标签归档 西安夜生活论坛

Because of 18.87 million, Wanda Real Estate has become a "dishonest person"!

  After a lapse of three months, Wanda Real Estate Group has become a "dishonest person" again.

  Recently, according to the China Enforcement Information Disclosure Network, Wanda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd., Heyuan Yuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., and Heyuan Fuxin Construction Co., Ltd., refused to perform the obligation to determine the effective legal documents due to their ability to perform, and were listed as dishonest persons subject to enforcement by the Shanghai Second Intermediate People’s Court (hereinafter referred to as "dishonest persons"), involving a domestic non-foreign-related arbitration award. Not long ago, due to the arbitration case, the above companies have been forcibly executed for more than 18.87 million yuan.

  It is worth mentioning that in April this year, Wanda Real Estate Group and other non-foreign-related arbitration awards have been listed as dishonest persons subject to enforcement once.

  Dalian Wanda Group is in constant trouble. In addition to Wanda Real Estate, Wanda’s commercial management-related equity has also been frozen recently.

  Due to 18.87 million, Wanda Real Estate has once again become a "dishonest person"

  Tianyancha shows that recently, Wanda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Wanda Real Estate") and its Heyuan Yuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and Heyuan Fuxin Construction Co., Ltd. added a new information on the person subject to execution, and the execution target 18.87 million Yu Yuan, which was listed as a dishonest person subject to execution by the Shanghai Second Intermediate People’s Court.

  Tianyancha App shows that Wanda Real Estate was established in February 2018 with a registered capital of about 4.05 billion yuan, and the legal representative is Qu Xiaodong, jointly held by Shenzhen Dixun Industrial Co., Ltd. and Futai (Hong Kong) Investment Co., Ltd. with a shareholding ratio of 98.7% and 1.3% respectively. Shenzhen Dixun Industrial Co., Ltd. is 100% owned by Wanda general merchandise. The predecessor of Wanda general merchandise group was registered in Hong Kong by Wang Jianlin in the early years. Dixun investment.

  It is worth mentioning that Wanda Real Estate in April due to non-fulfillment of 245 million has been listed as a dishonest person to be executed once, and was restricted from high consumption.

  According to the data, on April 4 this year, due to the application of the applicant China Fuxing Co., Ltd., the court officially filed the case, mainly because Wanda Real Estate failed to perform the payment obligations determined by the effective legal documents within the period specified in the notice of execution in the domestic arbitration award case. Subsequently, Wanda Real Estate Group, Heyuan Fuxin Construction Co., Ltd., and Heyuan Yuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. became the executors.

  It is understood that the reason why Wanda Real Estate became a "dishonest person" was due to the real estate project planted in Heyuan, Guangdong, which was sued by its former partners. In April this year, the court listed as the person subject to execution, in addition to Wanda Real Estate, also includes Heyuan Yuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and Heyuan Fuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. are 100% owned by Wanda Real Estate. Among them, Heyuan Yuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. is Heyuan Yuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and China Fuxing Co., Ltd. hold 90% and 10% respectively. This time Wanda Real Estate is sued by China Fuxing Co., Ltd.

  On July 24, the Shanghai Second Intermediate People’s Court issued a consumption restriction order showing that the court filed a case on July 12, and the enforcement applicant was still China Fortune Star Co., Ltd., applying for the enforcement of Wanda Real Estate’s domestic non-foreign-related arbitration award. In the case of arbitration, the court issued a consumption restriction order because Wanda Real Estate failed to fulfill the payment obligations determined by the effective legal documents within the period specified in the execution notice.

  As of now, Tianyancha shows that Wanda Real Estate has multiple information on the person being executed, and the cumulative execution is about 265 million yuan.

  Wanda’s commercial management stake has also been frozen

  Tianyancha App shows that recently, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management Group joint stock company (referred to as "Wanda Commercial Management") added two equity freezing information, the executor is Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group joint stock company, the amount of frozen equity is 5.072 billion and 100 million, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management is the main body of Wanda Hong Kong IPO, and Dalian Wanda Commercial Management is the largest shareholder of Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management.

  According to public information, the above freezing period is from July 4, 2023 to July 3, 2026, and from July 5, 2023 to July 4, 2026, respectively. The enforcement courts are the Zhanjiang City Intermediate People’s Court of Guangdong Province and the Dezhou City Intermediate People’s Court of Shandong Province.

  It is worth mentioning that Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has submitted its IPO application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for the fourth time. Previously, in October 2021, April 2022 and October 2022, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management submitted listing application materials to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange three times, but ultimately failed to list.

  On July 20, Wanda Commercial Management announced that in terms of ratings, on July 18, China Chengxin International decided to maintain the credit rating of Wanda Commercial Management’s main body and related debt as AAA, and adjusted its main body and related debt outlook from stable to included in the credit rating watch list. The previous rating outlook was stable.

  In terms of overseas ratings, as of July 20, Fitch downgraded its long-term foreign currency issuer default rating to B, maintaining a negative outlook. Moody’s downgraded its long-term foreign currency issuer default rating to Caa1, maintaining a negative outlook; Standard & Poor’s downgraded its long-term issuer credit rating to CCC, maintaining a negative outlook.

  The reasons for the adjustment of the above rating agencies are mainly due to the fact that the refinancing channels of Wanda Commercial Management’s open market have not been restored, the continuous net repayment of maturing debts, the listing progress of its subsidiary Zhuhai Commercial Management is less than expected, and some of the equity held has been frozen, etc. Liquidity pressure has increased.

Foshan, Guangdong: Interviewed twice in 3 months, online car-hailing APP may be removed from the shelves

  Text/Guangzhou Daily All Media Reporter Li Chuanzhi

  Yesterday, the reporter learned from the Foshan Municipal Government Network that Foshan City will revise the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services in Foshan City" (hereinafter referred to as the "Interim Measures"), and the exposure draft of the revised draft is currently soliciting opinions from the community. The exposure draft proposes that if a network car-hailing platform company has violated laws and regulations, and after being jointly interviewed twice within 3 months, it still refuses to correct it. After collective discussion by the joint regulatory authorities, it can start the carrier processing process such as suspending the release and removing mobile Internet applications (APPs) from the shelves.

  authoritative release

  1. Strengthening supervision: including the removal of APP as a means of punishment

  According to the exposure draft, if a car-hailing platform company violates laws and regulations and refuses to correct it after being jointly interviewed twice within 3 months, after collective discussion by the joint regulatory authorities, it can start the carrier processing process such as suspending the release and delisting of mobile Internet applications (APPs). In addition, if the mobile Internet applications (APPs) and other carriers of the car-hailing platform company are suspended and delisted, and the above violations continue to occur, the joint regulatory authorities can start the disposition process of stopping internet service, stopping networking or downtime for rectification.

