Mercedes-Benz and Zhiji were granted conditional autopilot test licenses in Beijing and Shanghai respectively.

Mercedes-Benz and Zhiji were granted conditional autopilot test licenses in Beijing and Shanghai respectively.

The relevant departments of Beijing recently issued "Management Rules for Conditional Autopilot Vehicle Road Test in Beijing Intelligent Networked Vehicle Policy Pioneer Zone (Trial)", and Mercedes-Benz became one of the first enterprises to be granted the road test license of Beijing Conditional Autopilot (L3-level) expressway, and officially started the measurement of conditional autopilot system of designated expressway in Beijing. On the same day, Zhiji Automobile announced that vehicles equipped with L3-level automatic driving function have officially obtained the high-speed highway automatic driving test license in Shanghai. In the future, under the supervision and guidance of the Shanghai Municipal Government, Zhiji Automobile will carry out the road test of L3 expressway self-driving in designated areas, so as to accelerate the development of high-level intelligent driving products and meet the needs of users for high-level intelligent driving vehicles. It is reported that the company is applying for the L3 announcement access pilot of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and is expected to become the first batch of vehicles to enter the L3 autopilot access pilot.

Original title: Mercedes-Benz and Zhiji were granted conditional autopilot test licenses in Beijing and Shanghai respectively.

Editor: He Bao Editor: Wu Jian Audit: Lei Zhao


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