What happened when a public institution won the first place in the total score but missed the physical examination?

What happened when a public institution won the first place in the total score but missed the physical examination?

  Although the written test and interview are the first, Qu Jianghuan, a candidate from Wuning, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, failed to make the list of medical examiners because of the inconsistent interpretation of his professional qualifications by the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and was replaced by the second candidate, Ke Wendi.

  In a rage, Qu Jianghuan took Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau, Jiujiang City People’s Social Security Bureau and Wuning County Wenguang New Tourism Bureau to court. In this public examination storm of public institutions, Qu Jianghuan learned afterwards that it was Ke Wendi, the second candidate in the total score, who reported that his major did not meet the job requirements, which led to his unqualified qualification review, and Ke Wendi’s father was a deputy director of the local judicial bureau, which made Qu Jianghuan suspect that he had encountered "radish recruitment". After this incident was reported by the media, it caused heated public opinion.

  Why does the local people’s social security bureau make inconsistent professional qualification identification? Is there any injustice in this open recruitment? The reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network launched an investigation into this.


  "I didn’t report it maliciously. I just reported it through formal channels ‘ Professional mismatch ’ The problem of safeguarding your rights and interests. " Ke Wendi stressed to reporters.

  In the public recruitment of Jiujiang institutions in the second half of 2017, Qu Jianghuan, an undergraduate majoring in "Art Design (Decoration Art Design)" of Minjiang University, applied for the post of "Cultural Counselor 1" in Wuning County Township Publicity and Culture Station (later renamed as "Wuning County Culture Radio and Television Press and Publication Tourism Bureau" due to institutional reform).

  Through the written test and interview, among the 13 candidates, Qu Jianghuan was shortlisted with the first total score.

  On February 9, 2018, official website of Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security issued the Announcement on Matters Related to Physical Examination of Staff of Public Recruitment Institutions in Wuning County in the Second Half of 2017. Qu Jianghuan accidentally found that his name disappeared from the list of shortlisted candidates for physical examination.

  Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau replied that there was no name of Zhai Jianghuan in the medical examination announcement in 2018, because there was controversy, so there was no announcement.

  Eight months later, Qu Jianghuan learned from the announcement of Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security that the second place, Ke Wendi, was shortlisted for medical examination because of her unqualified qualification review. On October 26th, 2018, Wuning County Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security announced in official website of Jiujiang City Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security that Ke Wendi had passed the qualification review, and informed the time and place of medical examination.

  Ke Wendi, who also applied for the position of "Cultural Counselor 1" in this open recruitment, recalled that on the afternoon of December 12, 2017, he went to the office of the special technology unit of Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau to submit his resume, ID card, academic certificate and other materials needed for the preliminary qualification examination. When signing the registration form for confirmation, he saw that the professional name of the candidate Qu Jianghuan on the form was art design (decoration art design), so he casually asked Huang Songmin, the head of the special technology unit responsible for qualification examination.

  Huang Songmin replied, "There is no problem with majors", and also took out an internal review to explain to him that "art design is a big category, including decorative art design".

  According to the Announcement of Public Recruitment of Staff in Jiujiang Institutions for the Second Half of 2017 (hereinafter referred to as the "Recruitment Announcement") issued by Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security on November 2, 2017, the job requirements of "Cultural Counselor 1" are: full-time national unified recruitment of bachelor degree or above, 30 years old and below, limited to Wuning household registration. Undergraduate professional requirements: art design (media art design), performance (130301) and art design (130501).

  With questions, Ke Wendi looked up the catalogue of undergraduate majors in colleges and universities promulgated by the Ministry of Education (2012) on the Internet, and found that none of the three majors required for the recruitment position matched "art design (decoration art design)".

  The next morning, Ke Wendi went to the County People’s Social Security Bureau to reflect it step by step. After many unsuccessful reflections, he mailed the reflection materials to Zhang Xiaoqiu, then director of Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau, by notarization service on December 18, 2017. Subsequently, the issue was reflected in writing to Wuning County Bureau for Letters and Calls, Wuning County Commission for Discipline Inspection, Jiujiang Bureau for Letters and Calls, Jiujiang Minsheng Channel and Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security.