  So, under what circumstances will online car-hailing platform companies be interviewed? The exposure draft proposes that those who engage in online car-hailing business activities without obtaining an online car-hailing business license or engage in online car-hailing business activities in a disguised form shall be dealt with by the transportation authorities at or above the county level in accordance with laws and regulations. If an online car-hailing platform company that has obtained an online car-hailing business license violates laws and regulations, it shall be dealt with by the departments of transportation, development and reform, public security, economy and informatization, commerce, industry and commerce, quality supervision, human resources and social security, taxation, online information, and the People’s Bank of China within the scope of their respective duties. If the violations involve multiple departments, the relevant departments may conduct joint interviews.

  2 Security upgrade: APP should not have heterosexual social functions

  In the exposure draft, Foshan’s security management of online car-hailing continues to be upgraded, and proposes that "the client side application should not have heterosexual social functions, and should have the following safety service functions: the basic attribute information and location information of the vehicle and the driver Real-time sharing function, the third person confirmed by the driver or the passenger in writing can view the vehicle’s dynamic location information during the service process at any time; personal phone encryption function, the passenger and the driver communicate through technical means; ‘One-click call’ function, when the passenger is used in an emergency, the real-time dynamic information of the vehicle and the driver information can be automatically sent to the online car-hailing platform company."

  In addition, the exposure draft also proposes that the online car-hailing platform company should conduct real-time dynamic monitoring of vehicle operation and service process through the online car-hailing platform and in-vehicle service end point, and should collect personal characteristic data such as driver portraits in real time during operating hours. Compared with the personal identity information of the driver in the background; the in-vehicle service end point should adopt the mainstream operating system compatible with the supervision and service software, and ensure that the normal operation of the supervision and service software at the in-vehicle service end point is not disturbed.

  At the same time, the exposure draft emphasizes that platform operators should submit the information of drivers and vehicles connected to the network, including online car-hailing and private passenger car-sharing services, to the municipal public security organs at least once a quarter, and the municipal public security organs will conduct background checks in conjunction with the transportation department. For drivers and vehicles that fail the review, platform operators should be fully cleared. Platform operators who are also engaged in private passenger car-sharing information services should refer to the background verification of online car-hailing drivers and relevant regulatory requirements for network access management.

  3 Model standard adjustment: two types of new energy vehicles will be required from July next year

  According to the exposure draft, in addition to meeting the conditions stipulated in the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services, the vehicles to be engaged in online car-hailing should also meet the following conditions: 7-seat and below new energy vehicles, with a vehicle wheelbase of not less than 2650 mm. From July 1, 2019, the new energy vehicles applying for online car-hailing should be pure electric vehicles or fuel cell vehicles. Register in Foshan, obtain a vehicle driving license issued by the Foshan public security organ, and the date of initial registration and acquisition of the "Motor Vehicle Driving License" to the date of application for the "Online Booking Taxi Transportation License" is less than two years.

  At the same time, the valid period of the "Network Booking Taxi Transport Certificate" is linked to the service life of the vehicle, and the longest is no more than 8 years. When the mileage of the online car reaches 600,000 kilometers, it will be forcibly scrapped; when the mileage does not reach 600,000 kilometers but the service life reaches 8 years, it will withdraw from the online car-hailing operation, and the municipal transportation authority will cancel the corresponding "Network Booking Taxi Transport Certificate"; when the mileage of the vehicle that exits the online car-hailing operation reaches 600,000 kilometers, it will be forcibly scrapped.

  In terms of drivers, the exposure draft proposes that drivers who engage in online car-hailing services, in addition to meeting the conditions stipulated in the Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services, should also meet the following conditions: have Foshan household registration or Foshan "Residence Permit"; approved by the examination agency confirmed by the Foshan transportation authority, familiar with Foshan human geography, master passenger transportation services and safety emergency response skills; have obtained Foshan cruise car driver qualification and on-duty operation, serve in Foshan for 3 years without bad integrity records, and have a service quality reputation assessment of AAA or above in the past 3 years, can directly apply for the "Online Booking Taxi Driver’s License", and the driver’s license is valid for 3 years.

  Department interpretation

  If you fail the exam within 3 months, you need to resubmit your application

  Yesterday, the Foshan transportation department made a detailed interpretation of the background of this revision.

  In view of the fact that some drivers do not take the test at the agreed time, resulting in a waste of test resources, and if they do not take the test for a long time after the background check, the background information may change greatly, so the exposure draft increases the driver’s test time limit in Article 23, and clearly requires the driver to make an appointment for the test at the designated location within 7 working days after receiving the approval information, and complete the test within 3 months.

  In addition, the exposure draft also strengthened the security background review and public safety maintenance, clear public security organs should network about car drivers and vehicles for security background review, and public security organs in accordance with the law to carry out national security work, prevention and investigation of illegal and criminal activities, network about car platform companies must provide technical support and assistance, truthfully submit data information. Network about car platform companies refuse to perform, the public security organs shall be dealt with according to law; constitute a crime, criminal responsibility according to law.

Saiyi AIGC Zhongtai officially released, Shanmu GPT empowers the new development of enterprise digital intelligence with technological innovation

Wuhan in the golden autumn ushered in the "2023 China Enterprise Digital transformation Summit and Sai Yi User Conference". At this grand event with the theme of "AI-driven, digital intelligence innovation", domestic industry professors, experts, scholars and more than 500 business leaders, more than 1,000 industry elites, in-depth discussion on the intelligent management, AI scene application, "dual-cross" integration innovation, value-based domestic substitution (Xinchuang) and many other issues facing the digital transformation of enterprises.

"Saiyi is a company that builds digital capabilities around the enterprise value chain," Zhang Chengkang, chairperson and CEO of Saiyi Information, said in the keynote speech. At this year’s conference, Saiyi Information and industry partners jointly explore the digital transformation of enterprises around AI technology, and extract value and create value from it.

In the meantime, Saiyi Information’s latest release of the first AIGC mid-platform (Shanmu GPT) focusing on the enterprise services model has become the focus of the industry.

Wind up AI to maximize the value of the industry

In the AI era, industrial reshaping and intelligent manufacturing are becoming new.

The "China artificial intelligence large model map research report" released by the new generation artificial intelligence development research center of the Ministry of Science and Technology shows that 79 large models above the 1 billion parameter scale have been released in our country.

With the continuous improvement of the top-level design, our country’s digital economy strategic system has been steadily built, providing strong support for the intelligent transformation of the real industry. In the process of enterprise digital transformation, artificial intelligence can be implemented in a variety of application scenarios, data modeling, and improve the level of analysis and decision-making in production, warehousing, marketing, marketing, finance and other links.

