat and so on. You need to choose the right type of exercise according to your own sports purpose.

1. Moderate intensity exercise

Moderate intensity exercise is equivalent to brisk walking for half an hour to an hour every day. Such activities include walking, shopping, housework and gardening. You can walk more in your daily life for at least half an hour every day.

2, high-intensity aerobic exercise

Common high-intensity aerobic exercises include climbing mountains, swimming and jogging, climbing stairs and aerobics, etc. Exercise at least 3~5 times a week for no less than 20 minutes each time to ensure that the exercise heart rate needs to reach the target heart rate.

3, high-intensity competitive sports and leisure sports

Such sports include basketball, football or tennis, as well as dancing, skating and skiing. Such sports can not only improve heart and lung function, but also cultivate sentiment. Obese or overweight people can choose swimming, which can reduce the joint load.

4, muscle fitness exercise

This kind of sports have their own weight-bearing resistance training, as well as resistance training by equipment, such as dumbbell weight-bearing and elastic belt exercises, which are done at least 2~3 times a week.

5. Flexible exercise

Flexibility exercise includes practicing yoga, dynamic stretching or static stretching, which can be arranged after aerobic exercise or resistance training for 15~30 seconds each time.


Adults should exercise at least 30-60 minutes every day, and at least 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every week. Try to arrange the winter exercise time at noon or afternoon, and the morning exercise time should not be too early, at least after the sun comes out.

# Family Doctor Super Team # # Health Science Qualifying Competition #

The online manuscript of family doctor shall not be reproduced without authorization.


1. "Too low has no effect, and too much is easy to damage! Exercise has a "healthy ladder", Life Times, November 24, 2020.

2. Exercise has a "healthy ladder", Solitary Core Entertainment, November 23, 2020.

Football physical fitness: how do I maintain my physical fitness during the season?

Hello, everyone, today we share how I keep fit during the season. I hope you like it!

front cover

In 2020, Joshua kimmich scored the winner in the match with Dortmund. In that match, he ran 13.73 kilometers. This is the sport of football and kicking. In this sport, most of the running is not jogging, sprinting, walking, jogging and then sprinting. Because of this, the best way to improve physical fitness is to carry out high-intensity training.

We can achieve this goal by sprinting or intermittent training, but the least boring way to improve physical fitness is to use the ball for high-intensity training, which is also the focus of today. Today we will share the training methods to keep in shape during the season. Let’s officially start:

warm up

Before we start training, make sure that we have fully warmed up, do some dynamic stretching and sprinting, so that all our fast muscles will be activated, thus reducing the risk of muscle strain. Take 10 minutes to relax, and then start formal training.

Figure 1- Warm up

This is the only part that does not include the ball, and it is one of the very good agility and quick training.

We can find a friend, or install an application on our mobile phone, which can flash colors and numbers for us for 10 times as a group. I

Figure 2- Fast Move on Command

When our cell phones flash or our friends shout out a color, we sprint to the sign plate and then go back to the middle. About 30 seconds, depending on the length of the interval. In short, do five groups and rest for 30 seconds between each group.

Figure 3- Gap Time

The rest of the training is divided into three small cycles. The first cycle is what we see now. Before Ronaldinho’s dribbling training and shooting, he makes a 30-yard sprint dribble.

Figure 4- Fast Dribble

This training is great, because it can train our dribbling speed, dribble in a narrow space, and persist in dribbling when we are tired.

Figure 5- Exercise dribbling speed

It’s a hard training, but it’s important for us to keep high shooting quality. Imagine that we will be very tired in the 80th minute of the game, so even if we are tired, we should be able to shoot correctly.

Figure 6- Correct Shooting

In this cycle exercise, we can jog or walk back to the starting point as a break between repeated exercises.

If we only have one or two balls, run after them, make sure we are jogging, then jog back to the starting point, and then give yourself an extra 30 seconds to rest.

Figure 7- Jogging or Walking

In addition, because it takes a long time to start each action, you should do it for 15 minutes before continuing this circular action, and it should be very fast.

Before entering the second cycle, give yourself three to five minutes to rest. We should make sure that each cycle has intensity, and even if we are tired, we should work 100%.