  "I went to the County People’s Social Security Bureau to report that the other party asked me to consult the city for specific questions. I went to the city to report. The Municipal People’s Social Security Bureau said that the County People’s Social Security Bureau was responsible for the specific qualification examination. I ran more than twenty or thirty times before and after, and the People’s Social Security Bureau did not give me a positive answer." In desperation, Ke Wendi reported Huang Songmin, the chief of the special technology unit of Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau, to the County Commission for Discipline Inspection.

  It is precisely because of Ke Wendi’s repeated reflections and reports that Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security began to urge Wuning County Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security to re-examine the qualifications.


  In response to Ke Wendi’s reflection, Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau and Wuning County Wenguang New Tourism Bureau jointly issued the "Information Note on the Qualification Examination" (hereinafter referred to as the "Description") on January 15, 2018.

  The "Description" mentioned that according to the recruitment announcement and the answer to the catalogue of majors and new majors in the "Qualification Examination in the Second Half of 2017" issued by the Municipal Bureau, and referring to the professional requirements of the three positions recruited by Wuning County Township Cultural Station in the second half of 2016, there is also a similar situation in the art design major. "We think ‘ Cultural Counselor 1’ The qualification examination results of the three candidates who were shortlisted for the interview were all qualified. After communicating with the Wenguang New Tourism Bureau of Wuning County, the employer agreed to the qualification examination results of our bureau. " The "Description" is stamped with the official seals of two units.

  Huang Songmin, Chief of the Special Technology Unit of Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau, has been engaged in job title evaluation and recruitment of public institutions since May 2013.

  Huang Songmin mentioned in the "Description of the Situation" made to the Fifth Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of Wuning County Commission for Discipline Inspection on January 24, 2018 that during the registration period, candidates asked: "Can this post ("Cultural Counselor 1 ") art design or art design (XX direction) major apply?" After consulting the Municipal Bureau of Public Affairs, Comrade Liu Jian of Corey made it clear that he could apply for the exam.

  It is the qualification examination stage after the written examination. On December 11, 2017, Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security issued the "Qualification Examination in the Second Half of 2017" to all qualification examination units in Jiujiang City in the internal QQ working group.

  Huang Songmin said that the position of "Cultural Counselor 1" was shortlisted for the interview. Qu Jianghuan majored in art design (decoration art design), Chen Moumou majored in art design, and Wendy Ke majored in art design (media art design). According to the second point of Article 5 of the Qualification Examination in the Second Half of 2017 issued by the Municipal Bureau, the answer is: "For the major of art design, the elderly,

  Before the interview, the candidates who are shortlisted for the interview need to send the originals and copies of their ID cards, diplomas and academic certificates to the Special Technology Unit of Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau for review. Referring to this qualification examination standard issued by the Municipal Bureau, on the day of formal qualification examination, in order to confirm whether Qu Jianghuan can apply for the post of "Cultural Counselor 1" again, Huang Songmin asked the Municipal Bureau of Public Affairs again, and Comrade Liu Jian clearly replied: "No problem, you can apply."

  The "Description" mentioned that Huang Songmin also reported the situation to Zheng Chuanxian, deputy director of the Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau, and Zhang Xiaoqiu, director of the Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau. After careful consideration by the leaders, he decided: "This is the recruitment examination for public institutions organized by Jiujiang City. The Municipal Bureau has explained this major, and the county-level qualification examination unit should implement it according to this standard. Therefore, the qualification examination results of the three candidates who have been shortlisted for this position are all qualified. Our bureau reported the results of the qualification examination to the Municipal Bureau, and the Municipal Bureau did not raise any objection. "

  It is also mentioned in the "Description of the Situation" that "Wendy Ke came to our bureau to report that Qu Jianghuan’s major did not meet the job requirements. I and Deputy Director Zheng Chuanxian reported to the Bureau’s business department, and the reply was: there is no problem with this review. If there are candidates who have doubts about this result, please ask the employer to give their opinions. Deputy Director Zheng Chuanxian and I communicated face-to-face with the employing unit, and Director Jiang Debiao of Wenguang New Bureau clearly agreed with the results of this qualification examination. Art design (decorationCandidates majoring in art design can also be qualified for this job. "


  However, in the physical examination after the interview, Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau made an opposite determination to Qu Jianghuan’s qualification review results.

