
What do you know about the amazing "World Heritage" in China?

  BEIJING, Beijing, July 4 (Shangguan Yun) According to media reports, from July 2 to 12, the World Heritage Conference will be held in Poland, and Hoh Xil in Qinghai and Gulangyu in Fujian will sprint the world natural heritage and cultural heritage respectively. Previously, the total number of world heritages in China has reached 50, including natural heritage and cultural landscape, which are either magnificent or profound. So, how many of these 50 amazing world heritages do you know?

  In 1977, the World Heritage Committee held its first general meeting in Paris, France. On December 12th, 1985, China acceded to the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. In 1987, China’s Great Wall, Mogao Grottoes, Ming and Qing palaces, Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum and Terracotta Warriors Pit, and Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site were also included in the World Heritage List.

  Needless to say, the Mogao Grottoes are also known as the Thousand-Buddha Cave in the above-mentioned list of China’s first batch of World Heritage sites. It is said that it was built in the pre-Qin period, with 735 caves and 45,000 square meters of murals, which makes visitors who have seen the real thing amazed. Shu Lang’s "flying" is a business card of Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes; The grandeur of the Great Wall has also left a strong mark on the world heritage.

  Ancient cities and villages are also places worth visiting among these 50 world heritages. Like Pingyao Ancient City, it is located in Pingyao County in the middle of Shanxi Province, and was built in the period of Western Zhou Xuanwang (827-782 BC). Pingyao, Shanxi Province is known as one of the "four best preserved ancient cities". The residential buildings in the ancient city have strict layout, clear axis, exquisite wood carving, brick carving and stone carving with strong local flavor and paper-cut window grilles, which are vivid and lifelike.

  The completion of Dujiangyan has made the Chengdu Plain "flood and drought come from people, I don’t know hunger, there is no famine, and the world is called abundance". This is a description of Dujiangyan in Historical Records, from which we can see the importance of this ancient water conservancy project. At the 24th General Assembly of the United Nations World Heritage Committee in 2000, "Qingcheng Mountain — Dujiangyan is listed in the World Heritage List.

  Dujiangyan was built in the 3rd century BC. It was a large-scale water conservancy project built by Li Bing, the prefect of Shu County of Qin State, and his sons during the Warring States Period. It is the oldest and only preserved water conservancy project in the world, characterized by water diversion without dams. For more than 2,200 years, it still plays a great role, and is called "the great masterpiece of the civilized world".

  Shennongjia, a world natural heritage in Hubei, shows us another landscape. In many people’s minds, Shennongjia is famous for the legend of "Shennong teaches people to cultivate crops and taste a hundred herbs", and the Shennong altar is still preserved in the scenic spot. It is reported that there are 3767 species of vascular plants in Shennongjia Heritage Site, more than 600 species of vertebrates have been recorded, and 4365 species of insects have been found. Among them, there are 205 endemic species, 2 endemic genera and 1793 endemic species in China, and the number of the flagship species Shennongjia golden monkey is more than 1300.

  Why can Shennongjia be selected as a World Heritage Site? The World Heritage Committee gave the answer: Shennongjia, Hubei Province is unique in the world in terms of biodiversity, zonal vegetation types, vertical natural belt spectrum, ecology and biological processes. In particular, its biodiversity makes up for the blank in the world heritage list.

  Yin Ruins and Fujian Tulou … … It is possible that there will be more and more world heritage sites in China in the future. In fact, whether it is natural landscape or cultural heritage, when they are selected into the World Heritage, it does not mean that they will be protected and utilized once and for all, but on the basis of the original, so that these precious heritages can exist forever with a beautiful attitude. (End)

  Appendix: World Heritage of China (from official website, State Administration of Cultural Heritage, until July 3, 2017)

   Forbidden City in Ming and Qing Dynasties (Beijing Forbidden City, Shenyang Forbidden City)