Figure 8- Guaranteed Strength

In the second cycle, we make 10 passes to the wall, then zigzag dribble to practice turning and dribbling, then rush out and beat the last sign plate with one of our actions.

Figure 9- Passing the ball to the wall

Put the sign plate 8 to 10 yards away, make sure we don’t go straight through it, rush out of the sign plate for at least a few steps, then cut back the sign plate and walk back to the starting point.

Figure 10- Switch back the sign plate

Once again, this is our break time, and a sign plate is set for passing the ball on the wall to ensure that we keep good habits when passing the ball and that we will not be lazy.

This cycle improves our ability to pass, touch the ball with the first foot, dribble and cut inside with the ball, and the ability of all 1V1 to beat the defender.

All this will make our leg muscles stronger, and at the same time enhance our heart and lung function. Do it for 10 minutes, and then rest for three to five minutes before continuing.

Figure 11- Cardiopulmonary Enhancement

Figure 11- Cardiopulmonary Enhancement

The hardest part was left to the end. Many people hated doing this exercise, but it was the simplest exercise, and it was timed in 10 minutes.

Start by running back and forth, run to the small restricted area and then run to the penalty spot at the back, then run to the top of the restricted area and come back.

Figure 12- Simple exercise

After the round-trip run, start bouncing the ball as soon as possible, don’t rest for a few seconds before starting, and then bounce the ball 30 times before starting the next round-trip run.

Figure 13- Start the ball.

The key point here is that if we screw up and drop the ball, then we need to start the next round trip immediately, which puts pressure on the ball-passing part to ensure that we concentrate on the ball-passing and strive to maintain the quality.

If we don’t have this kind of pressure, then we will drop a few times, then pick up the ball on foot, and then continue to bounce the ball and give ourselves a long rest. After 10 minutes, we have finished the hardest part, but we are not completely finished.

Figure 14- No End

Although this is not the main part of training, it is very important to do 5 to 10 minutes of cold-body exercise, which will make our muscles less tense and help us recover from the next training.

Figure 15- Let the muscles loose.

Don’t skip this link, do some static stretching or the same dynamic movement as before, but with less intensity.

Figure 16- Don’t try to hide from the tiger

Figure 16- Don’t try to hide from the tiger

That’s all for today. Please continue to pay attention to the road of football for more exciting football teaching!

The games I played as a child and the words I wrote at the end

The games I played as a child and the words I wrote at the end

Hello, hello, friends. I have written several issues on the topic of childhood games. The rest of the little game wants to be made into an issue. After these issues, this topic will come to an end.

When I was a child, I lived in the countryside. Besides helping adults, I went out to have fun with my friends every day. Although there are not so many electronic products and game machines, we have a world of our own, sometimes in the yard, sometimes in the alley, sometimes in the streets and lanes, and sometimes in the wilderness or in the ravine canal. These places are always full of laughter. Let’s see what other childhood games are there. Let’s review them together.

The first is hide and seek.

Hide-and-seek is usually a game played by children, which is very interesting. Find a hidden place to hide and others will look for it. If he finds it, it will be his turn to find someone else. This game is suitable for some old houses or places with complex terrain, and it is full of adventure spirit. Sometimes, you will find some surprises that even adults can’t find at ordinary times.

Second marble

For a while, everyone will bring their beloved marbles, that is, glass balls, which are all green at first, and then some people will bring colorful ones, which is really arrogant! When you play, you will find a flat ground on the roadside or in the community, dig a few small holes and row the line. Whoever can bounce the ball in will win the opponent, and there are other ways to play, but in any case, we will try our best to win.

The third is bungee jumping.

Girls play bungee jumping games a lot. Need two or more people to play together. You need to tie the rubber band to your ankle, then jump over the rubber band flexibly and make various movements in the air. I have to sing, I believe everyone has heard of it.

The fourth is skipping rope.

Jumping rope is not the same as bungee jumping. At that time, skipping rope was generally hemp rope, which was very simple. Find a flat ground first, and then start skipping rope. There are competitions to see who jumps more times, and there are also many people jumping together. That kind of jumping is called jumping a strong rope, which needs to jump together and fall together. It is very lively.

