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Tencent launched a special project to "help develop new quality productivity, digitalization empowers a better life"

  On April 23, the launch ceremony of Tencent’s special project "Help develop new productivity and digitalization empower a better life" was held in Tencent Binhai Building. Cheng Buyi, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organization Department, and Zhang Ling, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department, attended the event.

  Last year, under the guidance of the Internet Enterprise Working Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Tencent launched the "Ten Actions" to promote high-quality development, landing 61 projects in ten aspects such as basic scientific research, rural revitalization, and financial technology, and making positive contributions to promoting high-quality economic and social development. This year, in order to further deepen the results of the "Ten Actions", Tencent focuses on the major decisions of the central government and the national strategy, coordinates the company’s resources and strength, and gives full play to the advantages of funds, technology and talents to carry out Tencent’s special project "Helping the Development of New Quality Productivity, Digitalization Empowers a Better Life" to promote the formation of new quality productive forces, promote high-quality economic and social development, and better meet the people’s yearning and needs for

  The special project "Help develop new quality productivity" covers basic scientific research, cutting-edge technologies, emerging industries and future industries, digital technology and other fields, focusing on scientific exploration awards and new cornerstone researchers, HunyuanAide big model empowers thousands of industries, Tencent enlightenment helps artificial intelligence talent cultivation and scientific and technological innovation construction, Tencent self-researched game engine technology in aviation and other industries cross-border application, implementation of the exploration plan – cultural science and technology innovation incubation and other projects.

  The special project "Digitalization empowers a better life" covers financial technology, ecological environmental protection, digital public welfare, Guangdong "Million Project", cultural industry and other fields, focusing on financial technology services to help accelerate the development of the industry, carbon removal demonstration ecological environmental protection, digitalization to help the development of public welfare undertakings, Guangdong "Million Project" Youth Xingxiang Cultivation Program, "Fanxing Plan" – digital technology empowers the development of small and medium-sized museums and other projects.

  At the launch ceremony, the video connected the rural revitalization project owners in Shantou and Kashgar to share the stories of helping rural revitalization by digital means, empowering modern industry development with new productivity, and improving people’s production and living standards. In addition, the scene also introduced the relevant experience and practices of Tencent’s "Hunyuan" model empowering thousands of industries, WeChat Pay facilitating overseas people to enjoy domestic mobile payment services, Tencent Video creating high-quality content, and telling China’s story well with high-quality IP.

Foshan, Guangdong: Interviewed twice in 3 months, online car-hailing APP may be removed from the shelves

  Text/Guangzhou Daily All Media Reporter Li Chuanzhi

  Yesterday, the reporter learned from the Foshan Municipal Government Network that Foshan City will revise the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services in Foshan City" (hereinafter referred to as the "Interim Measures"), and the exposure draft of the revised draft is currently soliciting opinions from the community. The exposure draft proposes that if a network car-hailing platform company has violated laws and regulations, and after being jointly interviewed twice within 3 months, it still refuses to correct it. After collective discussion by the joint regulatory authorities, it can start the carrier processing process such as suspending the release and removing mobile Internet applications (APPs) from the shelves.

  authoritative release

  1. Strengthening supervision: including the removal of APP as a means of punishment

  According to the exposure draft, if a car-hailing platform company violates laws and regulations and refuses to correct it after being jointly interviewed twice within 3 months, after collective discussion by the joint regulatory authorities, it can start the carrier processing process such as suspending the release and delisting of mobile Internet applications (APPs). In addition, if the mobile Internet applications (APPs) and other carriers of the car-hailing platform company are suspended and delisted, and the above violations continue to occur, the joint regulatory authorities can start the disposition process of stopping internet service, stopping networking or downtime for rectification.

  So, under what circumstances will online car-hailing platform companies be interviewed? The exposure draft proposes that those who engage in online car-hailing business activities without obtaining an online car-hailing business license or engage in online car-hailing business activities in a disguised form shall be dealt with by the transportation authorities at or above the county level in accordance with laws and regulations. If an online car-hailing platform company that has obtained an online car-hailing business license violates laws and regulations, it shall be dealt with by the departments of transportation, development and reform, public security, economy and informatization, commerce, industry and commerce, quality supervision, human resources and social security, taxation, online information, and the People’s Bank of China within the scope of their respective duties. If the violations involve multiple departments, the relevant departments may conduct joint interviews.

  2 Security upgrade: APP should not have heterosexual social functions

  In the exposure draft, Foshan’s security management of online car-hailing continues to be upgraded, and proposes that "the client side application should not have heterosexual social functions, and should have the following safety service functions: the basic attribute information and location information of the vehicle and the driver Real-time sharing function, the third person confirmed by the driver or the passenger in writing can view the vehicle’s dynamic location information during the service process at any time; personal phone encryption function, the passenger and the driver communicate through technical means; ‘One-click call’ function, when the passenger is used in an emergency, the real-time dynamic information of the vehicle and the driver information can be automatically sent to the online car-hailing platform company."

  In addition, the exposure draft also proposes that the online car-hailing platform company should conduct real-time dynamic monitoring of vehicle operation and service process through the online car-hailing platform and in-vehicle service end point, and should collect personal characteristic data such as driver portraits in real time during operating hours. Compared with the personal identity information of the driver in the background; the in-vehicle service end point should adopt the mainstream operating system compatible with the supervision and service software, and ensure that the normal operation of the supervision and service software at the in-vehicle service end point is not disturbed.

  At the same time, the exposure draft emphasizes that platform operators should submit the information of drivers and vehicles connected to the network, including online car-hailing and private passenger car-sharing services, to the municipal public security organs at least once a quarter, and the municipal public security organs will conduct background checks in conjunction with the transportation department. For drivers and vehicles that fail the review, platform operators should be fully cleared. Platform operators who are also engaged in private passenger car-sharing information services should refer to the background verification of online car-hailing drivers and relevant regulatory requirements for network access management.

  3 Model standard adjustment: two types of new energy vehicles will be required from July next year

  According to the exposure draft, in addition to meeting the conditions stipulated in the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services, the vehicles to be engaged in online car-hailing should also meet the following conditions: 7-seat and below new energy vehicles, with a vehicle wheelbase of not less than 2650 mm. From July 1, 2019, the new energy vehicles applying for online car-hailing should be pure electric vehicles or fuel cell vehicles. Register in Foshan, obtain a vehicle driving license issued by the Foshan public security organ, and the date of initial registration and acquisition of the "Motor Vehicle Driving License" to the date of application for the "Online Booking Taxi Transportation License" is less than two years.