   Qin Shihuang Mausoleum and Terracotta Warriors Pit

   Mogao Grottoes

   Mount Tai

   Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site

   the Great Wall

   Mount Huangshan

   huanglong scenic and historic interest area

   Jiuzhaigou scenic spot

   wulingyuen scenik and historik interest area

   ancient building complex in the wu dang mountains

   historic ensemble of the potala palace, lhasa

   Chengde summer resort and its surrounding temples

   Confucius Temple, Confucius Forest and Confucius House in Qufu

   Lushan national park

   Emei Mountain — Leshan Giant Buddha

   Ancient City of Pingyao

   The Classical Gardens of Suzhou

   Old Town of Lijiang

   Beijing Royal Garden-Summer Palace

   Beijing Royal Altar — Temple of Heaven

   Dazu rock carvings

   Mount Wuyi

   Ancient villages in southern Anhui-Xidi and Hongcun (2000)

   imperial tombs of the ming and qing dynasties

   Longmen Grottos

   Qingcheng Mountain — Dujiangyan irrigation system

   Yunnan Sanjiang Parallel Nature Reserve

   capital cities and tombs of the ancient koguryo kingdom

   Historic Centre of Macau

   Sichuan giant panda habitat

   Yin ruins

   Kaiping Diaolou and Village

   Karst in southern China

   the Hakka earth buildings of Fujian

   Sanqingshan National Park

   Mount Wutai

   china danxia landform

   Dengfeng "in heaven and earth" historical site

   Hangzhou West Lake Cultural Landscape

   Chengjiang fossil site

   the site of xanadu

   Cultural Landscape of Hani Terrace in Honghe

   Tianshan mountain, Xinjiang

   Silk Road: The Road Network of Chang ‘an-Tianshan Corridor

   Grand Canal

   Tusi site

   Yungang Grottoes

   Zuojiang Huashan Rock Painting


Night reading | He said that life is a tearful smile.

  CCTV News:His life was full of ups and downs, and he began his literary creation when he was nearly puzzled, but he became one of the "three great short story masters in the world". He has left nearly 300 novels in his creative career for more than ten years, including Sacrifice of Love, Gift of Maggie, and The Last Leaf … … Articles are literary classics; He wrote "a tearful smile" with his own experience, enlightening the world that "as long as you believe, there will always be miracles".

  He is O. Henry.

  1862-O Henry, a famous American short story writer, was born. Tonight, review his classic works and feel the love and hope in life.

Maggie’s gift

(with deletion)

  Life is made up of sobs, sobs and smiles, and sobs occupy most of them.

  One yuan and eighty-seven cents. It’s all here, including 60 cents in coppers. This is saved by bargaining from grocery store owners, vegetable vendors and butcher’s shops, and I feel ashamed every time. I deeply feel that this kind of deal is really embarrassing. Della counted it three times, and it was still 1.87 yuan, and the next day was Christmas. 

  Obviously, there is no other way but to throw yourself on that shabby nap chair and cry. 

  Della did this, but her spiritual feelings came to life. Life is made up of sobs, sobs and smiles, and sobs occupy most of them.

  After Della finished crying, she smeared powder on her cheeks. She stood at the window and stared at a gray cat walking on a gray fence in the gray backyard. Only one yuan and eighty-seven cents to buy Jim a present, her Jim! How many days did she spend planning to give him a lovely gift, an exquisite, rare and expensive gift — — At least something worthy of Jim.

  The couple each have something they are particularly proud of. One is Jim’s gold watch; The other is Della’s hair. 

  There is a wall mirror between the two windows in the room. Suddenly, she whirled around from the window and stood in front of the wall mirror. Her eyes were crystal clear, but her face lost its luster within twenty seconds. She tore her hair apart quickly and let it splash completely. 

  The couple each have something they are particularly proud of. One is Jim’s gold watch, which was handed down from his grandfather to his father and from his father to his family heirloom. The other is Della’s hair. 

  At this moment, Della’s hair splashed around her, and the microwave fluctuated and shone like a brown waterfall. Her hair is knee-length, like a robe for her. Then, she quickly combed her hair nervously, hesitated for a minute, and stood there motionless, splashing a tear or two on the worn red carpet. 

  She bought it for twenty-one dollars. With the gold watch and this chain, Jim can look at the time without shame on any occasion.

