The Provincial People’s Congress held a press conference to interpret five laws and regulations, including Several Provisions on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases in Hunan Province.

The Provincial People’s Congress held a press conference to interpret five laws and regulations, including Several Provisions on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases in Hunan Province.

Red Net News reporter Zhang Ying and Wu Gongkai report from Changsha.


On September 27th, the Provincial People’s Congress held a press conference to answer questions from reporters on the five laws and regulations.

A few days ago, the thirty-third meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress of Hunan Province voted and passed five laws and regulations, including Regulations on Promoting the Development of Tea Industry in Hunan Province, Regulations on Labor Law Supervision of Trade Unions in Hunan Province, Regulations on the Protection and Promotion of Intellectual Property Rights in Hunan Province, Several Provisions on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases in Hunan Province, and the newly revised Measures for the Implementation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes in Hunan Province.

On September 27th, the Hunan Provincial People’s Congress held a press conference to answer questions from reporters about five laws and regulations. Yu Xiong, chairman of the Agriculture Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, Qi Shengfang, chairman of the Social Construction Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, Zeng Donglou, deputy director of the Legal Affairs Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, Ma Yanqing, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Song Zhengrong, vice chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, Chen Jiaxin, deputy director of the Education, Culture and Health Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, Gu Benhua, deputy director of the Environmental Protection Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, Dai Shaoyi, deputy director of the Legal Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People Li Junhua, deputy director of the Provincial Health and Wellness Committee, Duan Zhixiong, member of the Party Group of the Provincial Market Supervision Administration and director of the Provincial Intellectual Property Office, attended the conference, and Fan Wenbin, deputy secretary-general and spokesperson of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, presided over the conference.

Delineating the functional areas of tea production and strengthening the design of tea quality control system

In recent years, the development of Hunan tea industry has entered the fast lane, but there are still many problems and constraints such as small scale of high-quality tea gardens, low degree of organization, many brands but not strong. In order to lead, promote and ensure the transformation of Hunan tea industry to the stage of high-quality, sustainable and healthy development, Hunan promoted the promulgation of the Regulations on the Promotion of Tea Industry Development in Hunan Province.

Zeng Donglou introduced that in order to strengthen tea quality control, the "Regulations" stipulate the comprehensive implementation of standardized tea production, the establishment of a traceability system for tea quality and safety, and the strengthening of the monitoring responsibility of the regulatory authorities. Yu Xiong said that the "Regulations" stipulates that the delineation of tea production functional zones is the first in the country’s tea-producing provinces, and clarifies the responsibilities of the provincial people’s government and the people’s governments of major tea producing areas to protect tea production functional zones.

"The lack of strong tea brands is a prominent shortcoming in the development of tea industry in Hunan Province." Ma Yanqing said that the "Regulations" clarify the main responsibilities and role orientation of government departments in the construction of regional public brands, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises to participate in brand building, and clearly strengthen the protection of geographical indications.

In order to strengthen the inheritance and protection of tea culture and create a highland of Hunan tea culture, the Regulations require people’s governments at or above the county level and their relevant departments to excavate and sort out local tea culture resources, encourage the declaration of tea-related cultural heritage, develop Huxiang tea cultural and creative industries, and strengthen the dissemination of tea culture and tea knowledge.

Strengthen the protection of workers’ rights and interests in the new employment form

The promulgation and implementation of "Regulations on Labor Legal Supervision of Trade Unions in Hunan Province" is a summary of the successful experiences and practices of trade unions in our province in carrying out labor legal supervision, so that the labor legal supervision of trade unions can be fully brought into the track of rule of law.

What is the relationship between labor law supervision and labor security supervision of trade unions? How to link up with workers’ application for labor dispute arbitration and litigation? Qi Shengfang introduced that labor security supervision is an administrative law enforcement activity, and labor legal supervision of trade unions is a mass supervision. Labor legal supervision of trade unions is an important work before labor security supervision to resolve labor contradictions and disputes in the embryonic stage through trade union supervision. The "Regulations" established the "one letter and two books" system of labor legal supervision of trade unions, and set up a convenient bridge between labor legal supervision and labor security supervision.

Song Zhengrong introduced that in the process of drafting the Regulations, specific provisions were made for the weak links in the protection of workers’ rights and interests in the new employment form, which reflected the forward-looking and innovative legislation. At the same time, the "Regulations" clarify the means and procedures of labor legal supervision of trade unions. For the problems found, it not only emphasizes the maximum promotion of labor disputes through negotiation, but also emphasizes rigid supervision according to law to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers.

