The "money-making" group buying software can’t be opened: some people say that they have been set up for hundreds of thousands, and the police have filed a case.

The "money-making" group buying software can’t be opened: some people say that they have been set up for hundreds of thousands, and the police have filed a case.

  With the "Captain Group Purchase" App, it is easy to do sideline business, and the monthly income of 0 cost can reach 10,000 yuan? Recently, Mr. Hu from Hubei reported to The Paper that at the end of August, he saw this attractive App advertisement on the online platform, then downloaded it and used it, but he was caught in a "trap".

  Mr. Hu said that at first, he launched a group fight by purchasing goods in the "Captain Group Purchase" App, and earned "some cigarette money" when he was the head of the team, and then began to increase investment.

  He said that although it is called purchase, it will not receive the goods in the end. After the group is successful, the App will refund the principal and a certain commission.

On September 9, the platform launched a new product, claiming that it would have the opportunity to "double back". Photo courtesy of respondents

  On September 9, the platform launched a new product, claiming that it would have the opportunity to "double back". Photo courtesy of respondents

  However, from the evening of September 9, this App could no longer be opened, and the money invested by Mr. Hu could not be cashed. He immediately reported the case to the local police. According to the transfer voucher provided by Mr. Hu to The Paper, he invested 580,000 yuan, which he said he didn’t have time to withdraw.

  The notice of filing a case issued by the Public Security Bureau of Tianmen City, Hubei Province on September 14 shows that the illegal business case of "captain group purchase" has been established as a criminal case.

  The group buying App that claims to make money suddenly closes.

  Mr. Hu told The Paper that he learned about this application software called "Captain Group Purchase" from the Internet in August. According to related propaganda articles, it is easy to make money by using this software.

  Mr. Hu said that the mode of making money with this software is "being a team leader and earning a commission". Click on the "Head Join" module in the software, and you can see the goods for the group. The types of products include turkey noodles, small household appliances, tables, chairs and so on, and the prices range from several hundred to thousand yuan. The more expensive the products, the more commissions they can get, ranging from several to dozens. After recharging and purchasing goods, it will become the "head of the team". After launching the group fight, the platform will automatically arrange the group. The grouping cycle of different commodities is also different, and the grouping cycle of high-value commodities will be slightly longer. After the grouping is successful, the system will return the principal and commission, and users can withdraw cash.

  Mr. Hu’s first "business" in the captain’s group purchase took place on August 21st, and the transfer records he provided to The Paper showed that he recharged 278 yuan that morning. He recalled that after recharging himself, the software gave 28 yuan the first reward, and then he spent more than 200 yuan to buy turkey noodles, became the head of the team, and launched a group fight. In just one day, he received the principal and a commission reward of several dollars. After tasting the sweetness, he increased the frequency and amount of recharge, bought more and more goods and launched a group fight.

  Although it was a group purchase, Mr. Hu said that he had never received any goods, and he did not know whether the participants arranged by the platform had received any goods.

  "Since September, the rewards of the platform have been even greater." Mr. Hu introduced to The Paper that "Golden September and Silver 10 activities have been publicized a lot", and the platform increased the commission rebate. During the day of September 9, three more products were put on the platform, with prices of 3,199 yuan, 10,199 yuan and 50,000 yuan respectively. The publicity information of the platform shows that the head of delegation can receive high commission and double principal. This made Mr. Hu tempted, and he recharged more than 80,000 yuan that day. On the evening of the 9 th, he suddenly discovered that this App could no longer be opened. According to the transfer records provided by Mr. Hu, he has recharged more than 580,000 yuan to the platform. He said that the money had not been withdrawn in time.

  Mr. Lin, who works in Shenzhen, said that he had the same experience as Mr. Hu. He started to use the Captain’s App at the end of July. Similarly, he earned his first commission by launching turkey noodle dumplings. Subsequently, in August, he recharged three more pens, totaling more than 2,000 yuan, to buy goods and launch a group fight, and also successfully received the principal and commission respectively, and successfully withdrew the cash. This made him trust the platform very much. In September, after seeing the welfare activities initiated by the platform, he increased his investment. From September 2 to September 9, he recharged more than 10,000 yuan, and then the platform closed, and the invested funds sank.

  On September 15th and 16th, The Paper repeatedly called the captain’s customer service phone, all of which indicated that the artificial landline was busy and no one answered.