  At the same time, the valid period of the "Network Booking Taxi Transport Certificate" is linked to the service life of the vehicle, and the longest is no more than 8 years. When the mileage of the online car reaches 600,000 kilometers, it will be forcibly scrapped; when the mileage does not reach 600,000 kilometers but the service life reaches 8 years, it will withdraw from the online car-hailing operation, and the municipal transportation authority will cancel the corresponding "Network Booking Taxi Transport Certificate"; when the mileage of the vehicle that exits the online car-hailing operation reaches 600,000 kilometers, it will be forcibly scrapped.

  In terms of drivers, the exposure draft proposes that drivers who engage in online car-hailing services, in addition to meeting the conditions stipulated in the Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services, should also meet the following conditions: have Foshan household registration or Foshan "Residence Permit"; approved by the examination agency confirmed by the Foshan transportation authority, familiar with Foshan human geography, master passenger transportation services and safety emergency response skills; have obtained Foshan cruise car driver qualification and on-duty operation, serve in Foshan for 3 years without bad integrity records, and have a service quality reputation assessment of AAA or above in the past 3 years, can directly apply for the "Online Booking Taxi Driver’s License", and the driver’s license is valid for 3 years.

  Department interpretation

  If you fail the exam within 3 months, you need to resubmit your application

  Yesterday, the Foshan transportation department made a detailed interpretation of the background of this revision.

  In view of the fact that some drivers do not take the test at the agreed time, resulting in a waste of test resources, and if they do not take the test for a long time after the background check, the background information may change greatly, so the exposure draft increases the driver’s test time limit in Article 23, and clearly requires the driver to make an appointment for the test at the designated location within 7 working days after receiving the approval information, and complete the test within 3 months.

  In addition, the exposure draft also strengthened the security background review and public safety maintenance, clear public security organs should network about car drivers and vehicles for security background review, and public security organs in accordance with the law to carry out national security work, prevention and investigation of illegal and criminal activities, network about car platform companies must provide technical support and assistance, truthfully submit data information. Network about car platform companies refuse to perform, the public security organs shall be dealt with according to law; constitute a crime, criminal responsibility according to law.

Hengda Property Announcement! Two major events

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  On the evening of January 26th,Publish two

  For depositsNotification by the board of directors of enforcementThe company’s wholly-owned subsidiary has filed a lawsuit with the Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court.

  Due to the company’s failure to provide sufficient supporting materials for bad debt losses, there is a total risk of underpayment of corporate income tax in 2021 and 2022 of about 650 million yuan and related late fees.

  In addition, on January 26, the website of the Hong Kong Judiciary revealed that the Hong Kong High Court will hold a hearing at 9:30 on January 29Group winding-up petition hearing. Prior to this, eight applications for adjournment of petition hearings had been filed.

Alert the risk of underpayment of taxes

  According to the voluntary announcement on the evening of January 26, three subsidiaries of the company, namely Jinbi Property Co., Ltd., Hengda Hengkang Property Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Hengda Hengkang") and Guangzhou Jinbi Huafu Property Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Jinbi Huafu"), have received a notice from the competent tax authorities that the above three companies confirmed the loss of bad debts and made partial pre-tax deductions for the execution of the pledge of 13.40 billion yuan in 2021, 2022 and 2023, and failed to provide sufficient supporting materials for the loss of bad debts. There is a total risk of underpayment of corporate income tax in 2021 and 2022 and related late fees of about 650 million yuan. The notice requires the company and three subsidiaries to correct their declarations.

  Evergrande Property said that the company has fully reflected the taxes and fees payable in the profit and loss statements for 2021 and 2022, and this correction does not involve retrospective adjustment of previous financial data and does not affect the relevant annual net assets and profits.

File a lawsuit in court

  According to Hengda Property’s announcement, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company has filed seven lawsuits with the Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court regarding the enforcement of the deposit pledge.

  Hengda Hengkang 1.70 billion yuan deposit certificate pledge guarantee wasThe company’s wholly-owned subsidiary Hengda Hengkang has filed a lawsuit against Zhiluo Sheng (Guangzhou) Agriculture Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Guangzhou Zhiluo Sheng"), Guangzhou Chenxiyu Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Fragrant Berry Sweet Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Ruiyida Industrial Co., Ltd., Hengda Real Estate and (Hengda Hengkang 1.70 billion yuan responsible party), requiring Hengda Hengkang 1.70 billion yuan responsible party to repay 1.70 billion yuan and provisional interest of about 144 million yuan.

  In connection with the enforcement of the 1 billion deposit certificate pledge guarantee by Guangzhou Jinbi Hengying Property Services Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Jinbi Hengying"), Jinbi Hengying, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, has filed a lawsuit against Guangzhou Mai Cai Meirui Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Guangzhou Mai Cai Meirui"), Guangdong Jingqi Industrial Co., Ltd., Hengda Real Estate and China Hengda (Jinbi Hengying 1 billion responsible party), demanding that Jinbi Hengying 1 billion responsible party repay the amount of 1 billion yuan and the provisional interest of about 84.6917 million yuan.

  In connection with the enforcement of Hengda Hengkang’s 1 billion yuan deposit certificate pledge guarantee, Hengda Hengkang has filed a lawsuit against Guangzhou Zhiluo Sheng, Guangzhou Mai Cai Meirui, Guangzhou Qianfenghui Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Jinsui Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Xinyuan Investment Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Guangzhou Xinyuan"), Hengda Real Estate and China Hengda (Hengda Hengkang 1 billion yuan responsible party), demanding that Hengda Hengkang 1 billion yuan responsible party repay 1 billion yuan and provisional interest of about 76.0719 million yuan.

  In connection with the bank-enforced recovery of approximately 2 billion yuan of the deposit certificate pledge guarantee of Jinbi Hengkang Property (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Jinbi Hengkang"), Jinbi Hengkang, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, has filed a lawsuit against Tianjin Hushang Trading Co., Ltd., Tianjin Junwei Industrial Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Xinyuan, Evergrande Real Estate and China Evergrande (Jinbi Hengkang 2 billion responsible party), demanding that Jinbi Hengkang 2 billion responsible party repay about 2 billion yuan and provisional interest about 153 million yuan.