Focus on the protection and promotion of the whole chain of intellectual property rights

"In recent years, the intellectual property cause in Hunan Province has made remarkable progress, but there are still problems such as low overall quality, poor utilization efficiency, imperfect collaborative protection mechanism and insufficient public service capacity. It is necessary to formulate the Regulations on the Protection and Promotion of Intellectual Property Rights in Hunan Province." Chen Jiaxin introduced.

"The Regulations are the" 1 "in the" 1+N "model of local legislation on intellectual property rights in our province, which belongs to the comprehensive local regulations on intellectual property rights in our province." Dai Shaoyi introduced that the "Regulations" focus on the protection and promotion of the whole chain of intellectual property rights, and each has its own characteristics and highlights in the creation, application, protection, management and service of intellectual property rights. In the aspect of encouraging creation, the specific system design is carried out around encouraging high-quality creation of intellectual property rights in our province. The "Regulations" stipulate that the distribution policy oriented to increasing knowledge value should be implemented, and enterprises, institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutions should establish and improve the income distribution system for the transformation of job achievements.

Duan Zhixiong introduced that the "Regulations" made detailed provisions for enterprises, universities and scientific research institutions to strengthen intellectual property creation, enhance the efficiency of the use of intellectual property rights, and improve the rights distribution mechanism. At the same time, it stipulated that the government and its relevant departments should guide market participants to create and use intellectual property rights with higher quality by compiling and publishing catalogues of key technologies and key products, establishing and improving the navigation mechanism of intellectual property rights, promoting the layout of intellectual property rights in key core technologies, and strengthening the construction of intellectual property trading platforms and public service systems.

Promote the legalization of occupational disease prevention and control work

At present, the situation of occupational disease prevention and control in the province is very severe, showing the characteristics of wide coverage, large stock, miscellaneous diseases and many increments. The promulgation of "Several Provisions on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases in Hunan Province" is conducive to promoting the legalization of occupational disease prevention and control, and effectively strengthening the work of "containing the increase and treating the stock" of occupational diseases.

How to prevent occupational diseases? Dai Shaoyi said: first, the responsibilities of the government and its relevant departments are stipulated. People’s governments at or above the county level should strengthen their leadership over the prevention and control of occupational diseases, establish and improve the deliberation and coordination mechanism for the prevention and control of occupational diseases, and study and solve major problems in the prevention and control of occupational diseases; Strengthen team and capacity building, and relevant funds will be included in the fiscal budget. The second is to clarify seven responsibilities of the main person in charge of the unit and nine specific responsibilities of the occupational health management institution or full-time and part-time management personnel.

Li Junhua introduced that the "Regulations" clearly stipulate that employers with radioactive, highly toxic and high-risk dust occupational hazards should be equipped with full-time or part-time occupational health doctors and nurses with occupational health protection knowledge; Those who do not have the conditions to be equipped with full-time or part-time occupational health doctors and nurses shall sign contracts with technical service institutions that have obtained corresponding qualification certification according to law to provide professional services.

Reduce the risk of inter-provincial transfer of solid waste

"Our province is a’ hometown of non-ferrous metals’, with high solid waste stocks, large increments, many types and high environmental risks. The prevention and control work is urgent, arduous, long-term and complex." Gu Benhua introduced the revision of the Measures for the Implementation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes, aiming at further strengthening responsibilities, strengthening supervision and promoting the development of circular economy.

Zhang Zaifeng introduced that this time, the two contents of Article 21 of the original regulations on the inter-provincial transfer of hazardous waste have been revised, focusing on the control of the inter-provincial transfer of solid waste, reflecting the principle of classified management of hazardous waste resource utilization, focusing on guiding enterprises to extend the industrial chain and enhance the added value of products, which is conducive to the green and sustainable development of the hazardous waste utilization industry.

It mainly revised five aspects, such as strengthening the supervision means of solid waste, strengthening the responsibility of source reduction and resource utilization of construction waste, banning plastic products, recycling waste power batteries, and inter-provincial transfer of solid waste. Focus on solving the problem that the degree of information supervision of solid waste is not high, and the pace of related units is difficult to be consistent; Environmental risk of trans-provincial transfer of solid waste and reduction of trans-provincial transfer risk of solid waste; The source reduction and resource utilization of construction waste and the environmental pollution caused by the development of new formats are four problems.


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