  On October 16, 2018, Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security announced that the post of "Cultural Counselor 1" in the township propaganda and cultural station of Wenguang New Bureau in Wuning County was vacant due to unqualified candidates’ qualification review, and Ke Wendi, who took the second place in the total score, planned to be shortlisted for medical examination. Officially confirmed the cancellation of Qu Jianghuan’s medical examination qualification.

  "Before entering the examination and after the written examination, I consulted Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau twice to confirm whether my major can enter the examination for this position, and all I got were positive answers. ‘ If the major meets the requirements, you can apply for ’ 。” What puzzles Qu Jianghuan is why he was ‘ The major you studied does not meet the post requirements ’ Brush it down for reasons.

  Without a medical examination, Qu Jianghuan began the road of safeguarding rights. On November 1, 2018, Qu Jianghuan filed an administrative lawsuit in Yongxiu County People’s Court, demanding that the human and social departments resume their medical examination qualifications.

  On December 28, 2018, Yongxiu County People’s Court rejected Qu Jianghuan’s claim. After losing the case in the first instance, Jiujiang Intermediate People’s Court ruled in the second instance that the third person was omitted in the first instance, which violated legal procedures, and the original judgment was revoked and sent back for retrial. On December 12, 2019, the Yongxiu County People’s Court reopened the case after adding a third person, Wendy Ke, ex officio. Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, Wuning County Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security and Wuning County Wenguang New Tourism Bureau all sat in the dock.

  During the trial, the Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau gave an explanation that contradicted the previous reply. "Qu Jianghuan’s undergraduate major is art design (decoration art design), not ‘ Cultural Counselor 1’ As a major with no professional code, Qu Jianghuan should consult the recruiting unit in advance and report to the Municipal People’s Social Security Bureau for filing under the approval of the recruiting unit before passing the examination. However, Qu Jianghuan did not consult the recruiting unit before applying for the exam and was recognized. "

  Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau also believes that Qu Jianghuan’s passing the interview review does not indicate that he has met the recruitment requirements. "According to the provisions of the recruitment announcement, the qualification examination for examination and employment runs through the whole process of open recruitment, and a review will be made at every link. Although Qu Jianghuan was not considered unqualified in the written test and interview, it does not mean that his qualification must meet the professional requirements of the recruitment position. Qu Jianghuan’s undergraduate major is not ‘ Cultural Counselor 1’ The post is within the scope of undergraduate professional requirements, and his registration qualification does not meet the requirements of the recruitment position after review. "

  Regarding the "Qualification Examination in the Second Half of 2017" issued by the Business Department of Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security said that this is not a legal document, but a guiding explanation made by the staff. Personal views are for reference only and cannot be used as the basis for qualification examination. In the end, the professional catalogue and announcement shall prevail. "And our bureau has not made it clear that Qu Jianghuan meets the requirements for professional setting." The Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau conducted a cross-examination. "This document is a provision for internal reference and cannot be binding and enforceable."

  Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, Wuning County Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security and Wuning County Bureau of Wenguang New Tourism all said: "It is only a preliminary opinion of internal review."

  As for Huang Songmin’s "Description", Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau said that it is Huang Songmin’s personal description, and the examination qualification examination should be based on the recruitment announcement.

  On December 20, 2019, Yongxiu County People’s Court ruled in the first instance that the administrative actions made by Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau and Jiujiang Municipal People’s Social Security Bureau to cancel Qu Jianghuan’s medical examination qualification were illegal, and ordered the two levels of people’s social security bureaus to jointly compensate Qu Jianghuan for a loss of 12,000 yuan, rejecting Qu Jianghuan’s request to cancel other litigation requests including the specific administrative actions of the People’s Social Security Bureau.

  After the verdict was pronounced, Qu Jianghuan, Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau and Jiujiang Municipal People’s Social Security Bureau all refused to accept the verdict and appealed. On the afternoon of July 17, 2020, Qu Jianghuan sued Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau, Jiujiang City People’s Social Security Bureau and Wuning County Wenguang New Tourism Bureau for refusing to admit himself to the second trial in Jiujiang Intermediate People’s Court. During the trial that day, whether Qu Jianghuan met the recruitment conditions became the focus of court debate, and the case was not pronounced in court.

  on the basis of

  In the court hearing on July 17th this year, Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau recognized Qu Jianghuan as a "professional nonconformity" eight months after the preliminary examination of the qualification was qualified, and explained that the qualification review was unqualified: "During this period, we learned a lot about the correlation between the two majors, so after such a long time, we finally decided that his major did not conform and disqualified."