The fifth is throwing sandbags.

Boys and girls can play the game of throwing sandbags. Draw a grid on the ground. The first player should quickly run into the grid and follow the drawn route. The outsiders throw sandbags at him, and the people inside either catch sandbags or avoid them, so as not to hit the body with sandbags as much as possible. Looking at their crooked and embarrassed appearance in order to hide from sandbags, everyone was so happy that they couldn’t keep back.

The sixth is kicking shuttlecock.

Shuttlecock kicking is never out of date, and there are still people playing it in the community now. At that time, most people played alone to see who played the most, and some people played in a big circle like now. I didn’t buy the shuttlecock, I made it all by myself. Sometimes, the shuttlecock kicked into the tree and couldn’t get it off, so I climbed up the tree and shook it down.

Besides, there are some games and toys. These lost childhood toys and games, though seemingly simple, are the most precious memories. In the process of playing these simple games,

However, it contains a lot of quaint ideas, full of rich imagination and small dreams, which makes the childhood life of material poverty rich and colorful. At the end of 2023, people always like to summarize and recall. Let’s throw away the past unhappiness and enter the new year of 2024. I wish everyone a childlike innocence forever, always young, and still a teenager when they return! (December 6, 2023)

Can you really play badminton? Standard badminton basic action diagram

There are many badminton lovers, and people can be seen playing badminton downstairs in the community, in the leisure square, in the school gymnasium, etc. Even if you have never taken badminton lessons, you can learn the basic movements and play a few rounds just by watching.

However, it is not a long-term solution to play like this occasionally. After all, the incorrect playing posture only makes it difficult for you to improve your level, while the incorrect way of exerting force is easy to hurt your body.

Today, Xiaobian will share with you a textbook-like diagram of basic movements of badminton. Hurry up and collect your fingers and learn slowly! ! !

Badminton backhand net front hook diagonal

Badminton backhand net front hook diagonal

Badminton backhand pick

Badminton backhand pick

Badminton backhand high ball

Badminton backhand high ball

Badminton backhand high ball

Badminton backhand lob

Badminton backhand lob

Badminton backhand lob

Badminton backhand backhand passive backhand.

Badminton backhand backhand passive backhand.

Weifang: Optimizing Medical Service Resources and Improving Primary Medical Service Ability

Weifang Radio and Television New Media News Primary health care is related to the health protection of the whole people, and primary medical institutions are the net to provide basic medical and health services to the masses. Report to the 20th CPC National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that to promote the construction of healthy China, we should give priority to the protection of people’s health, focus on rural areas and communities, and vigorously improve the basic medical level and health management and protection capabilities.

Zhao Tongxiang, deputy chairman of Weifang Municipal Committee of Jiu San Society: "In the investigation, Weifang Municipal Committee of Jiu San Society learned that the medical staff in primary medical institutions are highly mobile and the brain drain is serious; There are also individual primary health service institutions, lacking large-scale commonly used necessary inspection equipment, etc., and people tend to choose large hospitals for medical treatment. Focusing on solving these problems, we sorted out and submitted proposals. "

The proposal proposes to strengthen the construction of talent team in primary medical institutions, increase financial input in primary health care, strengthen the support of medical insurance policy to primary medical institutions, vigorously promote the grading diagnosis and treatment system, etc., improve the medical service capacity of primary medical institutions as soon as possible, and better make primary medical institutions become the health guards of the general public.

Wang Qinghai, the second researcher of the Municipal Health and Health Commission, said: "After receiving the proposal from the CPPCC, we seriously adopted and implemented the proposal. Innovative implementation of single-disease group management, always taking the health needs of the people as the focus and starting point, taking multiple measures to strengthen the construction of primary health service system, continuously improving the capacity of primary medical services, and improving the grading diagnosis and treatment system, further enhancing the satisfaction and sense of gain of the people. "

With the attention and support of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, the Municipal Health and Health Commission actively responded to the concerns of CPPCC members and people from all walks of life, continuously optimized medical service resources, greatly improved the capacity building of primary medical services, resolutely safeguarded people’s health and life safety, and further enhanced people’s sense of acquisition, happiness and security.