In the process of AIGC technology landing, Saiyi Information realized that the value of the big model lies in the combination with business scenarios. Only by generalizing, industrializing and verticalizing AI capabilities, and deeply integrating with the specific business scenario needs of different industries and different enterprises, and focusing on the big model in the field of Enterprise Services, can we deeply support the digital and intelligent transformation of enterprises.

This is also the original intention and value of the research and development of Saiyi AIGC mid-platform (Shanmou GPT).

Deeply empowering, building an intelligent innovation engine for enterprises

Behind the artificial intelligence boom, major technology manufacturers have entered the market one after another, continuously launching AI models, and AIGC applications have exploded. For enterprises, how to choose the right path and high-quality platform in the process of digital transformation?

"There are so many big models, we can only build our own capabilities on the value chain of the entire industry around the focused industry, around the industry model. Everything is for value." Sai Yi, led by Zhang Chengkang, strives to provide the best path for the digital transformation of enterprises.

According to the introduction, Saiyi AIGC mid-platform (Shanmou GPT) deeply integrates the knowledge and best practices of Saiyi Information in the fields of finance and taxation, human resources, marketing, supply chain, R & D and manufacturing, and expands the storage memory, application adaptation, scheduling execution and domain expertise of the large model through context memory, knowledge/database & table indexing, Prompt engineering, agent execution, general toolset, etc., to form a systematic enterprise services large model. Provide enterprises with capabilities such as multi-model docking, vector management, private model pre-training and application, and help enterprises quickly implement AI and realize intelligent process management, interaction, guidance and circulation.

Digital employees (intelligent guidance), intelligent documents (intelligent assistance), enterprise knowledge base (intelligent Q & A), AI automatic quotation (intelligent quotation) and other functions required by enterprises can be realized in Shanmou GPT. By combining with the existing system and Data Transmission Service of the enterprise, Shanmou GPT can provide enterprises with more personalized and intelligent services, and improve the efficiency of enterprise production and operation management.

It is understood that Saiyi has fully integrated AI capabilities into agile development, achieving automated management of the entire process from requirements planning, requirements analysis, task allocation, progress tracking, iterative testing, and online deployment, with an efficiency increase of more than 40%.

Paradigm shift, AI-driven high-quality development

The "scissors difference principle" of digital transformation has resonated widely in the industry after Zhang Chengkang’s repeated emphasis. With the development of informatization and intelligence, on the one hand, the labor cost of enterprises continues to rise with time; on the other hand, the intelligent cost continues to decline with time. When the labor cost and the intelligent cost curve reach the intersection point, intelligence will usher in an outbreak.

Zhang Chengkang believes that in the era of AI-driven intelligence, the manufacturing paradigm has migrated from physical manufacturing based on the traditional "trial and error method" to virtual manufacturing based on CPS technology, and the manufacturing system has moved from an isolated centralized to an open system of networked collaboration, realizing the revolution of production tools and the transformation of production models.

At the critical juncture of paradigm shift, facing the trend of accelerated integration of the real economy and digital technology, Saiyi Information fully embraces the era of AI intelligence, leveraging its independent research and development capabilities and deep experience in the industry to enable the digital transformation of the industry and help Chinese enterprises move towards high-quality development.

The launch of AIGC mid-platform (Shanmou GPT) comes at the right time.

According to Yuan Haigang, chief architect of Saiyi Gushen Lab: "The launch of AIGC mid-platform (Shanmou GPT) marks an important breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence. It can provide enterprises with more intelligent and efficient solutions to help enterprises achieve digital intelligence innovation and development. In the future, we will strengthen in-depth cooperation and research with customers in different industries, expand the application of AIGC in different industries and fields, and further improve the performance and applicability of Shanmou GPT."

AIGC mid-platform (Shanmou GPT) has strong and comprehensive capabilities.

Automatically generate user stories: enter simple instructions to automatically parse user requests and convert them into standardized user stories, quickly adapt to changes in the market and user requests, save a lot of time and effort for manual creation and maintenance, and improve the quality of agile development and iteration.

Intelligent form creation function: Based on the intelligent form designer provided by Gushen aPaaS platform, users can quickly complete the creation and configuration of the required form application by entering simple instructions in the dialog box, and realize interaction and data collection, further improving the efficiency of enterprise application construction.

The release of AIGC Zhongtai (Shanmou GPT) marks a new step for Saiyi Information in strategic technological innovation. In the future, Saiyi Information will join hands with more outstanding enterprises to strengthen and expand intelligent manufacturing and industrial software, join the AI digital wave, amplify the value of the industry, explore high-quality development paths, and jointly help build a digital China.

"Industrial Internet Platform + Park" empowered in-depth tour will enter Foshan in September

  CCTV News In order to implement the national industrial Internet development strategy and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s "Industrial Internet special project working group 2022 work plan" requirements, to fully stimulate the real economy, and to open up the "last mile" of the platform landing, under the guidance of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Foshan Municipal People’s Government, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s Fifth Research Institute of Electronics will jointly organize the "Industrial Internet Platform + Park" empowered in-depth trip on September 8 with the China Information and Communication Research Institute, the Industrial Internet Platform Innovation Cooperation Center and the organizer Guangdong Meiyun Zhishu Technology Co., Ltd.

  With the theme of "Digitally empowering industrial clusters to lead the high-quality development of the park", the event invited relevant ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, heads of relevant departments of Guangdong Province and Foshan City, national think tanks such as the Fifth Institute of Electronics of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and experts in the field of digital economy. Representatives of key enterprises in the national key Internet platform enterprises and provinces and cities participated together to discuss hot topics such as the development trend of industrial Internet platforms, the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the digital development of industrial clusters. The event will include "Platform + Home Appliance Manufacturing" Smart Park Sharing, "Platform + Industrial Design" Industrial Park Sharing, Furniture Industry Digital transformation Exploration Practice, Pan-Home Furnishing Industry Cluster Development Experience Sharing, etc., to explore the "Platform + Park" demand scenario, explore the "Platform + Park" practical experience, promote the application and promotion of the platform in the park, and promote the digital transformation and upgrading of regional industries. At the same time, the event will also hold a launch ceremony for enterprise cooperation.