  In relation to the recovery of the 700 million yuan deposit certificate pledge guarantee enforced by the bank, Jinbi Hengying has filed a lawsuit against Shenzhen Runjintong Supply Chain Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Shengjiazhe Trading Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Xinyuan, Evergrande Real Estate and China Evergrande (Jinbi Hengying 700 million yuan responsible party), demanding that Jinbi Hengying 700 million yuan responsible party repay 700 million yuan and the provisional interest is about 53.4985 million yuan.

  In relation to the recovery of about 2.70 billion yuan of the deposit certificate pledge guarantee by the bank, Jinbi Huafu, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, has sued Guangzhou Tongfu Agriculture Co., Ltd., Shanghai Panlong International Trade Co., Ltd., Guangdong Minhui Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Bohong Supply Chain Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Juhong Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Xinyuan, Hengda Real Estate and China Hengda (Jinbi Huafu 2.70 billion responsible party), demanding that Jinbi Huafu 2.70 billion responsible party repay about 2.70 billion yuan and temporarily accrue interest about 206 million yuan.

  In relation to the recovery of the 2.30 billion deposit certificate pledge guarantee enforced by the bank in Guangzhou Jinbi Family Property Services Co., Ltd. (referred to as Jinbi Family), Jinbi Family, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, has filed a lawsuit against Guangzhou Jiacheng Zhixing Trading Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Tongxin Trading Co., Ltd., Shanghai Zhouhang International Trade Co., Ltd., Dalian Jiuyi Chunqiu Trading Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Xinyuan, Hengda Real Estate and China Hengda (Jinbi Family 2.30 billion responsible party), requiring Jinbi Family 2.30 billion responsible party to repay 2.30 billion yuan and the provisional interest of about 174 million yuan.

  Evergrande Property has received the notice of formal acceptance of the case by the court on January 25, 2024. As Guangdong Jingqi Industrial Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Runjintong Supply Chain Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Tongfu Agriculture Co., Ltd. have been cancelled respectively, the company will consider additional litigation against the shareholders of the companies concerned. According to the analysis of the board of directors and its legal advisors, the litigation will not have a material adverse impact on the company’s daily operations. The company will continue to make every effort to recover the relevant deposit pledges and will make further announcements in due course on any material progress of the above litigation or any other actions the company will take.

Facing a winding-up petition hearing

  Separately, on January 26, the Hong Kong judiciary’s website revealed that the High Court would hold a hearing on the winding-up petition against China Evergrande Group at 9.30pm on January 29. Justice Chan Ching-fen will hold a hearing on a potential regulatory order at 2.30pm on January 29. Such a regulatory order would mean that the court would oversee the winding-up process, which could include the appointment of a liquidator.

  Prior to this, China Evergrande had submitted eight applications for adjournment of the hearing of petitions. On June 28, 2022, China Evergrande announced that Top Shine Global had filed a winding-up petition against the company with the Hong Kong High Court on June 24, 2022, involving a debt amount of approximately HK $862.50 million.

  The last postponement notice was issued on December 4, 2023. The relevant notice shows that the High Court of Hong Kong granted the company’s postponement application on December 4, 2023, further adjourning the hearing of the petition to January 29, 2024.

  Wind data shows that as of the close of January 26, China Evergrande closed at HK $0.206/share, a decline of 4.63%; Evergrande Property closed at HK $0.4/share, a decline of 5.88%.

The screen of Xiaomi TV is broken during the quality assurance period, and the after-sales dispute with the customer is whether it is artificially damaged.

Mr. Shi said that within 2 months of use, the TV screen was damaged in a large area and had no picture. The pictures in this article are all pictures provided by the respondents

The newly purchased Xiaomi TV suddenly broke during playback, and consumers said it was not damaged by external forces. The after-sales staff of Xiaomi’s authorized service outlets determined that it was "man-made damage", and the maintenance required consumers to pay 1,500 yuan to change the screen.

A few days ago, Mr. Shi of Qujing, Yunnan reported to the surging quality complaints platform (https://www.thepaper.cn/consumersComplaint.jsp) that on April 3 this year, he spent 1899 yuan to buy a Xiaomi TV 4C and 50-inch TV through Xiaomi Mall.

Mr. Shi said that at the beginning, the damaged area of the screen was only a little bit, and then it expanded to half of the screen. He then applied for after-sales service through the customer service of Xiaomi Mall, and the after-sales service said that the screen could be replaced for free; but after the service provider of Xiaomi’s authorized service outlets came to the door, it was considered that the damage was "caused by external force" and did not provide free maintenance. To change the screen, you need to pay 1,500 yuan.

On July 5, a staff member of Yongxing Communication Maintenance Department, Qilin District, Qujing City, an authorized service outlet of Xiaomi Company, told the surging news (www.thepaper.cn) that the Xiaomi TV display screen purchased by Mr. Shi had cracked, which was "caused by external forces and man-made damage" and was not covered by the warranty.

On the afternoon of the 5th, Surging News sent an email to the "Media Contact" mailbox announced by Xiaomi Mall to verify the relevant situation. As of the time of writing, it has not received an email reply from Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Xiaomi).

Xiaomi customer service said that if there is no "human touch", the screen can be replaced for free.

Consumer: or seek third-party testing

On July 5, Mr. Shi told The Paper that when he received the TV delivered by courier on April 6, he carefully checked and inspected the goods before signing for it. During the use of the TV broadcast, there has been no problem. He said that by May 28, the screen had no screen area without man-made damage.

"It was only a small piece at first, and then I turned it off and put it in the box and saved it. When the after-sales service came, the damaged area expanded to nearly half of the screen." Mr. Shi said that he applied for after-sales service on June 1 and asked for a replacement. The customer service told him that the 30-day replacement period had passed, and the screen could be replaced for free "without human touch".

Mr. Shi said, "After the local Xiaomi authorized service network service provider in Qujing came to check, it said that the inner screen of the screen was broken and leaking liquid. The company does not repair it for free, and asked me to pay 1,500 yuan for the repair."

On the afternoon of the 5th, Surging News called the Yongxing Communication Maintenance Department of Qilin District, Qujing City, Yunnan Province, a staff member said that the Xiaomi TV display screen purchased by Mr. Shi had cracked, which was "caused by external forces and man-made damage" and was not covered by the warranty; 1,500 yuan for screen replacement charges, which is the price stipulated by Xiaomi’s official website after-sales services.

