Sunshine beach is hidden! The death of a 7-year-old girl in Florida warns of the risk of "quicksand trap"

Sunshine beach is hidden! The death of a 7-year-old girl in Florida warns of the risk of "quicksand trap"

  Sunshine beach has hidden dangers! Recently, a tragedy occurred in Florida, USA: a 7-year-old girl accidentally fell into a bunker and was buried alive while "digging sand" on the beach. Experts reminded that similar accidents are not uncommon in the United States, and parents should be especially alert to the "quicksand trap" when bringing their baby.

Sunshine beach is hidden! The death of a 7-year-old girl in Florida warns of the risk of "quicksand trap"

  A 7-year-old girl fell into a sandpit while having fun at the beach, and was buried alive. Investigators are investigating the scene. Source: New York Post

  ABC reported on the 22nd that the tragedy happened on the beach in Lauderdale-on-the-Sea, a resort town in Florida, on the afternoon of the 20th local time. At that time, Si Long Mattingly, who was only 7 years old, and his 9-year-old brother dug up a pit nearly 1.5 meters deep. Soon, this unstable "fortification" suddenly collapsed and the brother and sister were buried in the bunker. Because my brother is tall, the sand just doesn’t reach his chest, while my short sister is swallowed up by the yellow sand.

  According to reports, the local resident population is only about 6,000, and there are no professional lifeguards on the beach. Although there were enthusiastic passers-by to rescue after the incident, it was too inefficient to dig sand only by hands and buckets, and the surrounding fine sand continued to flow into the bunker. By the time the rescuers dug out the little girl with a shovel, she had already lost her pulse and was declared dead shortly after being sent to the hospital. The report said that the parents of the brothers and sisters were nearby at the time of the incident.

  The death of "quicksand trap" is not a case. Medical records show that three to five minors die every year in the United States, including some "older children". In addition to the beach, it is also risky for children to play with sand in parks or their own homes. Last year, a 17-year-old young man in North Carolina was buried in sand. In 2022, there were also dangers in national parks in Utah and beaches in New Jersey. Two victims were 13 years old and the other was 18 years old.

  Experts say that leisure places like the seaside are easy for people to relax their safety awareness. Many people are keen on digging sandpits and building castles, but they have no idea about the weight and danger of sand. Experts suggest that the depth of the bunker should not exceed the height of the knee, and try not to be in the pit, because the structure of the bunker is very unstable and it is easy to collapse instantly, causing danger. For tourists who are exhausted, they must be backfilled before leaving, because even if it is only a barrel deep, it may be dangerous. (Liu Yuran)

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