  In recent years, the industrial Internet platform, as the hub of connecting the whole industrial factor, the whole industrial chain and the whole value chain, has entered a period of rapid development of scene landing and vertical deep cultivation. The industrial Internet platform is not only a key carrier to promote the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, but also an important measure to build a new ecosystem of industrial integration. Up to now, with the joint efforts of government departments at all levels, research institutes, industry enterprises and other entities, the "comprehensive + characteristic + professional" industrial Internet platform system in our country has been basically formed. There are more than 150 platforms with certain industry and regional influence, and the total number of access equipment has exceeded 70 million units (sets). The platform empowering effect is further revealed. " The in-depth promotion of "Industrial Internet Platform + Park" is of great significance for improving the digital transformation and refined management service level of industrial parks, accelerating the transformation of the development mode of industrial parks, and promoting the integrated development of industrialization and informatization in a wider range, deeper and higher level.

The national industrial Internet platform empowers depth to reach depth, Jieshun Technology helps build "Digital Longhua"

On September 23rd, sponsored by the Shenzhen Longhua District People’s Government and the China Electronics Standardization Institute, and organized by the Longhua District Digital Economy Leading Group Office, the National Industrial Internet Platform Empower Deepin Tour (Shenzhen Station) and the "Digital Economy See Longhua" series of activities were held in Shenzhen.

Feng Wei, director of the integration of industrialization and industrialization department of MIIT Information Technology Development Department, Sun Wenlong, vice president of China Electronics Standardization Research Institute, and Wang Wei, secretary of Longhua District Party Committee, attended the forum and delivered speeches. Jieshun Technology, as a representative of a key enterprise in "Digital Longhua", was invited to attend the meeting.

The event focused on the theme of "platform empower, digital transformation", aiming to strengthen the promotion and implementation of the digital economy policy system, accelerate the improvement of financial, spatial, intellectual and other support and security systems, and efficiently promote the platform carrier to fully empower, and jointly explore the strategy of deeply empowering the industrial Internet.

In recent years, Longhua District has vigorously promoted the strengthening of the real economy and the industrial transformation and upgrading project, and took the lead in introducing ten measures to build a digital economy pioneer area in the city. At the event site, Longhua District officially released the "1 + N + S" digital economy policy system.

Of which,"1" is the three-year implementation plan for the digital economy in Longhua District, "N" is the inclusive policy by industry and field, and "S" is the special project policy for the digital economy industryFocusing on the current situation, characteristics and shortcomings of the industry, targeting and focusing, increasing support for the industrial Internet, blockchain, artificial intelligence, new display, intelligent manufacturing equipment, consumer Internet, fashion creativity, digital culture, integrated circuits, life and health. A systematic policy system covering more than 10 industrial fields, more than 20 policies, and a budget of over 3 billion yuan has been initially formed, and it is committed to accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system and promoting sustainable and high-quality economic development.

As a national high-tech enterprise and a key development enterprise in the ten industrial chains of the "1 + N + S" digital economy policy system, the release of this policy undoubtedly provides strong support and guarantee for Jieshun to accelerate the development of digital transformation.

Over the past 29 years, Jieshun Technology has always adhered to independent research and development, continuously introduced high-precision scientific and technological talents, and maintained the leadership of scientific and technological innovation. Gradually transforming from an intelligent hardware manufacturer to a smart ecological operator with intelligent software and hardware + platform + operation, and witnessing and promoting the transformation and development of the industry with repeated transformations and upgrades.

As a new member of Longhua Intelligent Manufacturing, Jieshun Technology will also closely follow the policy, seize the opportunity, and comprehensively enhance the innovation and creativity ability based on smart car dealerships, smart pedestrians, smart visitors, and smart consumption, accelerate digital transformation, and continue to lead the development of the industry.

To achieve a comprehensive digital transformation of the enterprise, digital empowerment is an essential part of it.At the event, Zhao Yong, general manager of Jieshun Technology, and five other well-known enterprises in Longhua District signed a digital empowering strategic cooperation agreement with the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center.

This strategic cooperation is not only an important measure of the "1 + N + S" digital economy policy system, but also fully reflects Longhua District’s firm determination to accurately connect the digital empowerment platform with local outstanding enterprises and achieve "two-way empower".

As a state-level think tank research unit with a history of more than 60 years, the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center has accumulated rich research experience and platform construction, ecological construction and promotion experience in digital transformation, and has participated in a large number of national "integration of industrialization and industrialization" policy documents and standards.

Zhao Yong, general manager of Jieshun Technology, said,"Scientific research institutions hold the theoretical commanding heights of the industry and understand the future direction. Under their guidance, we will have a more accurate grasp of the trend, and we can also get the optimization of the system and the guidance of theory."

As a leading enterprise in the field of smart parking, Jieshun Technology keeps pace with the digital age and plans digital transformation deployment in advance.It is now fully moving towards a new "cloud age".

In the future, Jieshun Technology will take the "Digital Longhua" construction as an opportunity, make full use of the advantages of Longhua’s industrial chain, and continue to accelerate the digital strategic transformation towards the new goal of "comprehensive cloudification, ecological construction, and fission development". It will further play a role in the promotion of Longhua’s digital construction and development, and help Shenzhen’s smart city industrial chain layout.

11.86-17 1,800 new Lynk & Co 06 officially launched

  [Autohome new car launch] On September 8, the new model (|) was officially launched. The new car was named Lynk & Co 06 Remix, and it still offered a fuel version and a plug-in hybrid version.The price is 11.86-17 1,800 yuanThe new car has been upgraded in terms of appearance design and car system, and the fuel version has been replaced with a four-cylinder engine. In addition, the new intelligent voice housekeeper "Hicks" was also released at the press conference, which supports 62 multi-scene intelligent language controls and 6 kinds of sounds. At the same time, the second-generation smart car control watch was also officially released.



The new Lynk & Co 06/Lynk & Co 06 PHEV price guide Model Selling price (10,000 yuan) 1.5T Plus 11.86 1.5T Strength Pro 12.86 1.5T Power Halo 13.86 1.5T Halo 13.86 1.5T Heroes 13.98 1.5T Shero 13.98 PHEV Pro 16.68 PHEV Hero 17.18 PHEV Shero 17.18






  In addition, the purchase of a car can also enjoy triple rights, including 3,000 yuan to receive a gold, 4,000 yuan replacement subsidy, 3,000 yuan additional purchase subsidy, lifetime free quality assurance, free road assistance and free data traffic, etc. Users who buy Hero/Shero models can also enjoy exclusive gift boxes, and users who buy PHEV models can enjoy free basic installation of charging piles, 160 yuan smart watch voucher and 260 yuan home discharge gun voucher.