Mr. Shi insisted that the TV was not "damaged by external forces". He said that it was unacceptable for Xiaomi to determine that its TV screens were "caused by external forces and man-made damage" without a third-party appraisal. If necessary, he will find a third-party agency to test himself to determine whether the purchased TV is "man-made damage" or the quality of the TV’s own products.

Xiaomi TV’s non-warranty policy

There are reports of similar cracked screens or transportation problems

Surging News noticed that there have been media reports of "Xiaomi TV cracked screen" before.

On June 5, 2018, Henan Business Daily reported that Zhengzhou Ms. Zhao purchased a 43-inch Xiaomi TV 4A from an offline brick and mortar store, and the inner screen also cracked. Xiaomi after-sales also said that it was "caused by external force and is not covered by warranty".

In addition, on August 23, 2017, Hunan Media Red Net also received consumer feedback Xiaomi TV cracked screen, encountered difficulties in returning, after the media report, consumers have to replace the new machine; March 15, 2016, "China Quality ** line" also reported a number of Xiaomi TV cracked screen **, and pointed out that Xiaomi TV cracked screen maintenance costs are expensive, almost close to the price of TV.

"China Quality" quoted industry analysts in the report that now Xiaomi TVs are getting thinner and thinner, and long-distance transportation is easy to crack the screen. The cracked screen cannot be all the quality problems of Xiaomi TVs, and there should be transportation problems.

"The screen of the Xiaomi TV is as big and ultra-thin, and it is bumpy when placed on the logistics truck, and there are many collisions between goods. It should be a normal probability that 10,000 units will be broken. The courier sorting is so violent, and it is not easy to handle it lightly. Occasionally receiving a cracked screen is also within the normal range," the report said.

"Limited Memory" Farewell Concert NINEPERCENT Tears on the Stage Disband

On October 12, NINEPERCENT held a "Limited Memory" farewell concert in Guangzhou. The stage exploded, fans cheered, and reluctantly disbanded. About 22 related hot searches such as "npc farewell concert" appeared on the list. And NINEPERCENT’s true farewell is not a graduation, not a concert, and the story is not over yet. The combined variety show "Limited Memory" will accompany NINE’s last journey.

"Limited Memory" farewell concert, NINEPERCENT shed tears on the stage and disbanded

The nine members of NINEPERCENT are the best selected by "Idol Trainee". The group has been formed for 18 months, and October 6 is the last day. The "Limited Memory" farewell concert held on October 12 is the last concert for the nine people to present to the fans.

NINEPERCENT’s "Limited Memories" farewell concert was held in the big "hot" Guangzhou, with a circular stage on all sides, allowing NINEPERCENT members to get up close and personal with fans, and the atmosphere of the scene exploded. That night, the nine members of NINEPERCENT each brought two solo tracks, a personal classic song represented the farewell to the past 18 months, and a song from the album "Limited Memories" represented the future. The reluctance to disband spread throughout the concert. So far, 22 related hot searches such as "npc farewell concert" have been listed, which shows the popularity and influence of NINEPERCENT. Fans have expressed: Although the group has disbanded, they are still looking forward to seeing NINEPERCENT at its peak in the future!

After the wonderful performance, the nine members of NINEPERCENT reported their farewell feelings and shed tears on the stage. The NINE’s waved their support sticks and were reluctant to disband! A song "Can’t Leave" sung by the NINEPERCENT members pushed the concert atmosphere to a climax! The nine members said: "Although NINEPERCENT is nominally over, our hearts are still together", "I hope everyone will not take the dissolution as the end, this is a new beginning for each of us".

"Dissolution is not the end of NINEPERCENT", accompanied by "Limited Memory"

The farewell concert of NINEPERCENT has ended perfectly, but the story of NINEPERCENT is still going on. In the broadcast of "Limited Memories" tailor-made for NINEPERCENT, the "record + interview" format will show more aspects of NINEPERCENT’s life. The protagonist of the first episode, You Changjing, recounts his experience of "participating in 500 games in 5 years" before his debut, and how he has digested the voice of doubt after his debut. Next, the other eight members of NINEPERCENT will also show the public the unknown mental journey behind the stage.

After the farewell concert of "Limited Memory", the members of NINEPERCENT will set off on their own journey, and "Limited Memory" freezes frame the best NINEPERCENT. As a gift from NINEPERCENT to fans after farewell, in addition to full of memories in the program, the nine members of NINEPERCENT will also confess their future development direction.

One episode of "Limited Memory" has been broadcast, and there are nine more exciting content. It is reported that the next issue will exclusively reveal the behind-the-scenes shooting process of Zhu Zhengting’s first personal MV. "Limited Memory" is broadcast exclusively on iQIYI VIP every Thursday at 12 noon, so stay tuned!

"Industrial Internet Platform + Park" empowered in-depth tour will enter Foshan in September

  CCTV News In order to implement the national industrial Internet development strategy and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s "Industrial Internet special project working group 2022 work plan" requirements, to fully stimulate the real economy, and to open up the "last mile" of the platform landing, under the guidance of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Foshan Municipal People’s Government, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s Fifth Research Institute of Electronics will jointly organize the "Industrial Internet Platform + Park" empowered in-depth trip on September 8 with the China Information and Communication Research Institute, the Industrial Internet Platform Innovation Cooperation Center and the organizer Guangdong Meiyun Zhishu Technology Co., Ltd.

  With the theme of "Digitally empowering industrial clusters to lead the high-quality development of the park", the event invited relevant ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, heads of relevant departments of Guangdong Province and Foshan City, national think tanks such as the Fifth Institute of Electronics of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and experts in the field of digital economy. Representatives of key enterprises in the national key Internet platform enterprises and provinces and cities participated together to discuss hot topics such as the development trend of industrial Internet platforms, the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the digital development of industrial clusters. The event will include "Platform + Home Appliance Manufacturing" Smart Park Sharing, "Platform + Industrial Design" Industrial Park Sharing, Furniture Industry Digital transformation Exploration Practice, Pan-Home Furnishing Industry Cluster Development Experience Sharing, etc., to explore the "Platform + Park" demand scenario, explore the "Platform + Park" practical experience, promote the application and promotion of the platform in the park, and promote the digital transformation and upgrading of regional industries. At the same time, the event will also hold a launch ceremony for enterprise cooperation.