  The "Recruitment Announcement" states that this exam will be conducted in good faith online, and no qualification examination will be conducted during online registration. Applicants should be responsible for whether they meet the job requirements. If you are in doubt about whether you meet the post qualifications, you should consult the relevant departments first, and then fill in the form after confirming that you meet the requirements. Qualification examination will be conducted before the interview (physical examination), and those who do not meet the requirements will be disqualified from the examination or employment.

  The fact that Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau finally made the unqualified decision is that Qu Jianghuan’s undergraduate major "Art Design (Decorative Art Design)" is not within the scope of undergraduate professional requirements for the post of "Cultural Counselor 1".

  The "Recruitment Announcement" determines that the professional reference catalogue of this recruitment position is the "Undergraduate Professional Catalogue of Ordinary Colleges and Universities". The professional requirements of "Cultural Counselor 1" for undergraduate education are art design (media art design), performance (130301) and art design (130501). Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau argued that from the comparison of the old and new professional catalogues, it can be seen that art design and art design are two different majors of "design science", and they are in a parallel relationship rather than a species relationship, and Qu Jianghuan’s major art design (decoration art design) and art design belong to different majors.

  The reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Net consulted the Catalogue of Undergraduate Majors in Colleges and Universities (2012 and 2020 editions) promulgated by the Ministry of Education, and found that neither the major of "Art Design (Decoration Art Design)" nor the major of "Art Design (Media Art Design)" was in the professional catalogue of these two editions.

  On the afternoon of August 5th, the staff of the Academic Affairs Office of Fujian Minjiang University said in an interview with the reporter of Zhongqing Daily and Zhongqing.com that the school started to offer the major of art design in 2004. According to the Catalogue of Academic Degrees Granting and Personnel Training (December 2005) revised by the the State Council Academic Degrees Committee and the Ministry of Education at that time, the major of art design belongs to the "art category", and the major of art design enrolled in 2009 has seven professional directions, including art. In 2012, the Ministry of Education issued a new catalogue of undergraduate majors. In 2013, the major of art design was renamed as "Environmental Design and Visual Communication Design", which belongs to the major of "Design Science".

  Ke Wendi also told reporters that in order to standardize the names of some disciplines, the undergraduate major "Art Design (Media Art Design)" of the Ministry of Education has now been renamed "Digital Media Art", which belongs to two disciplines under the category of "Design Science".

  In this way, in the 2012 and 2020 editions of undergraduate professional catalogues, "Visual Communication Design" and "Digital Media Art" belong to two disciplines, a first-class discipline, and belong to different majors.

  "The catalogue of undergraduate majors promulgated by the Ministry of Education was revised four times in 1987, 1993, 1998 and 2012 (revised for the fifth time in 2020). Art design, art design (decoration art design) and my professional art design (media art design) have always been the first-class disciplines ‘ Design science ’ Under the two disciplines, the three majors are parallel two disciplines majors, which was not explained by the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. Art design is a big category, including all art design majors. " Ke Wendi believes that the internal document of the Municipal Bureau, "About Qualification Examination in the Second Half of 2017", gives an explanation that art design is obviously inconsistent with the professional catalogue promulgated by the Ministry of Education, and expands the professional scope of the post at will, which is inconsistent with the requirements of the recruitment announcement. In the end, it became the only basis for the qualification examination of the county bureau, and made a review result that was inconsistent with the recruitment announcement.

  "In this process, the municipal bureau made unprofessional and unscientific explanations, which provided a basis for those who did not meet the profession to pass the qualification examination." Ke Wendi said.

  In the past few years, Ke Wendi has participated in many examinations of public institutions. According to him, in the interview training after the written examination every year, there are always students in the interview class who fail to pass the qualification examination because of their majors, and leave halfway through the interview class. A classmate in the interview class told him: "A friend applied for a position in Jingdezhen, and one word of his major did not meet the requirements and could not pass the examination."