New car features:

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

  The styling details of the new Lynk & Co 06 have changed. The biggest adjustment to the front face is the internal structure of the upper and lower grilles. The upper grille of the new car is decorated with 12 sets of three-piece blade trims, while the lower grille is decorated with 19 straight waterfall fins. In the C-pillar part, the car also added a pulse ray style decorative line. It is worth mentioning that the Hero model will also use exclusive green paint, which is more unique. The Shero version continues to use the pink and purple contrasting design. The details are added to the wildberry purple highlight trim and use the wildberry purple contrasting rim. For other versions, blue-orange, gray-orange, gray, white, light blue and other color schemes will also be available.

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

  In the car, the overall design of the new car has not changed, but the central control screen has been upgraded to 12.3 inches. Some models, such as Hero and Jin Halo, will use integrated sports seats with racing yellow piping and stitching, which is more sporty. The Shero version will use a color-matching interior with purple stitching and piping, which is more attractive to female consumers.

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

  The new 12.3-inch central control screen integrates the Co lynk intelligent interconnection system, the storage + memory is upgraded to 6G + 64G, and the boot speed is increased by 40%. At the same time, it has ecological entertainment systems such as Tencent Accompanying and Volcano Car Entertainment, including popular applications such as car WeChat, Bilibili, Autonavi navigation, and Douyin.

  In terms of driver assistance systems, the official said that the car will provide 21 driver assistance systems (but not all standard), including intelligent pilot assistance systems, remote parking, automatic parking assistance, panoramic imaging (including chassis perspective), etc., as well as the new TBA tracking reversing assistance system.

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

  The upgrade of the power part will be the most concerned, and the fuel version will be replaced with a four-cylinder engine. It is equipped with a 1.5T four-cylinder engine with a maximum power of 181 horsepower and a peak torque of 290 Nm. It is matched with a 7-speed wet dual-clutch transmission.

  The plug-in hybrid version is still equipped with the plug-in hybrid system composed of the previous 1.5T three-cylinder engine. Its maximum engine power is 177 horsepower, peak torque is 255 Nm, and the maximum power of the power system is 190kW (258 horsepower). Its NEDC pure electric range is 84km.

Competitive models:

Dongfeng Honda, Honda XR-V 2023 1.5L CVT Boom Edition

"Honda XR-V"

  In the small SUV market at the price point of the Lynk & Co 06, it faces competitors mainly from overseas brands, including Honda XR-V/Bizhi, Volkswagen Tucai/Troupe, Nissan Kingke, Chevrolet Tron and other models. In contrast, the Lynk & Co 06 has a more youthful and personalized design, higher configuration and stronger powertrain. Of course, at this price point, there are also a variety of compact SUVs and even mid-sized SUVs from Chinese brands to choose from. At this time, you need to choose between bigger and more refined.

● Summary:


  In an environment of "talking about three-color change", many manufacturers began to return to the four-cylinder power layout. On the occasion of the change of the Lynk & Co 06, in addition to the improvement of design and configuration, the main fuel version was replaced with a four-cylinder engine, which is of course good news for consumers who do not like three cylinders. And from the book data, the power output of 181 horsepower and 290 Nm is also higher. So, is the new Lynk & Co 06 your cup of tea? (Text/Autohome Chen Hao)

Has Volvo been abandoned because the new product has been delayed?

In 2017, Volvo brought S90 and XC60 products, which have been the main sales force of Volvo for five years. Although it is often necessary to attract users with huge discounts, in terms of sales volume, relying on these two main models, Volvo’s performance in the past five years can be described as brilliant. However, as the product strength became more and more old, Volvo’s sales began to decline, and it was time for Volvo to innovate.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, Volvo finally released a flagship pure electric SUV—— some time ago. However, in its report, it was impressively written: "It is planned to be produced and sold in the United States in 2023 and localized in China in 2024." In other words, Volvo, whose current main force has already appeared tired, has released new electric products, but it will take two years to meet consumers. Some insiders believe that the pace of Volvo is still so slow in the new energy era, and it is afraid of being abandoned by the market.

At present, if we only look at the sales data of Volvo, there is something gratifying, because in this market where the epidemic situation is repeated and traditional luxury cars and fuel vehicles are eroded by new energy sources as a whole, compared with those friends who are prone to decline by more than ten or twenty points, the cumulative sales of Volvo in the first 11 months of this year has declined by 7.4%.

But Volvo’s real pain lies not in its sales volume, but in its price and brand image: as early as two or three years ago, Mercedes-Benz and Lexus were still increasing their prices, but XC60 was already in a state of "fracture price", with an average discount of 60,000 to 70,000 yuan, and S90 in some areas could even be discounted by 100,000 yuan. On the surface, Volvo’s guide price can still keep up with the first-line luxury, but in fact its price system has almost slipped to the point of competing with joint ventures for the market.

Judging from the financial report, as early as 2019, Volvo’s operating profit in the first half of the year fell by 30%; In the second half of the year, the growth rate of 0.8% was barely maintained through layoffs and other means. In the first half of this year, Volvo’s revenue alone fell by 14.1%; The net income has been completely negative, with a negative growth of SEK 1.171 billion, which dropped by 134.5%. During this period, although Volvo has set foot in PHEV, the actual performance of T8 power is not inferior to that of BBA, but Volvo’s popularity in the hybrid world is not as high as its "Raytheon Hammer" headlights. At this point, Volvo is in urgent need of an innovation.

Fortunately, in the era of electrification, BBA and Lexus, the top four traditional luxury markets, have not come up with strong gestures and products, and consumers no longer give face to their brands and popularity. This can be said to be an excellent opportunity for other so-called "second-line luxury" to break through.

Volvo’s attitude of transforming into electrification is also quite firm: first, it transferred the main shares of Aurobay to Geely, and at the same time announced that it would stop production of pure fuel vehicles in 2025, which announced that it officially withdrew from the research and development of internal combustion engines and focused on electrification. However, the flagship electric technology exhibited by EX90, as well as the latest design, technology and concept, cannot help worrying about Volvo’s future.

First of all, this car was built on the SPA2 platform. Although this is an upgraded platform of SPA, SPA is an oil-electricity sharing platform that has never exploded and has never had a well-known black technology. Even the initiator of Volvo’s big price reduction came from this platform. The upgraded SPA2 is also not surprising: the maximum battery life of the EX90 is only 600 kilometers, and the minimum is only 467 kilometers (competing products can generally be 50-100 kilometers higher); The 8155 chip (which is the mainstream now, and will certainly be compared in two years) used for car engines, and the driving assistance computing power is 250TOPS (now many domestic flagships have a computing power of over 1,000, and most high-end models are in the range of 407Ps, 770N·m, 503Ps and 910N·m), but this is also compared with other traditional luxury brands.