  She put on the old brown coat and hat, and there were glittering and translucent tears in her eyes. As soon as her skirt swung, she floated out of the door and went downstairs to the street. 

  She stopped at a sign that said, "Mrs. Sofroni — — Specializing in all kinds of hair. " Della ran up the stairs, panting and composed. That lady is fat, too pale and as cold as ice, which simply doesn’t match the nickname of "Sofroni". 

  "Do you want to buy my hair?" Della asked. 

  "I buy hair," said the lady. "Take off your hat and let me see the hair sample." 

  The brown waterfall splashed down. 

  "Twenty dollars," said the lady, grasping her hair expertly. 

  "Give me the money quickly," said Della. 

  Oh, the next two hours seemed to fly by happily with wings. She searched everywhere for a present for Jim. 

  She finally found it. It must be specially made for Jim. It’s a simple platinum watch chain, engraved with patterns, which is just right for Jim’s gold watch. She bought it for twenty-one dollars and hurried home, leaving only eighty-seven cents. The gold watch matches this chain, so Jim can look at the time without shame on any occasion. 

  After Della came home, her ecstasy became a little cautious and rational. She found out the curling iron, lit the gas, and began to repair the damage caused by the generosity of love. Within forty minutes, her head was covered with small curls that clung to her scalp, and she looked like a little boy playing truant.

  "If Jim looks at me and doesn’t kill me," she said to herself, "he will say that I look like a singing girl in Coney Island, but what can I do — — Alas, there is only one yuan and eighty-seven cents. What can I do? " 

  She held her hair comb to her chest, and after a long time, she raised her tearful eyes and smiled and said, "My hair grows very fast, Jim!" " 

  At seven o’clock, she made coffee, put the frying pan on the hot stove, and could make steak at any time. 

  Jim always comes home on time. The door opened, Jim stepped in and closed the door behind him. His eyes were fixed on Della, and her expression made her unable to understand and made her hair stand on end. It was neither anger nor surprise, nor dissatisfaction, nor disgust, and it was not any expression she had expected at all. He stared at della with this expression. 

  Della twisted her waist, jumped off the table and walked over to him. 

  "Jim, honey," she cried, "don’t stare at me like that. I cut off my hair and sold it, because I can’t spend Christmas without giving you a present. Hair will grow back — — You won’t mind, will you? I have to do this. My hair is growing very fast. Say ‘ Merry Christmas ’ Ok! Jim, let’s be happy. You’ll never guess what a nice, beautiful and exquisite gift I bought you! " 

  "Have you cut off your hair?" Jim asked laboriously, as if he had racked his brains and failed to understand the obvious fact. 

  "Cut it off and sell it," said Della. "Anyway, don’t you also like me? Without long hair, I am still me, right? " 

  Jim looked around the room strangely. 

  "Did you say your hair was gone?" He asked almost like an idiot. 

  "Stop looking," said Della. "To tell you, I have sold it — — It’s sold. It’s gone. Treat me well, it’s for you. Maybe I can count my hair, "she suddenly said softly," but no one can count my love for you. Shall I cook steak, Jim? " 

  Jim seemed to wake up from a trance and held Della tightly in his arms. Jim took a small bag from his coat pocket and threw it on the table. 

  "Don’t get me wrong, Del," he said. "When you open that bag, you will know why I looked like that just now." 

  White fingers deftly untied the rope and opened the paper bag. Followed by ecstatic screams, suddenly turned into women’s neurotic tears and crying, in urgent need of the male host to do everything possible to comfort. 

  Because it’s a comb on the table — — Full set of combs. It was something that Della had seen and envied to death in a Broadway window a long time ago. These wonderful hair combs are made of pure tortoiseshell, and the edges are inlaid with jewels — — Its color just matches her lost hairdressing. She knows that this set of combs is really too expensive. For this, she was only envious and eager before, and never thought about getting them. Now, all this actually belongs to her, but unfortunately the beautiful long hair that is qualified to wear this coveted ornament has disappeared without a trace. 