Notice of filing a case issued by Tianmen police. Photo courtesy of respondents

  Notice of filing a case issued by Tianmen police. Photo courtesy of respondents

  After discovering that he was suspected of being cheated, Mr. Hu immediately reported the case to the local police. The notice of filing a case issued by the Public Security Bureau of Tianmen City, Hubei Province on September 14 shows that the illegal business case of "captain group purchase" has been investigated as a criminal case by the police. Mr. Lin told The Paper that he had also reported the case to the local police station.

  Suspected of "signing a contract" with the victim in the name of other companies.

  The Paper noted that the platform transfer records provided by Mr. Hu and Mr. Lin showed that the recipients were personal accounts instead of Gong Hu, and the recipients often changed. Mr. Hu said that this incident involved a number of users. In the group they built, some users had asked the online customer service about the collection account. The screenshot shows that the online customer service explained that it was "to ensure the safety of users’ funds and avoid the precipitation of the fund pool. The platform collection account is a personal supervision account designated by the three-party supervision bank, and the platform may not use the company account to recharge users". As for the source of the commission, the customer service explained that the commission is only a small part of the total profit of the goods sold by initiating the group order.

  In addition, it is worth noting that every time a transaction is completed, the platform will generate an electronic contract. The product name, the amount of goods purchased, the names of participants and the ID number are written on it. The commission rate and maturity date are agreed, and the repayment method is daily compound interest rebate and return to the principal at maturity.

  Party A is the buyer and Party B is Zhejiang Wenjian E-commerce Co., Ltd.. It is guaranteed by Party C’s China National Investment Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd.. However, when The Paper inquired about official website of China Investment and Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd., he found that the company had issued a statement as early as August, saying that it had never cooperated or signed any contracts and agreements with any commission-ordering platform such as "Zhejiang Wenjian E-Commerce Co., Ltd." and "Captain Group Purchase", and the above-mentioned electronic contracts used their company names and forged their company seals.

  The national enterprise information publicity system shows that Zhejiang Wenjian E-Commerce Co., Ltd. was established in March 2018 with a registered capital of 10 million RMB and its legal representative is Le Kaihua. The Paper found that Zhejiang Putuo News Network published a report in August, 2021 that the Pioneering Park for Retired Soldiers in Putuo District helped the retired soldiers to start their own businesses, which specifically mentioned this company, and wrote: "Le Kaihua, 33, was the first retired soldier to enter the garrison to create a park. In March 2018, he set up an e-commerce company and applied to enter the park. After half a year, due to sales channels, markets and other issues, the company encountered development bottlenecks. Just when he was at his wit’s end, the entrepreneurial tutor in the Military Innovation Park analyzed his entrepreneurial prospect and market according to the actual situation, which pointed out a new direction for enterprise transformation. Today, Lekaihua’s company is running smoothly, and a brand-new smart home experience hall of 300 square meters will also open. " According to the report, Le Kaihua’s suspicion here has nothing to do with the captain’s group purchase. The Paper tweeted to contact the person in charge of the Zhou surname of Junchuang Park in Putuo District, and revealed that Zhejiang Wenjian E-Commerce Co., Ltd. was also impersonated and the company had called the police.

  Zhao Zhao, a policeman from Changsha Anti-Fraud Center, talked to The Paper about his views. He introduced that the scam was similar to the illegal pyramid selling and fund-raising platform of "buying mobile phones to watch advertisements" in earlier years. The victim listened to the platform propaganda and thought that he would buy a mobile phone. He could get a high share of advertising revenue by lying at home and watching news every day. After tasting some sweets from the platform in the early days, he enlisted friends and relatives to join the platform and invested heavily. Finally, the platform one was established.

  Zhao Zhao said that with the rapid development of the mobile Internet in the past two years, such platforms have put on various concepts such as "earning at home", "part-time billing", "member e-commerce" and "digital currency mobile phone mining", taking high profit returns as bait, and integrating various criminal methods such as illegal fund-raising, illegal pyramid schemes and billing fraud, and madly harvesting the funds of investors and franchisees. "

  "Investment needs to be cautious. Investors should not believe in the high return on investment promises of various new concepts on the Internet and trade and invest in informal platforms." Zhao Zhao reminded.


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