In addition to the book parameters, the face value of EX90 also gives people a feeling of "XC90 pure electric version" (of course, this is indeed shared by oil and electricity platforms). Not only is the appearance lacking freshness, but the simple interior is also difficult to remind people of the word luxury. In addition to these most important information, EX90 is left with some "flowers": for example, its seat is made of environmentally friendly materials made of PET plastic bottles and resin; For example, the car will be equipped with sensors to detect whether children or pets are left behind; It can even charge in reverse, and use its cruising range of up to 600 kilometers to "feed back" the power grid or other vehicles.

As for the product strength of EX90, to be honest, even if it goes on the market at the end of 2022 and sets a price similar to that of XC90 (starting at 500,000), compared with its competitors, it is in a state where there are basically no advantages but many shortcomings. Compared with the new cars produced in recent years, the disadvantage of EX90 is even greater.

To give a few simple examples, the 11.4 million version of Aouita can have a battery life of 680 kilometers, and the entry version has a horsepower of 578Ps; Tucki G9 not only reached 700+, but also gave 508TOPS computing power; And those extended-range players who have broken thousands of battery life are even more annoying. In addition, technologies such as in-car life detection and reverse charging have already been seen in the domestic camp. The strength of EX90, which is average in book and not new in technology, is dangerous even in the 400,000-level market. But EX90 not only has a high probability that the price will be higher than XC90, but also will not be made in China until two years later … Such a performance certainly makes people uninterested.

More importantly, as a flagship, EX90 not only has low expectations, but also makes people’s thoughts on Volvo’s new products drop to freezing point. Is the future Volvo electric car the appearance of this current model after changing from oil to electricity, with a simple vertical screen interior? Compared with the extreme krypton that has blossomed in the high-end market, is Volvo’s future performance and battery life just like this? For the increasingly important intelligent travel, is Volvo such a mentality of running behind others? If so, in the new energy era, let alone Volvo’s luxury status, it will lack characteristics and competitiveness even if it is downgraded to an ordinary brand.

It must be said that Volvo, which is slow in electrification and weak in strength, not only faces being abandoned by the market, but also seems to be at arm’s length with Geely Group. Two years ago, the two companies announced that they would really merge into a group company, but the result after that was not only that the merger failed, but also that their cooperation in the power field came to an end. During this period, not only did Krypton successfully rush into the mid-to-high-end electric vehicle market of 300,000-400,000 grades, but also the geometric new energy, which is the main entry-level market, became the enemy of Ai ‘an. Geely even used the vast structure of SEA to help smart jump from the 100,000-grade fuel market to the 200,000-grade pure electric vehicle market, and the monthly sales volume of 1,000+was also higher than before.

On the other hand, Volvo is determined to realize electrification as soon as possible, but its real strength is still in the stage of plug-in+oil-for-electricity exchange. No matter whether SPA2 compares with the vast architecture of SEA or EX90 competes with Krypton 001, Geely can’t pretend to be a "teacher" when it comes to electrification, but it needs to ask this "senior" some difficult problems about the China market. The reason why the merger of the two companies broke down is probably because Volvo, whose car business was only $1.8 billion at the beginning, has an IPO valuation of nearly $30 billion after ten years of growth, which makes it have the idea of going solo, and perhaps makes it offer a price that even Geely, a "diamond VIP" in the acquisition industry, can’t bear in the merger negotiation.

In fact, Volvo needs Geely more now than it did 12 years ago. Not only because of the huge capital investment required by electrification technology, but also because of Geely’s achievements and strength in this field. For example, in the embarrassing period when Volvo’s sales and profits are both declining, Geely’s vast SEA architecture can help it tide over the difficulties.

However, these two brands in the same group began to "play their own games" in the field of electrification, which needs to concentrate on doing big things: they are extremely separated and independent; Volvo has never been able to use the vast structure of SEA. After 12 years, the couple finally began to sleep in separate rooms. Judging from the situation, Volvo’s soaring valuation is only temporary, and Geely, which has already taken off geometrically, has grasped the future. If we really want to part ways, Volvo may be the one abandoned by superior resources.

Summary:Among many luxury brands, Volvo never shows its edge, and rarely shows its ambition to surpass anyone. From the cost performance of products to the main concepts of safety and environmental protection, it even has many unique places. But after these years, Volvo’s main ideas have not been further recognized by domestic consumers. The slow pace of updating has led to a brand that cannot catch up with the high-end market at the price level and must be discounted in the main market. Faced with this situation, Volvo’s determination to cross the rubicon and "fully and quickly" electrify is worthy of recognition, but its achievements are obviously difficult to reverse the current decline. What’s more, the localization time of EX90 has been set in 2024, and it and Geely have begun to "drift away" in technology … So, Volvo may once again usher in a cold winter.

AITO asked the world that the new M7 delivered 30,635 new cars in 84 days.

  On December 6th, IT House reported that in November this year, all the brands in Wenjie delivered 18,827 vehicles in November, of which 15,242 vehicles were successfully delivered by Wenjie, and 10,000 vehicles were delivered for two consecutive months. At the same time, the number of new M7 cars has exceeded 100,000.

  According to the latest official data, 30,635 new M7 vehicles were delivered in 84 days. According to reports, the car purchase rights in December include 12,000 yuan for interior and exterior decoration, 15,000 yuan for matching rights and so on.

AITO asked the world that the new M7 delivered 30,635 new cars in 84 days.

  The M7 was officially launched on September 12th. Last month, two new models were added. The car offers seven configurations, five-seat and six-seat seat layouts, with a guide price range of 249,800 yuan. IT house summary guide price:

  This model has a length of 5020mm, a width of 1945mm, a height of 1760mm and a wheelbase of 2820mm. It uses a drive motor with a rated power of 70kW/72kW and a peak power of 130kW/200kW. The maximum net power of the engine is 110kW, and the fuel consumption of WLTC is 0.85L or 1.06L per 100 kilometers. It is equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited ternary lithium battery.

  In terms of intelligent driving,The new M7 in Wenjie is equipped with Huawei ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system.It can realize high-speed and urban intelligent driving without relying on high-precision maps. The new car is equipped with 27 sensing hardware, including 1 overhead lidar, 3 millimeter-wave radars, 11 high-definition visual sensing cameras and 12 ultrasonic radars, which supports parking service and ultra-narrow parking spaces in the park.

AITO asked the world that the new M7 delivered 30,635 new cars in 84 days.

  Advertising statement: the external jump links (including but not limited to hyperlinks, QR codes, passwords, etc.) contained in the article are used to convey more information and save selection time. The results are for reference only, and all articles in IT House contain this statement.

