The Value Implication of Common Prosperity of Spiritual Life

The Value Implication of Common Prosperity of Spiritual Life

Author: Zhang Xia (lecturer of tianjin polytechnic university Marxism Institute, researcher of tianjin polytechnic university Base of Tianjin Socialism with Chinese characteristics Theoretical System Research Center)
Report to the 20th CPC National Congress of the Party pointed out that Chinese-style modernization is a modernization in which material civilization and spiritual civilization are in harmony. Material wealth and spiritual wealth are the fundamental requirements of socialist modernization. This important thesis enriches the era connotation of common prosperity of spiritual life and highlights the common prosperity of spiritual life from common prosperity. The common prosperity of spiritual life is of profound value to continuously improve people’s quality of life, promote the realization of Chinese modernization and promote people’s free and all-round development.
 Common prosperity of spiritual life is a realistic need to continuously improve people’s quality of life.
With the continuous development of social productive forces, China has created a miracle of rapid economic development and long-term social stability, constantly meeting the people’s growing material and cultural needs, and gradually improving people’s lives, so that people have new expectations for the quality of life. The inherent requirement of people’s high-quality life is to meet people’s new expectations for a better life and enrich people’s spiritual world on the basis of meeting the needs of material life. Promoting the common prosperity of people’s spiritual life plays a decisive role in continuously improving people’s quality of life.
Common prosperity of spiritual life is a realistic choice to continuously meet people’s needs for a better life. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the main contradiction in our society has been transformed into the contradiction between the people’s growing need for a better life and the unbalanced development. "The need for a better life" includes the needs of material and spiritual life in quantity, which is a more comprehensive needs system; In terms of quality, it conforms to the law that people’s needs upgrade with the development of production, which shows that the Communist Party of China (CPC) always regards people’s expectations as the direction of governance. Meeting people’s spiritual needs is one of the key elements of "the need for a better life". The common prosperity of spiritual life requires our party to fully realize that the common prosperity of spiritual life is not a minority, temporary and average prosperity, but a sustained and common prosperity for all people in the process of uniting and leading the broad masses of people to strive to achieve the goal of the second century, and always put the common prosperity of spiritual life in a more prominent position, taking it as an important value measure to judge the continuous improvement of people’s lives, and we must make continuous efforts and make contributions for a long time.
The common prosperity of spiritual life is a realistic measure to greatly enrich the spiritual world of the people. After the people’s material living standards have been greatly improved, it is even more urgent to continuously enrich the people’s spiritual world. Promoting the common prosperity of people’s spiritual life plays an important role in solving similar problems such as mental poverty and further promoting socialist core values. Promoting the common prosperity of people’s spiritual life is helpful to strengthen the leading role of socialist core values, stimulate the effect of socialist core values to unite social consensus, infiltrate the hearts of the broad masses of people with the beauty of truth, value and realm contained in socialist values, lead the people to standardize their spiritual life with socialist core values, consciously resist the invasion of decadent ideas such as money worship and hedonism, and constantly polish the spiritual background and provide spiritual nourishment for enriching the people’s spiritual world.
Common prosperity of spiritual life is the inevitable choice to promote the realization of Chinese modernization
The inherent requirement of common prosperity of spiritual life is to lead the development of economy, politics, culture, society and ecology through advanced ideas, so as to realize the harmonious coexistence of people, people and society, people and nature at the spiritual level.
The common prosperity of spiritual life is an inquiry into the modernization of western style. Modernization includes both material modernization and human modernization. At the same time, people’s spiritual modernization should be an integral part of all modernization paradigms. However, Western-style modernization is confined to its own chronic disease, which regards modernization as a single economic growth, and excludes cultural and spiritual factors from the needs of society and individuals, so that economic things are unilaterally placed in the center, leading to spiritual, moral and artistic things being squeezed into secondary positions. With the continuous advancement of western-style modernization, the civilization dominated by capital centralism has aggravated people’s spiritual emptiness, moral decay, value nothingness and lack of faith, and people’s one-sided development and mental illness have reached an unprecedented level. Western-style modernization imprisons people in a material "cage", which cannot bear the historical responsibility of "human liberation" and does not conform to the value goal and progress direction of human civilization.
The common prosperity of spiritual life opens a new way for the exploration of modernization path. The common prosperity of spiritual life runs through the whole process of Chinese modernization. Different from the western-style modernization road, Chinese-style modernization adheres to the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), takes Marxism as the fundamental guiding ideology, and takes the free and all-round development of human beings as the value goal, thus opening up a brand-new road to break the myth of "modernization = westernization". On the one hand, we continue to plant a modern material foundation and consolidate the material conditions for people’s happy lives; On the other hand, we continue to care for people’s spiritual needs, enrich people’s spiritual world, and promote the realization of people’s spiritual life prosperity. In this way, spiritual common prosperity and material common prosperity are placed in the same position, which has planted the value foundation of Chinese modernization and is more conducive to activating the great power of all people to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with cultural power. At the same time, the rich and full spiritual life of all the people has also helped China to stand among the nations of the world with more confidence, which has opened a new practice of human exploration of modernization.
The common prosperity of spiritual life has enriched and deepened the exploration of the era of people’s free and all-round development. The common prosperity of all people’s spiritual life does not hinder the enrichment and improvement of the quality of spiritual life of every member of society. From a holistic perspective, the common prosperity of spiritual life is the organic unity of the free and all-round development of all people and the free and all-round development of individuals. From a comprehensive analysis, achieving common prosperity in spiritual life is a systematic project, which not only pays attention to improving people’s scientific and cultural literacy, but also pays attention to improving their ideological and moral quality and physical and mental health quality, and pays more attention to sublimating their spiritual realm. From the dynamic analysis, it is a long-term process to realize the common prosperity of people’s spiritual life. It is not a matter of time, but haste makes waste. It is necessary to make strategic arrangements and long-term plans, step by step, solidly promote the common prosperity of people’s spiritual life, and constantly accumulate strength for realizing people’s free and all-round development.
[This paper is the phased achievement of Tianjin Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project "Research on Long-term Mechanism of Tianjin Local Culture Revitalization in the All-Media Era" (ProjectNo.: TJKS19-003). 】
Source: Guangming. com-Academic Channel


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