  However, she still held her hair comb to her chest, and it took a long time before she raised her tearful eyes and smiled and said, "My hair grows very fast, Jim!" " 

  I sold my gold watch and bought a hair comb for you.

  Then Della jumped up like a scalded kitten and cried, "Oh! Oh! " Jim hasn’t seen his beautiful gift yet.

  Della spread out her palm and reached out to him. "Isn’t it beautiful, Jim? I searched all over the city before I found it. Now, you can watch the time a hundred times a day. Give me the watch, I want to see how it matches it. " 

  Instead of following her instructions, Jim collapsed on the couch with his hands under his head and smiled slightly. 

  "Del," he said, "let’s put Christmas presents aside. They are too good to be used at present. I sold my gold watch and bought a hair comb for you. Now, you make the steak. " 


△ Figure from British illustrator David Renshaw

▽ Sketch | O Henry

  O Henry, born on September 11th, 1862, was originally named william sydney porter. He created the precedent of modern American short stories, and was called "the three great short story masters in the world" together with French Mo Bosang and Russian Chekhov.

  After a lifetime of ups and downs, I began to create in prison when I was near confusion.

  In 1898, O Henry, who worked as a cashier in a bank, was jailed for "embezzlement" because of problems in the bank accounts he handled. In order to make a living, he began to write short stories in prison, nearly 30 years old. Because of the prisoner’s identity, he dared not use his real name, so he took the abbreviation "O Henry" of a French pharmacopoeia editor as his pen name.

  In 1901, after serving more than three years in prison, O Henry was released early, and then he devoted himself to writing. But just when his creativity was at its peak, his health began to deteriorate and he died in 1910. 

  "Smile with tears" and "O ‘Henry-style ending" are well-known in the literary world.

  "Smile with tears" — — The organic combination of comedy form and tragedy connotation is the creative style of O ‘Henry’s novels. In his works, the kind and kind poor people have no food to eat and no shelter. He profoundly revealed the soul and fate of the little people in American society at the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century, which constituted the unique humanistic care in his novels.

  O Henry is also famous for being good at endings. At the end of his works, the fate of the hero is often suddenly reversed, or the psychological situation of the characters is unexpectedly changed. This is an unexpected and reasonable ending, which is specially called "O Henry’s ending" by American literary circles.

  More than ten years of writing time has left nearly 300 short stories.

  Although he has only spent more than ten years in his life writing novels, O Henry is a prolific writer. He left behind a novel "Cabbage and the Emperor" and nearly 300 short stories, including the famous novels "Sacrifice of Love", "Police and Hymns", "The Gift of Maggie", "A Room with Furniture for Rent", "The Last Leaf" and "Twenty Years Later".

  In 1918, the United States set up the "O Henry Memorial Award" to reward the best short stories every year.

Draw a leaf for life,

As long as you believe, there will always be miracles.

Although the hope is slim, it will last forever.

— — O Henry’s The Last Leaf

Exploring the daily life of female soldiers in the honor guards of the three armed forces

  BEIJING, Beijing, July 18 (Reporter Zhang Ni): Tall, dignified, and kicking forward, I believe many people have such an impression on the female soldiers of the honor guards of the three armed forces. However, behind the elegant demeanor, these young girls are also experiencing unimaginable hardships.

  On the eve of the "August 1st" Army Day, the reporter from Zhongxin. com walked into the honor guard of the PLA Army, Navy and Air Force and listened to Mao Wen, a female soldier born after 1995, sharing her experience of honor guard.

  Training requires more than 7 kilograms of concierge guns.

  Mao Wen, a Sichuan girl born in 1996, is a soldier in Class 1 of the Female Squadron of the Armed Forces of the Three Armies. The height of 1.79 meters makes her stand out among the 14 girls in Class One.

  Since joining the army in 2015, Mao Wen has spent two years in the female squadron.

  "I dreamed of becoming a soldier since I was a child, so after I got the university admission notice after the college entrance examination in 2015, I didn’t study directly, but chose to join the army." Mao Wen told reporters that she didn’t know the specific destination after joining the army at first, and she learned that she had been elected to the honor guard before leaving. This news made her very excited.