Heduo Technology Releases Smart parking service Product HoloParking Announces A Round of Financing

  BEIJING, Dec. 14 (Xinhua)-Today, Heduo Technology held a press conference in Beijing, and released and displayed its self-developed intelligent parking service product HoloParking. This product is the first self-driving parking service product that supports all-weather and all-scene real operation, and can realize the whole process of unmanned parking and car pickup. Heduo Technology will join hands with partners to implement the "2020 Plan" and jointly promote the landing application of HoloParking. In addition, Heduo Technology also announced that the company has recently completed a round of tens of millions of dollars in financing.

Ni Kai, founder of Heduo Technology, released HoloParking.
Ni Kai, founder of Heduo Technology, released HoloParking.

  Eliminating parking anxiety, HoloParking lets human drivers get rid of parking lots.

  Heduo Technology focuses on building an autonomous driving scheme based on cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology and automobile industry technology, and is one of the few companies in the industry with full-stack autonomous driving research and development capabilities. According to Ni Kai, the founder of Heduo Technology, the original intention of the company was to realize the technology landing as soon as possible and let people enjoy the benefits of autonomous driving as soon as possible. HoloParking released this time applies L4 autopilot technology to parking scenes, aiming to completely liberate human beings from the chore of parking.

  Different from the existing parking assistance function in the market, HoloParking doesn’t need the driver to drive the vehicle to the parking space, and the driver can get off at the gate of the parking lot, and the vehicle can find the parking space and park it by itself, without being watched. When picking up the car, the owner can also remotely start the HoloParking system, so that the vehicle can park itself and drive to the boarding place. In other words, the owner can complete the whole process of parking and picking up the car without entering the parking lot. Ni Kai believes that the value of this product lies in saving time and energy for car owners in all weather and all scenes.

  The first parking service product that supports "all-weather", "full scene" and "real operation"

  In fact, the parking scene is an application scene of autonomous driving technology that is widely concerned by the industry. At present, many automobile manufacturers, Tier 1 (first-class supplier) enterprises and autonomous driving companies are competing to develop solutions for this scene.

  In Ni Kai’s view, compared with other parking service schemes, HoloParking’s advantage lies in its ability to support all-weather and all-scene real operation. No matter in the environment with serious light shortage, in the complex parking lot with mixed traffic and many emergencies, or in bad weather such as rain, snow, strong wind and dense fog, HoloParking’s system can operate normally, providing users with safe and stable parking service service.

  Ni Kai believes that in order to achieve all-weather and all-scene real operation, parking service system must have three capabilities: intelligence, robustness and landing. Heduo Technology can achieve this function mainly due to HoloParking’s unique "three-in-one" technical scheme.

  According to Ni Kai, the conventional thinking of the industry is to take the car as the only carrier to realize autonomous driving, but the pure car-end solution can not meet the three requirements of intelligence, robustness and landing at the same time. The practice of Heduo Technology is to introduce the field terminal and high-precision map terminal into HoloParking system, and form a set of "three-in-one" scheme together with the vehicle terminal. Through the coordinated operation of the three terminals, HoloParking is obviously more intelligent in perception, positioning and decision-making; Through sufficient redundancy, higher robustness can be achieved, and various complex working conditions, climates and unexpected situations can be properly dealt with. In addition, by empowering the field end, the sensor and calculation unit at the vehicle end completely meet the requirements of the vehicle regulations.

  During the conference, HoloParking was dynamically displayed on the spot.

  In the first round of display, the tester started HoloParking service with one button through the mobile APP 100 meters away from the open-air parking lot, and then the vehicle automatically drove to the parking lot. When the sudden appearance of pedestrians on the road is detected, the vehicle stops immediately, waits for the pedestrians to leave before moving on, and finally stops smoothly. When returning the car, the tester remotely started HoloParking through the App, and the vehicle was parked independently. When an obstacle car parked on the road was detected, it bypassed the obstacle car through secondary route planning and continued to drive, successfully reaching the boarding place.

  The second round shows that HoloParking is equally intelligent and stable when multiple vehicles are running at the same time. Three different types of vehicles carrying HoloParking received parking instructions at the same time, two stopped and one picked up the car, all of which successfully completed the task. On the way to the vehicle, the nearby waterwheel began to water to simulate heavy rain. Under such conditions, the vehicle still successfully completed the whole process.

  Wang zheng, vice president of Heduo Technology, pointed out that HoloParking has been able to effectively cope with all kinds of bad weather and emergencies, and support multiple vehicles to run at the same time, thus meeting the needs of actual landing operation, with high stability and safety.

  The "2020 Plan" was announced for the first time, and parking service can be expected to land

  While releasing HoloParking, Heduo Technology also disclosed the future landing plan of this product.

  Ni Kai said that the commercialization process of HoloParking will start from important outlets and gradually realize large-scale operation. In this process, Heduo will work with commerce, automobile industry and capital to build parking service Alliance.

  At the press conference, Heduo Technology announced its "2020 Plan" for the first time.

  Starting from 2019, Heduo Technology will be the main technical participant, and cooperate with Shanghai Automobile City to carry out the "Last Mile" demonstration operation project, centering on the automobile innovation port, radiating Shanghai Automobile Museum and Shanghai Automobile Expo Park, and HoloParking will polish the technology in the continuous real operation.

  By 2020, Heduo will support more than 20 cities, with at least 20 parking lots in each city. In order to achieve this goal, at the parking lot end, Heduo will cooperate with the smart parking enterprise "Parking Simple" to jointly complete the intelligent upgrade of the parking lot, so as to support the service of HoloParking in parking service.

  In terms of sensors, Hedo has reached a strategic cooperation with Velodyne, the world’s leading laser radar supplier. As a strategic partner, Velodyne will provide Hedo with priority procurement rights and support Hedo’s wider deployment in the future. In the future, the two sides will work together to reduce costs. Heduo’s goal is to realize the cost of single parking space renovation of 2020 yuan.

  Ni Kai said that all these plans can not be completed without the help of capital. Heduo Technology has recently completed tens of millions of dollars in Series A financing, led by sequoia capital china, followed by Oceanwide Investment, and NavInfo, IDG Capital and BAI (Bertelsmann Asia Investment Fund) continue to increase their holdings. Ni Kai said that this round of financing will be mainly used to increase investment in technology research and development, and accelerate the large-scale testing of HoloPilot, an expressway automatic driving scheme independently developed by Heduo, and the landing application of HoloParking, an automatic driving scheme in parking service.

Can the listing of Qin Pro save BYD?

Text | Xu Zhe

With the launch of the new Qin Pro today (September 21st), BYD’s Dragon Face family has further grown. As BYD’s fist product this year, Qin Pro, like the new generation of Tang, launched three power versions-fuel version, DM plug-in hybrid version and EV pure electric version.