  In the meantime, Ke Wendi consulted the Jiangxi Provincial People’s Social Welfare Department by telephone number 12333, and the answer was: "Art design and art design (decoration art design) are both in two disciplines under the category of" design science ",and there is no relationship between inclusion and inclusion. Two disciplines cannot be interpreted as a first-class discipline. The Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has no right to expand or narrow the scope of the profession. The right to interpret the professional catalogue lies with the Ministry of Education. "

  Qu Jianghuan said that in the past, the Ministry of Education did not standardize the professional name, and the setting of university art majors was not strictly in accordance with the professional catalogue of the Ministry of Education, but what was popular. Now, with the continuous standardization of undergraduate professional catalogues, universities also set majors in strict accordance with the professional catalogue, canceling the previous majors and making the professional courses clearer. "But this also caused the graduates of previous art majors to have no professional basis when applying for positions (the corresponding professional name cannot be found in the professional catalogue), and in many cases, they can only call for inquiries.


  "The post I took is restricted to local household registration, and the major of art design (media art design) can’t be found in our local small county. Not only does Tsinghua Peking University have this major, but Nanchang University and Jiangxi Normal University don’t have it, and even Jiujiang College doesn’t have it. ‘ Cultural Counselor 1’ Why did the post set up an art design (media art design) major without a professional code and not in the undergraduate professional catalogue? " Qu Jianghuan questioned whether this major without professional code is designed for people.

  Since the major of "Art Design (Media Art Design)" has no professional code, and it is not in the catalogue of undergraduate majors issued together with the Recruitment Announcement, how did the Wenguang New Tourism Bureau of Wuning County know and set up this major, and how did the County People’s Social Security Bureau examine and approve it?

  On August 2, the reporter called Nie Daofa, director of Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau, and Zheng Chuanxian, deputy director, respectively. Both of them said, "No interview" and then hung up.

  "This major, like my major, is a major divided several years ago, and it can’t be found in the professional catalogue comparison table of the Ministry of Education. The latest recruitment plan actually specifies to recruit an old major that is not in the professional catalogue. " Qu Jianghuan can’t figure it out.

  Moreover, the explanation of Wuning County Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security on relevant professional issues can’t convince Qu Jianghuan. Since it is not a major listed in the Recruitment Announcement, you can’t apply for the exam. Then why can the majors of the hired personnel in the "Cultural Counselor 2" position recruited in the same year be exactly the same as those required in the Recruitment Announcement?

  After three court sessions, the reply from the two-level human resources and social security bureau made Qu Jianghuan very helpless. "It means that we thought you could, but now we think you can’t. It used to be our internal decision. Such a serious matter as open recruitment will change when it changes. "

  In the past three years, Qu Jianghuan repeatedly asked the court and the People’s Social Security Bureau to obtain the application materials of 13 candidates who actually referred to the post of "Cultural Counselor 1", but they were unsuccessful. The top three candidates for the post of "Cultural Counselor 1" are Qu Jianghuan, Chen Moumou and Ke Wendi. If only Ke Wendi’s major meets the requirements, then Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau and Jiujiang Municipal People’s Social Security Bureau knew that only Ke Wendi met the professional requirements of the post after the written test. In order to help Ke Wendi achieve the goal of directing the post, it is obviously illegal to pass the qualification examination of Chen Moumou and me and enter the interview. "

  Qu Jianghuan believes that according to the professional situation of the 13 candidates in this position, several of them meet the requirements of the Recruitment Announcement. In order to prove that this position is not a directional condition, Wuning Human Resources and Social Security Bureau or the court should order them to submit the relevant professional information of these 13 applicants.

  A transcript of the trial obtained by the reporter shows that during the second trial, Qu Jianghuan asked the Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau. How many applicants for the position of "Cultural Counselor 1" met the recruitment major? The other party replied: "We don’t know."