  In recent years, the industrial Internet platform, as the hub of connecting the whole industrial factor, the whole industrial chain and the whole value chain, has entered a period of rapid development of scene landing and vertical deep cultivation. The industrial Internet platform is not only a key carrier to promote the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, but also an important measure to build a new ecosystem of industrial integration. Up to now, with the joint efforts of government departments at all levels, research institutes, industry enterprises and other entities, the "comprehensive + characteristic + professional" industrial Internet platform system in our country has been basically formed. There are more than 150 platforms with certain industry and regional influence, and the total number of access equipment has exceeded 70 million units (sets). The platform empowering effect is further revealed. " The in-depth promotion of "Industrial Internet Platform + Park" is of great significance for improving the digital transformation and refined management service level of industrial parks, accelerating the transformation of the development mode of industrial parks, and promoting the integrated development of industrialization and informatization in a wider range, deeper and higher level.

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is on sale for 152,800 yuan. Who do you choose, it or Song PLUS DM-i?

Yin Tongyue, the head of Chery Group, always emphasizes that Starway should be made into Chery’s "Audi", but from the actual sales results, Starway has not caused much trouble before. However, recently, the listing of a heavy new car of Xingtu brand may refresh the value of its own B-class SUV and lead Xingtu brand to stand firm in the 200,000-class SUV market.

On February 21st, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris was officially listed, and the guide price range of the new car was 1528-202800 yuan. As the first product created by Starway M3X Mars Architecture 2.0, the new car has a good performance in terms of design, dynamic performance and vehicle intelligence. Let’s take a look.

First of all, in terms of design, Eta Ursae Majoris’s front face is made of a large-sized diamond-cut borderless grille with a penetrating light set, which has a strong sense of science and technology and a strong "future mech wind", but for some people who have "secret fear", it may take a while to adapt. On the side of the car body, a sharp waistline runs through the car body, and with the design of hidden door handles, sports multi-frame wheels and suspended roof, it is still in place to create a sports atmosphere.

The tail is also full of attention, and the split brake light is integrated with the tail spoiler; The slim through taillight adopts stepped design on both sides, which widens the horizontal visual effect well; The layout of the blackened exhaust gas from the two sides below is also enough to scare people. On the whole, it does smell like a performance SUV.

In terms of interior, the design of 24.6-inch integrated curved double screen, double-width steering wheel, through air conditioning outlet and piano paint panel has rendered the technology and luxury inside the car well. In addition, the car also uses a large area of soft packages and stitching, which shows that Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is very cheap this time.

Secondly, in terms of intelligence, this 24.6-inch curved dual screen is equipped with the Lion Smart Cloud LION5.0 car networking system, built-in Qualcomm 8155 smart chip, and has a rich intelligent ecology, integrating common APP software such as WeChat, Meituan, Gaode Navigation and iQiyi.

On the level of intelligent assisted driving, Eta Ursae Majoris provides L2.9 intelligent assisted driving system, and is equipped with Horizon J3 assisted driving chip, which includes 21 basic functions of ADAS and 11 high-order intelligent assisted driving functions, and can realize the functions of autonomous parking service, automatic overtaking lane change, full-speed adaptive cruise, automatic ramp up and down, etc. In addition, Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with a 50-inch AR-HUD, which can provide 50-inch clear imaging at a line-of-sight of 7.5 meters, and subsequently support OTA upgrade.

Furthermore, in terms of ride experience, Eta Ursae Majoris has a length, width and height of 4,781/1920/1,671 mm and a wheelbase of 2,815 mm. Although the size of the car is only quite satisfactory in terms of parameters, Eta Ursae Majoris has given enough configurations in terms of ride comfort: NAPPA leather seats are used for the main driver, as well as headrest audio, electrically adjustable leg rest and seat ventilation/heating/massage; Extra electric foot rest and queen’s co-driver with five massage modes; Equipped with electric adjustment of rear backrest angle and rear independent fresh air system. To put it simply, looking at SUV models at the price of 150,000-200,000, they rarely give users as many seats/comfort configurations as Eta Ursae Majoris, so it is no wonder that Eta Ursae Majoris dares to say that he is on par with luxury models at the level of 400,000.

In terms of driving control, in terms of power, Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with a 2.0TGDI+7DCT gold power combination, with a maximum power of 192kW and a peak torque of 400 N m. The fuel consumption under WLTC is 7.5 L/100 km. In terms of handling, Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with a brand-new flying fish extrasensory chassis, which integrates many advanced technologies and configurations, such as CDC electromagnetic suspension system, Soft stop system, chassis hydraulic vibration isolation system, all-terrain technology system, all-scene intelligent four-wheel drive system, intelligent brake-by-wire system and so on.

To put it simply, Eta Ursae Majoris’s product strength is definitely worthy of its price, so how is its competitiveness compared with competing products of the same level/price?

Let’s talk about independent competing products first. According to Eta Ursae Majoris’s guide price range, we can basically determine that its biggest competitor is BYD Song PLUS DM-i (the price is 15.48-218,800), and the latter is a PHEV model, which has the advantage of being able to get a green license.

However, after a detailed comparison between the two vehicles, we can actually find that, thanks to the vehicle positioning and cost advantages, Eta Ursae Majoris, as a B-class fuel SUV, has a larger seating space and more comfortable configuration, a lower cost than Song PLUS DM-i in terms of intelligent configuration and interior materials, and finally its four-wheel drive version has a lower entry threshold than Song PLUS DM-i (the former is 174,800, and the latter is 20.77).

The weakness of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris is that the daily car cost will be higher. Although the fuel economy of its 2.0T engine is good, the fuel consumption of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is 7.6L/100km, but the fuel consumption as low as 4.4L/100km compared with Song PLUS DM-i is still not enough.

Let’s compare the joint venture competing products. Here we list two Japanese veterans at the same price, Toyota RAV4 Rongfang and Honda CR-V. We choose Eta Ursae Majoris four-wheel drive exclusive edition (202,800) /CR-V 2023 two-wheel drive Fengshang edition (201,900) /RAV4 Rongfang 2022 two-wheel drive fashion Plus edition (200,800) with three overlapping price versions.