In terms of selling price, the guiding price of fuel version is 79,800-115,800 yuan, the subsidized hybrid version is 149,900-176,900 yuan, and the subsidized pure electric vehicle is 169,900-189,900 yuan. In addition, models for developers were also released, including 176,900-206,900 yuan for the developer version of Qin Pro DM and 189,900-299,900 yuan for the developer version of Qin Pro EV500.

Continue the "dragon face" design

Before the design director Wolfgang Eiger joined us, BYD’s face value was really heart-rending. Now, the former Audi design director used his "Dragon Face" to end the rustic old face value and the world’s spit for BYD. The reason why he chose "Dragon" as the theme of the design language is precisely because in the vast historical process of thousands of years, the dragon is the totem of the Chinese nation and the symbol of China culture.

Inspired by this, the models of BYD Dragon Face family all adopt a rounded large-size front grille design, with horizontal chrome trim strips, which looks like a faucet, and Qin Pro is no exception, which makes it highly recognizable.

Combined with the long and narrow headlights on both sides, two-color rim design, through taillights, etc., the whole car is more sporty.

The side waistline extends from the front fender to the tail, and the C-pillar is designed in an upward way. Slip-back modeling starts from B-pillar and presses down the curve to the rear of the car. In addition, the new car is also equipped with a five-spoke two-color rim design.

In terms of size, the three versions of BYD Qin Pro are consistent except the height of the car body. The length, width and height of Qin Pro are 4765/1837/1500mm, the wheelbase is 2718mm, and the height of the new energy version is 1495 mm.

In the interior part, the three models are basically the same, and the 8-inch LCD instrument panel and the 12.8-inch rotating large screen are undoubtedly the most eye-catching.

Qin Pro’s central control big screen has an 8-core processor, which can rotate adaptively, and is equipped with Android system, which can realize many interconnected functions such as chatting, games, entertainment, shopping and so on. BYD DiLink’s intelligent networking function also supports the interconnection of mobile phones and vehicles for remote operation.

In addition, the three versions all adopt the popular electronic lever design, but adopt different lever shapes.

Sandian technology highlights are full. DM version may become the main sales force

Qin Pro fuel version is equipped with 1.5L naturally aspirated and 1.5T turbocharged engines, with maximum power of 109 HP and 154 HP respectively, which are matched with 5-speed manual and 6-speed dual clutch gearboxes respectively. The DM plug-in hybrid version is equipped with a hybrid system consisting of 1.5T and a driving motor. The maximum output power of the engine is 154 HP and the peak torque is 240 Nm, while the maximum output power of the motor is 150 HP and the peak torque is 250 Nm. The integrated maximum power of the whole hybrid system is 295 HP, the integrated peak torque is 417 Nm, and the acceleration of 100 km takes only 5.9 seconds.

According to the official introduction, since Qin Pro9 opened the pre-sale on September 5, in less than a month, nearly 5,000 DM plug-in hybrid models have been sold. Not surprisingly, the DM plug-in hybrid model should be the main sales force in the early stage of Qin Pro’s listing.

At the same time, Qin Pro’s high-density and large-capacity battery has an energy density of 160.9Wh/kg and a capacity of 56.4kWh. In terms of cruising range, Qin Pro EV can achieve a maximum of 500km. According to the current national subsidy standard for electric vehicles, Qin Pro EV can get 66,000 national subsidies, and the maximum subsidy amount is 90,000 after local subsidies, which is highly competitive in price.

However, the listing price of Qin Pro is still "high" by netizens.

In particular, there is a certain gap between the starting price of 79,800 and the previous estimate of 60,000. Some netizens bluntly said: "The 1.5T engine is on S7, while the 1.5L engine is on Speedsharp. It costs 30,000 more to change the car shell and configuration, and the Speedsharp is only 50,000, and it has become 79,800 here."

Others compared the fuel version of Qin Pro with Geely Emgrand GL, and thought that the configuration of Emgrand GL was better than Qin Pro at the same price.

Some netizens believe that BYD has expanded after the hot sales of MAX in the Song Dynasty and the second generation in the Tang Dynasty. "I originally took a fancy to this car, but because the Great Wall that I opened now has a huge fuel consumption for five years, the BYD fo I bought for my wife has eight oils, which has made me lose confidence in the engine technology of domestic cars, and I can’t rely entirely on patriotism when buying things."

Affected by subsidies, the profit dropped by 70%.

Looking at BYD’s performance this year, apart from the "Li Juan incident" that has not yet escaped, we have to mention the embarrassment of the sharp drop in profits.

According to the sales report issued by BYD, in the first half of the year, BYD sold a total of 220,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 21%. Among them, the cumulative sales of new energy vehicles reached 71,200, up 106% year-on-year, ranking first in the sales list of new energy passenger cars.

Although BYD’s performance in the first half of the year is good from the sales data, there is still a big gap with its annual target. In January 2018, Zhao Changjiang, general manager of BYD’s automobile sales, once said that BYD hopes to achieve the annual sales target of 600,000 units in 2018, including the target of 200,000 new energy vehicles. As a result, in the first half of 2018, BYD only completed 36.92% of the annual task target, and the new energy part only completed 35.6%.

In addition, according to public data, BYD’s operating income from 2015 to 2017 was about 80.009 billion yuan, 103.47 billion yuan and 105.915 billion yuan respectively; The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-recurring gains and losses is about 1.207 billion yuan, 4.613 billion yuan and 2.987 billion yuan respectively; The government subsidies included in the current profit and loss are about 581 million yuan, 711 million yuan and 1.276 billion yuan respectively.

After entering 2018, BYD’s profits have dropped sharply. According to the previous report of Observer Network, it can be found from BYD’s financial report for the first quarter of 2018 that its net profit in the first quarter plummeted by 83.09%. To make matters worse, the semi-annual performance expectation outlook: BYD expects the interim net profit to drop by at least 71%.

In this regard, BYD gave a big profit dive to the "decline in government subsidies for new energy vehicles". The financial report explained that "the overall profit of the new energy vehicle business, including electric buses and new energy passenger cars, has dropped significantly compared with the same period last year."

Of course, the reason for BYD’s profit decline is obviously not only the subsidy decline, but also the unbalanced structure of BYD’s existing models and weak profitability. Therefore, the listing of BYD Qin Pro is particularly urgent.

Back to the product, compared with the self-owned brand cars of the same class in the first echelon on the market today, from the fuel version, Geely Emgrand GL, brand-new Changan Yidong and SAIC Roewe i6 are all competing products of Qin Pro. In terms of new energy, two new energy compact cars, Roewe ei6 and MG 6, owned by SAIC will compete with Qin Pro.

This article is an exclusive manuscript of Observer. It cannot be reproduced without authorization.