  During the trial, the Wenguang New Tourism Bureau of Wuning County issued a cross-examination opinion, saying that when applying for the post, there were no discriminatory conditions unrelated to the post, and the post of "Cultural Counselor 1" was set up because of work needs, and at the same time, several similar majors were set up to meet the post requirements. "We declare to the human resources and social departments in accordance with the law. According to the requirements of the Recruitment Announcement, majors that are not included in the professional code can also be set as the scope of recruitment. There is no problem with setting direction in this recruitment. "

  "At that time, there was really no ‘ Art Design (Media Art Design) ’ Major, I don’t know how the employer found this major. I only applied for it when I saw a position in the recruitment announcement that met my major. In that year, my major was clearly stated in the recruitment announcement, and I don’t need to look at the professional catalogue again, but Qu Jianghuan’s major was not only in the recruitment announcement, but also in the professional catalogue of that year. " Ke Wendi stressed, "If this position is specially designed for me, why is there such a problem in the qualification examination? I don’t have to spend so much time to reflect and report, and I should be able to pass all the way directly. "


  Because Ke Wendi’s father is the deputy director of the Justice Bureau of Wuning County, Qu Jianghuan even suspects that he has encountered a "radish recruitment".

  Ke Wendi responded by saying: "My father is the deputy director of the county judicial bureau, but he doesn’t work in the People’s Social Security Bureau or the Wenguang New Tourism Bureau. He is not related to the leaders or team members of these functional units, nor is he a classmate or friend. How can I set up a post for me? I just want to pass the exam and get a job opportunity. "

  After graduating from college in 2015, Ke Wendi joined the Yuning Judicial Office of Wuning County Judicial Bureau as a community correction worker (community correction assistant) and was a temporary worker in the unit. At the beginning, the monthly salary was only 1300 yuan, and it didn’t rise to 2000 yuan until the beginning of 2019.

  Ke Wendi said that the community correction work of the Judicial Bureau has a heavy task and is very short of people. There is only one director and one temporary staff member at each grassroots level. In the year of university graduation, the former community correction assistant of Yuning Judicial Institute left the company after taking the examination of the teacher establishment, and was in urgent need of manpower. The institute reported to the bureau and asked the bureau to arrange suitable personnel, but because the salary was too low, no one could be recruited.

  At this time, Ke Wendi was preparing for the examination of public institutions at home. When he saw that his father had not recruited anyone in the office, he suggested that he sign up and try. "You can prepare for the exam while working, and make a transition."

  "The post of community correction assistant requires young, educated and computer-savvy. After I signed up, the Judicial Bureau held a meeting to study and agree to take over the job after the National Day in 2015. " Because the salary is only 1,300 yuan, plus getting married and having children, life is unsustainable. In the past five years, Ke Wendi wanted to quit her job several times to do business. "There is really no one in the office, so let me insist. To be honest, the salary of 1,300 yuan is a problem for me to eat by myself. Now, for two children at home, it costs more than 1,000 yuan to buy milk powder alone. The expenses at home depend on my wife’s salary, and I have to rely on my parents to help me from time to time.

  Ke Wendi said frankly that with the mentality of taking an examination of institutions, she initially hoped to have more time to study and review, so she found this temporary job without preparation, which was only a transition and the salary was lower.

  Ke Wendi told reporters that the staff before the post were introduced by acquaintances. Because the salary was too low, no one wanted to come. When there were suitable people, they were introduced. People who came to work also tried their best to take the exam. "All the people before my post took the exam. If this didn’t happen, I might have taken the exam."

  At present, Ke Wendi has completed the medical examination procedure. Up to now, the employer Wenguang New Tourism Bureau of Wuning County has not assessed him, and the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has not announced the final employment, and everything has been suspended.

  Qu Jianghuan’s life was also suspended because of this incident. In the past three years, Qu Jianghuan has gone through three court trials and five court trips to defend his rights, and the municipal and county human resources and social security bureaus have visited countless times. As he has never had a fixed job, he works for three or four months at most in a year, mostly doing casual work such as road repair. "Wuning, where there are road repairs, I will go there. I have no income for half a year this year, and I often rely on my parents for subsidies in my life. At present, I am preparing for the civil service exam in Jiangxi Province at home.

  For this recruitment storm caused by professional qualifications, both young people told reporters, "I believe the court will give a fair judgment."

  Zhongqingbao Zhongqingwang reporter Chen Zhuoqiong


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