Trass is expected to take over as British Prime Minister, and the party survey is far ahead of his opponent Sunak.

Trass is expected to take over as British Prime Minister, and the party survey is far ahead of his opponent Sunak.

  The election of the leader of the British ruling Conservative Party will announce the voting results on September 5; According to the latest survey in party member, the current Foreign Minister Trass is 22 percentage points ahead of former Finance Minister Sunak and is expected to replace Johnson as Prime Minister.

  According to Lianhe Zaobao, the survey released by Opinium Research13 on the 13th showed that among 450 Conservative Party party member who had decided to vote, Trass was far ahead with 61% support rate, while Sunak’s support rate was 39%.

  The above survey was conducted between August 8 and 12. There are three main reasons why party member supports Trass: she doesn’t like Sunak, thinks she is more honest and credible, and she remains loyal to Johnson.

  If the respondents who did not indicate their intention to vote were included, the total number of survey samples of Opinium Research reached 570. Less than one-third of them, or 29%, said they had already voted; Another 47% said they had decided who to vote for. Only 19% said they might still change their mind.


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