Look at 2023 | Park Xuedong, General Manager of Beijing Fashion Holdings: Focus on the development of the fashion industry in the capital

Look at 2023 | Park Xuedong, General Manager of Beijing Fashion Holdings: Focus on the development of the fashion industry in the capital

Standing at the end of 2022 and looking at 2023, entrepreneurs, as an important force in China’s economy, how do they view the current economic policy in China and what are their expectations for the future economy in China? The Beijing News Shell Finance invited more than 100 entrepreneurs from all walks of life to complete their thoughts on the new year by questionnaire and explore the new impetus of China’s economic growth.

Shell Finance made an appointment with Park Xuedong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Beijing Fashion Holding Co., Ltd.

Park Xuedong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Beijing Fashion Holding Co., Ltd.. Figure/Respondents for the picture

Shell finance:What are the "small goals" for you and your company in the coming year?

Park Xuedong:My small goal is consistent with the small goal of the enterprise: slow down as soon as possible, regroup and start again.

Shell finance:To achieve this goal, what kind of help and support do you want, or what kind of good news do you want?

Park Xuedong:I hope we can overcome difficulties with the spirit of altruism and mutual assistance, and hope that everyone and every family will be safe and healthy. Specific to the fashion holding company, I hope that every employee of the company will have no worries and devote himself to all jobs in the capital fashion industry healthily and happily. Fully implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, the spirit of the "two sessions" of the whole country and the spirit of the 13th Party Congress of the city, conscientiously implement the decision-making arrangements of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, base on the development of the capital in the new era, adhere to the general tone of steady progress, better coordinate the prevention and control of epidemic situation and enterprise development, and further focus on the high-quality development of the fashion industry in the capital. Clear direction, boost confidence, deepen reform, strengthen management, guard against risks, integrate resources, stabilize scale, improve quality and efficiency, and work together to build the flagship of the capital’s fashion culture industry.

Beijing News Shell Finance reporter Yu Menger

Editor Jake proofreads Liu Baoqing.


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