Through comparison, it can be concluded that the advantages of Eta Ursae Majoris are space (the other two are compact SUVs) and dynamic performance (the maximum power of CR-V 1.5T version is 142kW, and the peak torque is 243N·m;; RAV4 Rongfang 2.0L version has a maximum power of 126kW and a peak torque of 209N·m), configuration and intelligent level. At the same time, Eta Ursae Majoris’s four-wheel drive purchase threshold is lower than them. However, the weakness lies in two aspects: brand power and value-keeping rate. At the same time, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris only provides five seats, while CR-V provides a five-seventh seat layout, which will be less attractive to families with multiple births.

Write it at the end

To sum up, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris’s product strength in driving control, configuration, space, intelligence, materials and other aspects, combined with its price, really has a good competitiveness. However, as we all know, the 200,000-class SUV market in which Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is located needs to strive for service and brand value in addition to technology and product strength. In these aspects, it depends on how Starway brand can improve its marketing and service level.

Then the question is, within the car purchase budget of 150,000-200,000 yuan, will you choose Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris, Song PLUS DM-i, or a Japanese joint venture SUV with the same price? Welcome to leave a message and discuss in the comment area.

2022 Chengdu Auto Show: Large-scale high-performance luxury pickup truck, real shot of the Great Wall Shanhai cannon.

At the Chengdu Auto Show, which opened on August 26th, the Great Wall Gun brand made its debut in a large-scale high-performance luxury pickup truck, which was equipped with a 3.0T V6+9AT high-performance power combination, a luxurious cockpit and ever-changing expansion space. This car is the Great Wall Shanhai Gun. The front-line team of Niuche. com also took pictures of Shanhai cannons. Let’s have a look.

In terms of appearance, the outline of Shanhai Gun is almost the same as that of the current Great Wall Gun, and it is still tough and domineering, but some modifications have been made in details. For example, the new car uses a more complicated and beautiful chrome-plated and black two-color front net, and the headlight group also uses an upper and lower double-layer design, which is more layered and more exquisite.

The classic pickup truck shape is still used on the side, and the wide wheel eyebrows and large ground clearance seem to tell you that I am still the Great Wall Gun that can go up the mountain and down the river, full of momentum, and the lines on the side of the car are also straight lines on the upper and lower floors, which not only looks atmospheric, but also has a good sense of hierarchy. In terms of parameters, the length, width and height of the new car are 5440/1991/1924mm and the wheelbase is 3350mm, which is a little bigger than the ordinary version of the Great Wall Gun, and it also indicates more internal space. The rim also adopts a two-color design, which is more fashionable and conforms to the current aesthetics.

The headlights at the rear of the car also adopt an up-and-down split internal structure, which echoes the headlights. The rear tailgate can be unfolded left and right, can be opened horizontally, and can be split in four or six parts. The upper cover plate can also be folded up and down, making it more convenient to take things. However, due to the limited size of the car body, the size of the trunk is not very large. Fortunately, there is a large storage box under the bottom cover of the trunk, which is enough for daily driving or traveling. ‘

For enthusiasts, Shanhai Gun has also reserved a lot of anchor points in the rear trunk, which is convenient for modification according to actual needs. At the same time, the tail is equipped with a trailer hook and an optional winch, all of which have greatly improved its extreme off-road ability.

In terms of interior, Shanhai Gun is similar to Tank 500, using a small-sized LCD instrument and a suspended central control panel, which is practical, luxurious and scientific, and the three-position steering wheel is the same as the joystick of the spacecraft, which is classic and innovative.

At the same time, in creating a sense of luxury, the interior of the new car uses a lot of leather and soft material packages, and many solid wood decorative boards are added to the details, which are very eye-catching, domineering in appearance and exquisite in interior. It is the core index of Shanhai Gun.

Configuration, head-up display, quartz clock, brand audio, electric adjustable rear seat angle, heating and ventilation of front and rear seats are all available, which is quite surprising.


Looking at luxury, sitting comfortably and driving wild seems to be the realm that Shanhai cannon wants to achieve. However, in this era, hard-core cross-country is paying attention to the comfort of transportation. It is also normal for Great Wall Gun to build such a large pickup truck with exquisiteness and luxury. Then let’s wait for its performance and see if you recognize this pickup truck with great personality.

Chery tiggo 8PLUS kunpeng edition will be on the market soon, which is more expensive but stronger.

The Tiggo 8 series is undoubtedly the most important model in Chery’s product matrix, which can basically contribute more than 10,000 vehicles to the brand every month. Under Chery’s big single product strategy, the current Tiggo 8 series has formed a high and low camp of Tiggo 8PLUS+ Tiggo 8, covering the price range of 80,000-160,000. Chery has been continuously tapping its market potential for this hot-selling product. Not long ago, it launched the Tiggo 8 Kunpeng version and added 2.0T power. The Tiggo 8PLUS Kunpeng version will also be launched tonight.

The modeling design of the Tiggo 8PLUS Kunpeng Edition is consistent with the original 1.5T and 1.6T series, but it is different from the Tiggo 8. The interior of the polygonal grille on the front of the car is chrome-plated in star lattice, and two groups of L-shaped light sources are used in the narrow headlights on both sides, which is more recognizable after lighting, and the whole front face is relatively more refined than the original design.

The side is not big, the shape is stable and atmospheric, and the two-color wheel hub highlights the movement. The rear part doesn’t use penetrating taillights like the Tiggo 8, but the black and white decoration inside is also quite individual, and a large number of horizontal lines also outline a strong level of big mouth. It is worth mentioning that the car uses a bilateral four-way exhaust hole design, which indicates good performance.

The interior uses the popular digital cockpit style. The central control panel and the instrument panel form a double screen design. There is also a touch control panel in front of the bar. The three screens create a strong scientific and technological atmosphere, and a small number of physical buttons are set in the car, which is convenient for quick operation.

In the configuration part, the Tiggo 8PLUS Kunpeng version will come standard with front and rear airbags, panoramic sunroof, induction electric trunk, dual 12.3-inch screen, 360-degree panoramic image, voice recognition system, navigation, car networking, OTA upgrade and other functions. In addition to the heroic version, lane departure warning, lane keeping assistance, road traffic sign recognition, full-speed adaptive cruise, active braking and built-in driving recorder will also be equipped.

The dimensions, length, width and height of the new car are 4722/1860/1745mm and the wheelbase is 2710mm, which is quite spacious for a five-seat car. The trunk volume can reach 889L in normal state, and it is 1930L in the back row.

