Shiyan issued a "reunion dinner" consumption reminder! Pay attention to these details.

Shiyan issued a "reunion dinner" consumption reminder! Pay attention to these details.

The Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon is approaching, and the New Year of the League is just around the corner. In order to ensure the food safety of the general public and have a healthy, peaceful and safe festival, on January 19th, Shiyan Market Supervision Bureau reminded the catering service units and consumers to keep in mind the food safety.

Reminder to catering service units

Standardize the processing operation.Operate with a valid Food Business License. Buy ingredients from formal channels to ensure that the ingredients are fresh and traceable. Separate raw and cooked processed foods, and cook them thoroughly to prevent cross-contamination. Do a good job in disinfection and cleaning of tableware and disposal of kitchen waste. It is strictly forbidden to process, sell and sell foods that do not meet the food safety requirements, such as corruption, deterioration and expiration, and shall not be overloaded.

Strict management personnel.Employees should obtain health certificates before taking up their posts, strictly follow the daily morning check-up system, carry out pre-job health check-up and body temperature monitoring, and employees with fever, cough, vomiting, diarrhea, pharyngeal inflammation and skin wounds or infections should leave their posts immediately. Employees should pay attention to personal hygiene, wear clean work clothes and masks, enter the food operation area after strict cleaning and disinfection of their hands, and their hair should not be exposed during operation, and they should not leave long nails, paint nail polish or wear accessories.

Strict procurement inspection.Clear the person responsible for purchasing and acceptance, and truthfully record the product name, specification, quantity, production batch number, shelf life, supplier name and contact information, purchase date and other information. When purchasing fresh meat and meat products, you should carefully check whether the supplier’s license is complete, whether there is a meat inspection and quarantine certificate, and whether the outer packaging and labeling of prepackaged meat products meet the requirements.

Manage in good faith according to law.It is strictly forbidden to operate ingredients with unknown sources; It is forbidden to purchase, store and use nitrite; It is strictly forbidden to purchase and use the meat of livestock and animals and their products that have died of illness, poisoning or unknown cause of death; It is forbidden to purchase, store and use wild animals and their products; It is strictly forbidden to process and sell illegal fishing catches and aquatic products of unknown origin; It is strictly forbidden to raise and slaughter livestock and animals on the spot in catering service places; It is forbidden to purchase, process and supply toxic, harmful and spoiled food; Illegal addition of non-edible substances and abuse of food additives are strictly prohibited.

Strict distribution management.Collective dining distribution units, central kitchens and online ordering, etc., advocate "non-contact" distribution and promote the use of "food safety seal". Clean and disinfect the distribution sites, delivery boxes, delivery vehicles, food containers and their packaging, and tightly package and seal the catering food to ensure that the food distribution process is not polluted.

Strictly mark the price clearly.Clearly mark the service items, service contents, prices or valuation methods in a conspicuous way. Do not sell goods or provide services at a higher price than the marked price, and do not charge any unspecified fees; When carrying out promotional activities, the information of the activities shall be fully, truly, accurately, clearly and conspicuously marked, and false or misleading pricing methods shall not be used to mislead relevant operators and consumers and infringe on consumers’ rights and interests.

Reminder to consumers

Prefer qualified merchants to eat.When dining out or ordering food, you should choose a catering unit with legal and valid Food Business License, quantitative evaluation grades of A and B, and good sanitary conditions. Do not order take-away food of unknown origin. When ordering a large number of meals as a group meal, you should order from a unit with the qualification of group meal distribution.

Homemade dishes to prevent safety risks.Homemade dishes for family dinners and gatherings should ensure that perishable food raw materials and cooked food products can be stored under refrigerated conditions; The prepared meals should be eaten within 2 hours after completion, and should not be stored at room temperature for a long time; Don’t abuse food additives when making food.

Pay attention to safety and nutrition when choosing ingredients.Do not eat foods of unknown origin and foods that have deteriorated, have incomplete packaging labels or have exceeded the shelf life; Do not eat illegal food, eat little or no raw aquatic products, and be careful to eat high-risk foods such as cold meat and cold dishes, green beans and wild mushrooms; Try not to choose foods that are not often eaten or allergic, especially for people who are pregnant and weak; Eat more light and healthy foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits rich in cellulose and vitamins, do not overeat, mix meat and vegetables, and have a balanced diet.

Advocate frugal and civilized consumption fashion.During the Spring Festival dinner, we should establish a correct concept of consumption, order food according to needs, consume in a civilized and rational way, advocate the use of public chopsticks and spoons or separate meals, and eat in a civilized way, so as not to waste, compare with others and show off, and resolutely put an end to "waste on the tip of the tongue".

Rationally safeguard one’s own rights and interests according to law.Dining consumption should take the initiative to ask for bills and vouchers and keep them properly. If you feel unwell after eating food, you should immediately stop eating suspicious food, seek medical treatment as soon as possible, and keep suspicious food samples, consumption vouchers, medical records and other relevant evidence. In the event of a consumer dispute, you can negotiate with the merchant in time; If negotiation fails, consumers can log on to the national 12315 platform (website:, 12315 mobile APP, 12315 WeChat applet, 315 reconciliation platform applet or call 12315 and 12345 to make a complaint or report.



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