The Morning Post is super-expected that Ang Lee’s new film was "accused" and Lu Han was upgraded to be BOSS.

The Morning Post is super-expected that Ang Lee’s new film was "accused" and Lu Han was upgraded to be BOSS.

The fresh news morning call is all in the morning paper.

Good morning, people who eat melons! February has suddenly passed ~ According to the bold prediction of some girls, today’s circle of friends has been screened by 365 "Hello in March, good morning, come on". On the occasion of March, I would like to remind you friends that you want to have a good March. In addition to punching in, you should continue to work hard. Most importantly, you should continue to pay attention to the gossip of the morning newspaper every day, as well as those unimportant things in the film circle, such as the Oscar Awards broadcast live at 7:00 a.m. on the client side of our movie channel on March 5, adding good luck to your March ~

Overseas Telescope Ang Lee’s new film starts shooting, starring director becomes "veiled" online celebrity.

Chinese Pride Director Ang Lee has made new moves, and the new film has finally started shooting in the United States. Just one week after he joined the group, will smith, the leading actor, couldn’t help but broadcast live the shooting scene to "accuse" director Ang Lee of his evil deeds. Because the flying insects in Georgia, the location of the new film, are flying all over the place, everyone has to wear a gauze hood to go out to work. The "Emperor Shi" who was tortured by gauze to collapse complained to netizens in the live broadcast: "After filming for a week, Ang Lee made me fight wild animals."

Gemini malefic tells the story of an agent who is about to retire and finds himself being hunted by a killer, who is a clone of himself who is 25 years younger. In addition to starring will smith, it has been confirmed that Fan Wei, who is sharing pancakes with benedict cumberbatch, has joined us. Oh, no, I mean Benedict Wong … This film is expected to be released in October 2019, so don’t forget to support this science fiction film Made In Ang Lee ~

What about the star? Lu Han set up a personal studio, and the former agent Yang Naizhen sent a blessing.

Congratulations! WULI Lu Han set up a personal studio and successfully upgraded to deer Boss! Yesterday, Lu Han Studio issued an announcement: "The contract with Yixin Entertainment expired, and the two sides officially ended the cooperative relationship." In the statement, Lu Han thanked Yixin for his help and support in the past three years. At the same time, from February 28th, Lu Han’s related work will be independently operated by Lu Han Studio.

Yang Tianzhen, one of the founders of Yixin Entertainment, also expressed his blessing to Lu Han: "In the forty months of cooperation, we have experienced many unknown and known challenges together. We are proud and happy to bid farewell, and sincerely wish Lu Han a successful future and a vast life." I hope Lu Han can bring more and better works ~

Preview, grab the news, see the exposure, and finally predict that there is a companion in life called girlfriends.

Is your best friend sen? The best friend is that you take photos, and I have a picture. You are lovelorn, I accompany the wine, you are married, and I cry! If you want to ask if your feelings are deep or not, your girlfriend will make a toast! Directed by Huang Zhenzhen and starring Chen Yihan, Ar Fi and Zhang Junmi, the film "Girlfriend 2" will be released nationwide on March 2nd, and it’s time to have Yuanxiao and watch movies with girlfriends.

As presented in the final preview, the "girlfriends group" has gone through the process from strangeness to acquaintance, crying and laughing together, and also "tearing each other apart" but still never leaving. At the end, the warm-hearted confession that "as long as we just hold each other’s hands, we will never be lonely" makes the girl want it instantly. In the film, the bowl of chicken soup between girlfriends is sincere and warm, and the girl is expected to do it first ~

Industry broadcastget awayIndian movie box office has gone red all the way into the era of "separate accounts"

Just before the Spring Festival, it closed at 740 million box office, which is not bad. After the Spring Festival movie, the movie that once sold well in the Indian market will be released tomorrow. It’s just the beginning of 2018, and the China film market has ushered in the "Indian fever", and the momentum is really not small.

In fact, from 1950s, Indian films began to enter the eyes of China audiences. However, it broke out again and again on the big screen in China ~ In fact, Indian films entering the China market are generally introduced at a fixed fee, and with the popularity of Indian films in China, Mysterious Superstar has taken the form of "split accounts" (revenue sharing) when it was introduced to China, and it was introduced to China three months after it was released in India, setting a record for the shortest introduction period of Indian films ~ whether it is "approval".

Director of the big movie calendarAlain ResnaisDied (March 1, 2014)

(The specific broadcast content is subject to TV)

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