Why is the ocean so important?

Why is the ocean so important?

At the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the concept of "World Ocean Day" was put forward for the first time, aiming at praising the oceans shared by the whole world, emphasizing the connection between the oceans and ourselves, raising people’s awareness of the importance of the oceans in daily life, and understanding the important ways to help protect the oceans.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 63/111 on 5 December 2008, which willJune 8th was designated as World Ocean Day.

Humans don’t live on the ocean, but why is the ocean so important?

The ocean is the cradle of life, accounting for nearly 3/4 of the earth’s surface area and the ninety-seven percent of all the earth’s water resources. It is the source of our life, and the life of human beings and all other creatures on earth depends on the ocean. The ocean provides many resources and services for human beings, such as oxygen, climate regulation, carbon sequestration, food and medicine, which is of great significance to the survival and development of human society.

The ocean produces at least 50% of the oxygen on the earth, which is the home of most biodiversity on the earth, and the protein ingested by more than one billion people in the world mainly comes from the ocean. And the ocean is vital to our economy. It is estimated that by 2030, the marine industry will employ 40 million people.

Although the ocean has so many benefits, it still needs support.

With 90% of the large fish stocks exhausted and 50% of the coral reefs destroyed, the resources we get from the ocean far exceed the amount that the ocean can supply. In order to protect the ocean and everything it supports, we must establish a new balance based on a true understanding of the ocean and the relationship between human beings and the ocean. We must learn from the lessons of the past and establish contact with the ocean in an inclusive and innovative way.

The purpose of "World Ocean Day" is to tell the public about the impact of human activities on the ocean, promote the global citizens’ movement to protect the ocean, and mobilize and unite the people of the world to carry out a project of sustainable management of the world’s oceans.

"Ocean: Life and Livelihood" is the theme of World Ocean Day in 2021, and it is also a statement of intention to start the ten-year challenge and realize the sustainable development goal 14 "Protection and sustainable utilization of oceans and marine resources" by 2030.

This year, the United Nations organized activities to celebrate World Ocean Day. This is also the second virtual celebration of the United Nations World Ocean Day held on June 8, 2021.

This year’s annual event, jointly organized by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs and the non-profit organization Global Ocean and partner Blancpain, will reveal the wonders of the ocean and how the ocean has become the source of our life and supported human beings and all other living things on earth.

Join us in this year’s annual activities of the United Nations World Ocean Day, and you can hear the voices of thought leaders, celebrities, institutional partners, communities, entrepreneurs and cross-industry experts to discuss information about the biodiversity and economic opportunities maintained by the oceans.

At the same time, this year’s theme is particularly important in the preparations for the United Nations Decade of Marine Science for Sustainable Development, which will last from 2021 to 2030. This decade will strengthen international cooperation and develop scientific research and innovative technologies that can meet the needs of marine science and society.

Man and the ocean are a community of life, and we should care for the ocean like life! Only by adopting a more sustainable production and consumption mode and promoting a green production and lifestyle can we improve the global marine ecological health and ensure the well-being of mankind for generations to come.

In the future construction of marine ecological civilization, it is urgent for more people to pay attention to and join the ranks of protecting the marine ecological environment and biodiversity, conserve the diverse marine life and habitats, realize the sustainable utilization of marine resources, and leave a blue sea and blue sky for our future generations.

(Source: United Nations, China Green Development Association, etc.)

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