The Kunpeng version uses a 2.0TGDI turbocharged engine with a maximum horsepower of 254Ps and a peak torque of 390N·m, which has appeared on many Chery models. It is reported that the car can achieve a zero-speed acceleration of 7.3S, and the vehicle will also be equipped with a new generation of electronically controlled intelligent four-wheel drive system, with various driving modes such as economy, sports, snow, mud and off-road, which can adapt to more different road conditions.

The Kunpeng version will be more expensive than the cash price, and the current pre-sale price is 1419-169900 yuan, but the richer configuration and stronger power performance are undoubtedly very worthwhile. At present, the Tiggo 8 series has become the sales force of the explosive family in the market, and the arrival of the Kunpeng version has further improved the product layout, which is believed to contribute to the sales growth.

Visit the China International Import Expo(CIIE) National Exhibition Hall: Learn from each other, promote exchanges and cooperation and seek a win-win situation

  National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) West Entrance. (Xinhua News Agency)

  Cambodia shows "development and opportunity"

  The shape design of the Cambodia National Pavilion originated from the Royal Palace in Cambodia, focusing on the traditional culture and special commodities of the Khmer nation. Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Zhang Bao for the picture

  The National Pavilion of Cambodia has strong national cultural characteristics, and the whole pavilion "copied" pictures of the Royal Palace of Cambodia, Angkor Wat and other famous temples in Cambodia. On the big screen in the museum, there is a promotional film on Cambodia’s trade, economy and tourism development.

  "Cambodia hopes to show traditional Khmer culture and special commodities, introduce the investment, trade and tourism environment, and invite countries to share cooperation opportunities." According to China’s embassy in Cambodia, business counselor Wu Guoquan, the first China International Import Expo(CIIE) brought Cambodia a full harvest, and China-Cambodia economic and trade cooperation was tangible and fruitful. In this year’s China International Import Expo(CIIE), Cambodian people from all walks of life are more enthusiastic. The special products such as cassava, pepper, cashew nuts, palm sugar, fish sauce, coffee and handicrafts displayed in the museum have attracted many visitors to buy them.

  In addition to specialty products, Cambodia focused on Cambodia’s trade and economy, Khmer culture, tourism and investment projects this year. A poster attracted the reporter’s attention. Under the words "Development and Opportunity", there was a picture of a vast blue sea with pleasant scenery. Gao Chunhui, director of the operation center of Tianjin Youlian Investment Development Group Co., Ltd., told the reporter that the group has been in Cambodia for 12 years. The Cambodia-China Comprehensive Investment Development Experimental Zone and Cambodia Qixinghai Tourism and Holiday Zone written on the poster are one of the 11 key cooperation projects for China-Cambodia capacity investment jointly signed by China and Cambodia in October 2016.

  Gao Chunhui said that the group hopes to use China International Import Expo(CIIE) to attract foreign partners to invest in Cambodia. Cambodia has the best coastline, precious mangroves, good business environment, friendly people and sufficient labor force. "Over the past three days, many companies have come to dock and are interested in investing in tourism and other industries in Cambodia. We feel very rewarding. Later, we will continue to dock, hoping that they will visit Cambodia and share ‘ Development and opportunity ’ 。” (Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Shen Zezhen Zhang Bao)

  Jamaican eagerly awaits China’s investment.

  Visitors taste Jamaica’s Blue Mountain Coffee. Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Zhou Mingyang photo

  Jamaican was one of the 15 guest countries in the second China International Import Expo(CIIE) and participated in China International Import Expo(CIIE) for the second time. The Jamaican National Pavilion shows its achievements in agriculture, tourism, mining, logistics and other fields to consumers in China, expecting to reach deeper and wider cooperation with China.

  Jamaica is located in the western part of the Caribbean, with superior geographical position, rich natural resources and mineral resources, good climatic conditions, and the port with the highest throughput in the Caribbean. This year, the theme of the Jamaica Pavilion is "Doing business in Jamaica", and "Investment, trade and connectivity" are the three key words of Jamaica’s participation. I hope that by participating in China International Import Expo(CIIE), more people will know about Jamaica’s business environment and investment environment and invest in Jamaica.

  The front of the "bar" in the Jamaica Pavilion is very lively, and the audience waiting to taste Jamaica’s blue mountain coffee and rum lined up in a long line. The whole Jamaica Pavilion is full of attractive coffee and wine. Ni Kaolian, general manager of Nijie Business Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is based in Shanghai and is responsible for investment consulting, product procurement, tourism information consulting and cultural exchange between China and Jamaica. She told reporters that participating in the first China International Import Expo(CIIE) made more people begin to understand and pay attention to Jamaica.

  This year’s China International Import Expo(CIIE), Jamaica brought many high-quality products, such as lobster, coffee, tea, rum, sauces and so on, which are popular among China consumers. "Frozen lobsters from Jamaica can already be bought in China. This year, we will launch a fresh lobster business, and China consumers can taste fresher Jamaican lobsters."

  Tourism is the key project promoted by Jamaica this time. Jamaica has beautiful beaches. Visitors can experience surfing, rowing, diving and other marine projects, and eat delicious seafood and exquisite dishes. Visitors can also experience "farmhouse music", be a "Caribbean farmer", harvest sugar cane like locals, make rum by themselves, and even ride horses in the sea. More importantly, Jamaica’s culture is diverse. Being in Jamaica, you can appreciate the integrated culture of the whole Caribbean.

  Ni Kaolian said that Jamaica has vast farmland, developed agricultural and processing infrastructure, abundant low-cost labor and huge market opportunities. With the expansion of Panama Canal, Jamaica’s logistics industry has developed rapidly. "Jamaica is a good place to do business. Welcome more China friends to visit Jamaica!" (Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Zhou Mingyang)

  India expands bigger export market

  The India Pavilion displays the development achievements in the fields of service trade, science and technology in India. Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Zhu Lin photo

  Stepping into the National Pavilion of India, the colors dominated by white and blue give people a fresh and quiet feeling. The person in charge told the reporter that China people are familiar with India’s long history, rich culture, special cuisine and colorful art, but what they want to show at the China International Import Expo(CIIE) is an India that is changing with each passing day and full of infinite possibilities.

  "Indian vaccines are exported to 150 countries and regions around the world; India has become a global small car manufacturing center; India ranks fifth in adopting automation technology on a large scale … …” Indian Minister of Commerce Anup Wadhawan said in a message to China International Import Expo(CIIE) that China International Import Expo(CIIE) provides a unique opportunity for Indian exporters to explore new opportunities and further expand their trade footprint and market share.

