Xinglongzhuang Street, Yanzhou District, Jining City launched a nationwide reading activity of "advocating reading for all and enjoying reading happiness"

Xinglongzhuang Street, Yanzhou District, Jining City launched a nationwide reading activity of "advocating reading for all and enjoying reading happiness"

  Public Network reporter Wei Donghui correspondent Xia Endo Jining reports.

  On March 18th, Xinglongzhuang Street, Yanzhou District, Jining City, relying on the rural bookstore of the New Era Civilization Practice Institute, organized the offline reading activities of "advocating reading for all and enjoying reading happiness" and "learning to strengthen the country" to create a strong reading atmosphere.

  At the activity site, the masses selected their favorite books and shared the pleasure of reading in the warm and quiet bookstore. In the reading sharing session, the masses actively expressed their reading experience, and also shared the experience of using "learning power", and actively recommended it to the audience, inviting them to scan the code and download the "learning power" mobile APP to jointly improve their scientific and cultural literacy.

  "This activity has created a good reading atmosphere for the whole people, stimulated the reading enthusiasm of the masses and injected new vitality into the construction of spiritual civilization in the streets. Xinglongzhuang Street will make full use of the farmer’s bookstore as an offline experience space for’ learning power’, continue to promote’ online and offline’ reading and learning activities, and continuously promote the development of reading for all. " Peng Fenggang, stationmaster of Xinglongzhuang Street Cultural Station, said.


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