7000 units a day! Huawei car, completely exploded! Yu Chengdong sent a message: It’s not easy to come back to life.

7000 units a day! Huawei car, completely exploded! Yu Chengdong sent a message: It’s not easy to come back to life.

According to national business daily news, it’s almost a month since the release of the new M7 in the world of inquiry. Following the decision of 30,000 units in September, the new M7 in the world of inquiry has been reported frequently recently, and Yu Chengdong has also published a post in the circle of friends recently to evaluate the sales situation of the new M7 in the world of inquiry.

Yu Chengdong comments on new M7 sales: It’s not easy to come back to life. 

On the evening of October 6th, Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, CEO of BG and chairman of smart car solutions, talked about the sales of the new M7 in the circle of friends. He said that on October 6th, the number of new M7s in the world reached 7,000, compared with 3,500 yesterday and more than 10,000 in two days. Since the release of the new M7 on September 12th, the first sale has exceeded 50,000 sets. "It’s not easy to come back to life!" Yu Chengdong said.

According to the sales ranking of Know Car Emperor, the sales of Huawei’s M7 dropped sharply. From the monthly sales of more than 1200 units at the beginning of the year to more than 400 units in June. The monthly sales volume of M7 has not exceeded 1,000 units for four consecutive months, and the sales volume of the brand in the world has been shrinking to less than 10,000 units.

The new M7 is scheduled to be 30,000 units in September!

On September 12th, AITO introduced the new M7 to the market. Five new models were launched, and the price range was 249,800 ~ 329,800 yuan, which was over 38,000 yuan lower than the previous model price (288,000 yuan).

One day after its listing, the new M7 in the world of inquiry received an order of over 15,000 vehicles, and on the weekend of the same week, the official announced that the new M7 in the world of inquiry would exceed 2,000 vehicles and 2,700 vehicles in a single day.

According to AITO WeChat official account, since it was officially listed on September 12th,The daily average of the new M7 in Wenjie is set at 1500+, as of September 30th,Accumulated 30,000 sets..

It is understood that AITO asks the new M7 to push the big five-seat model on the basis of the original six-seat model. Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, terminal BU CEO, and then CEO of BU, a smart car solution, said: "As a brand-new model upgraded, AITO has invested more than 500 million yuan in the overall upgrade. The new car is equipped with Huawei HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0 and Huawei Advanced Intelligent Driving 2.0."

The launch of new cars is very important for the world to boost sales. Since the beginning of this year, the sales volume of the world has been under pressure.According to the production and sales data of Celestial, in July and August this year, the sales of Celestial cars decreased by 45.69% and 67.52% year-on-year, which made its sales in the first eight months of this year also decrease year-on-year. It is understood that in the production and sales express of Cesare Group, the sales source of Sailis automobile is mainly the series of models.

At the same time, WeChat official account, AITO’s WeChat, no longer discloses the delivery volume every month this year, but only discloses the data sporadically. In April this year, AITO delivered 4,585 new cars, 5,629 in May and 5,018 in August. There is no good news that the monthly delivery volume has exceeded 10,000. In August last year, the delivery volume of the series of vehicles in the world exceeded 10,000, and the sales volume in October reached the peak of 12,000.

In response to the fluctuation of sales volume in the world, Yu Chengdong previously responded that sales volume is only the result of a certain development stage, and what is reflected behind it is actually the relationship with users. Due to inexperience and inexperience, I have taken some detours. At this time, I need to give full play to my own advantages, have determination and insist on making the ultimate products.

Original title: 7000 units a day! Huawei car, completely exploded! Yu Chengdong sent a message: It’s not easy to come back to life.

Editor: Rao Zhimei Editor: Zhang Songtao Audit: Feng Fei


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