  In the museum, India displayed its development achievements in service trade, tourism, culture, food and other major industries and science and technology. Sharad Kumar Saraf, President of the Federation of Indian Export Organizations, said that China International Import Expo(CIIE) is an ideal platform for inviting China enterprises to invest in India.

  "By 2028, India will become the third largest economy in the world" — — This is a propaganda slogan in the India Pavilion. The head of the India Pavilion said that it is becoming more and more convenient for Indian goods to be exported to China. In the fields of pharmaceuticals, information technology and agricultural products, which have global influence and competitive advantages, there will be more room for cooperation between India and China in the future.

  The head of India National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation Co., Ltd. said that China’s continuous opening-up and the implementation of various convenient measures to attract foreign enterprises to enter China provided a very good opportunity for Indian enterprises to enter the China market.

  In the India Pavilion, an exhibitor from Guangxi stopped for a long time at the booth where spices were placed and studied all kinds of spices with great interest. "India is famous for its spices, some of which are not available in China. Communicate with Indian exhibitors on the spot and learn more market information, which is very informative. We can cooperate and complement Indian companies. " (Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Zhu Lin)

  Russian "hard core" exhibits become "online celebrity"

  The Russian National Pavilion attracted many visitors. Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Gao Xinggui photo

  The second China International Import Expo(CIIE) Russian National Pavilion was bursting with popularity, and Russia’s rich cultural heritage and advanced scientific and technological achievements gathered in the pavilion, making people dizzying.

  A "Golden Russia" limousine spliced in black and white has become a well-deserved "online celebrity" in the exhibition hall, and an endless stream of spectators came to watch the "punching in", many of whom came to find out. In addition to luxury cars, there are blue and white new medium-sized narrow-body passenger planes, red and white firefighting helicopters, and blue-green world-leading icebreaker & HELIP; … All kinds of "hard core" equipment are amazing.

  The Russian National Pavilion also highlights areas where China and Russia are cooperating or have promising cooperation prospects, including aviation and shipbuilding, agriculture and energy machinery manufacturing, digital economy, intelligent robots and jewelry technology. Russian companies participating in the exhibition cover meat and poultry, honey and grain, dairy products, candy and other industries.

  "Russian companies are very interested in China International Import Expo(CIIE). Our primary goal is to clarify the variety and scope of goods that Russian manufacturers are going to export to China, maintain the enthusiasm of those industries that already have good export potential, establish the supply of high-tech products, and focus on promoting export areas directly related to modern trends and technologies. " Alexei Kozevnikov, Senior Vice President of Russian Export Center, said.

  "The market docking area between the two countries is packed and very popular." Jiang Ding, vice president of Guangdong Imported Food Association, said that trade service is a bridge for Chinese and Russian enterprises to understand each other, which helps Russian enterprises to know more about China’s economic and trade policies and market consumption characteristics, improve their products in a targeted way, and at the same time, let China buyers know more about Russian enterprises’ product characteristics and make more rational and effective choices in the huge foreign market.

  Fana Gaulias Wine Company is one of the three major Russian wine producers. Misa, the company’s senior export general manager, told reporters that the first China International Import Expo(CIIE) has improved the brand awareness of the company. At present, China has the largest share in the company’s export market, and the future goal is to increase the sales volume of China by five times.

  This year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. Alexei Gruzdev, Russian Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, said that Russian-Chinese relations are currently in an all-round positive development stage, the economic and trade exchanges between the two countries are increasingly stable and expanding, the cooperation projects between the two sides are increasing year by year, and the trade is increasingly diversified. Talking about the goal that the bilateral trade volume between Russia and China has exceeded 200 billion US dollars, Gruzdev said that promoting the implementation of this goal will help promote the comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation between the two countries in the new era. (Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Qu Lihua)

  Italy promotes technology and design

  The Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Colosseum of ancient Rome, the Milan Church and the Plaza Saint Kyle, the "most beautiful living room" in Europe, are the four famous Italian pavilions, which make many visitors stop to visit and feel different Italian tastes.

  "Integrating the most representative architectural elements in the Italian urban landscape into the exhibition area by modern and scientific means not only shows the profound Millennium meaning of the Renaissance country, but also simply and clearly conveys the rich connotation of the long-term friendly relationship between Italy and China, as well as the hopes and demands for the future, and enhances the audience’s sense of experience. This is the original design intention of the Italian Pavilion." Ma Shizhen, chief representative of the Shanghai Representative Office of the Italian Foreign Trade Commission, said.

  The theme of this year’s Italy Pavilion is "Italian Technology and Design along the New Silk Road", and its exhibits are jointly selected by the Italian Industrial Design Association and the Italian National Fashion Association, including innovative contents created by young designers for the fashion industry, elaborate promotion videos, interactive exhibits introduction, etc., which fully display Italy’s high-tech products and advanced design concepts.

  On the first floor of the exhibition hall, there is a wide wooden bench, which attracts many spectators to sit down. The staff told the reporter that the chair looks simple and natural, but it can be used as a charging pile for electric cars, or for charging mobile phones and computers. The designer’s clever mind is hidden in the inconspicuous details.

  The Italy Pavilion has also specially produced an application program. The full-motion video generated by 360-degree shooting technology enables visitors to visit four Italian cities in a virtual environment through realistic images, and to have an overview of the unique historical imprint and cultural precipitation.

  According to reports, the Italian delegation covers all fields, with more exhibitors in consumer goods, agribusiness and technical departments. Exhibitors include not only well-known companies such as Maserati, Alfa Romeo, Ferriero, Iveco and Leonard, but also many Italian small and medium-sized enterprises that are not well-known in China.

  Geographically speaking, although China and Italy are far away, the ancient Silk Road connects China and ancient Rome. Italian President Mattarella once said that this is a close link between Italy and China. In March 2019, Italy and China signed a memorandum of understanding on the Belt and Road Initiative, becoming the first G7 member to join the Belt and Road Initiative. At present, Italy has become China’s fifth largest trading partner in the EU, while China is Italy’s largest trading partner in Asia.

  "2020 will mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Italy." Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Luigi Di Mayo said that Italy is willing to play an active role in promoting the development of EU-China relations, and will work with China to strengthen cultural exchanges and consolidate and deepen friendship and cooperation between the two countries. (Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Yang Zhongyang)