Xianglushan Street in Chongqing High-tech Zone: Public Welfare Movies Entering the Community to Share Harmonious Neighborhood.

Xianglushan Street in Chongqing High-tech Zone: Public Welfare Movies Entering the Community to Share Harmonious Neighborhood.

Hualong News (correspondent Liang Wenya) In order to further enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the broad masses of residents, improve the cultural quality and taste of community residents, promote the construction and integration of community culture, and create a harmonious and warm community atmosphere, recently, a movie-watching activity of "public welfare movies enter the community to share harmonious neighborhood feelings" was held in the shared living room of Kangju Xicheng, Xianglushan Street, Chongqing High-tech Zone, providing residents with a comfortable and relaxed audio-visual feast.

"Come on, Khufu, there is a movie in the shared living room. Let’s go and watch it together." Before the film screening began, residents came to the shared living room one after another, and the scene suddenly became lively. "Here we go, here we go …" Everyone soon quieted down and watched the film attentively. The film shown this time is a warm, touching and inspirational film "Miracle Stupid Child", and the atmosphere was harmonious and warm.

After the film screening, many residents are reluctant to leave and are still discussing the wonderful movie plot. Uncle Jiang, a resident of Kangsan, said, "This film is very educational, and it also makes me feel the hardships of young people starting a business and the warmth of family and friends. I will come to the movies in the future."

It is reported that the shared living room has held more than 20 activities, including popular science lectures, public viewing and food production, which attracted more than 1,000 residents to participate and fully demonstrated the vitality and enthusiasm of the community. Many residents have expressed their feelings that the completion of the shared living room has once again narrowed the distance between neighbors.

In the next step, Xianglushan Street will rely on the shared living room and various community activity stations to carry out more cultural activities that are rich in content and popular with residents, so as to further meet the cultural needs and life fun of residents.


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