  After coming to Beijing with excitement, Mao Wen began his military career. However, the high-intensity training after joining the army made this "post-95" only daughter once unbearable.

  Mao Wen recalled that when she first came to Beijing, she didn’t adapt to the dry climate here, and she also had nosebleeds. The girls in the class have also had large and small physical conditions. Because of the high training intensity, the physiological period of female soldiers has even become irregular. But for them, the biggest challenge is the lack of strength.

  "We use the same gun as the men’s guards of honor, weighing seven pounds. It is very difficult for girls who have just joined the army to carry it. Every day, because they practice carrying guns, their arms can’t be lifted."

  Mao Wen said that in order to strengthen her physical fitness, she and her comrades in the class worked hard. In addition to the usual normal training, she also specially strengthened the training of upper limb strength.

  In addition, even when the girls are kicking the front step, sandbags should be tied to their legs. At the end of the day, sweat can soak the training suit.

  The bun size is exactly the same.

  Unlike male soldiers, in addition to high-intensity training, female soldiers of the honor guard should also take into account the beauty of women’s manners.

  Mao Wen told reporters that she and the girls in the class usually wear light makeup, in order to maintain the dignified image of women, and there are also related courses in the army for them to study.

  "I didn’t know how to make up before. When I first came, it took me half an hour to make up a makeup, but after long-term training, the movements have become quite skilled, and now it only takes ten minutes to make up."

  Mao Wen said that girls usually practice their expressions by biting chopsticks, in order to better show the temperament of China female ceremonial soldiers.

  In addition to having a dignified image, female soldiers should maintain a high degree of uniformity in their daily lives — — Fold the bed into the same neat "

  "The requirements for the length, width and height of the bun are 13 cm, 6 cm and 6 cm, respectively. Because everyone’s hair is different, female soldiers with slightly less hair have to adjust the size of the bun by beating their hair." Mao Wen said.

  "Mom and Dad regard me as their pride."

  "If the road is not difficult enough, you will doubt that it is not right." On Mao Wen’s bedside is written such a motto that belongs to her own.

  During her two years in Beijing, as a conscript, she couldn’t go home to reunite with her relatives. Her parents visited her in Beijing, but they only spent a few days with her in the army.

  Missing relatives and hometown sometimes makes this girl in her early 20 s a little sad, but she always feels that her choice is correct.

  "Mom and Dad regard me as their pride, and they are very pleased to see my growth." Mao Wen said.

  After a year of hard training, Mao Wen’s movements became more and more mature. Last summer, she was formally incorporated into the army of the honor guard and became a full member.

  By this summer, Mao Wen’s two-year compulsory career will be over, and she can choose to go back to school to continue her studies. However, she told reporters that she did not intend to retire in September this year, but wanted to stay in the army.

  "I hope to stay and be promoted to a non-commissioned officer, and do my own work here." Mao Wen said. (End)

Donghu comment: Life is not just "brushing your mobile phone"

Recently, Zhang Chaoyang’s remarks about mobile phones have sparked heated discussions. When interacting with the students of Xi ‘an Jiaotong University, he talked about a thought-provoking question: Why can’t we passively brush our mobile phones for a long time? In this regard, Zhang Chaoyang gave his own answer: passively brushing the mobile phone is killing time and delaying. If you don’t think and ask questions, time will be wasted and people may become numb.
Mobile phone, a highly popular technology product, has become an indispensable part of everyone’s life. It provides endless information and resources, which can be studied and explored anytime and anywhere. Whether reading books online, watching educational videos or learning the latest information through social media, mobile phones can provide unprecedented convenience and become a fountain of learning knowledge. However, as Zhang Chaoyang emphasized, if you indulge in the habit of passively brushing your mobile phone for a long time, it may become a shackle that binds people’s thinking and development.
Over-reliance on mobile phones can lead to distraction. In the process of swiping mobile phones, people often switch applications and browse different pages. This fast switching attention mode will weaken their concentration and deep thinking ability, especially when they need to concentrate on completing a task, the existence of mobile phones will often become an interference factor, making it difficult for them to stay focused.
Excessive reliance on mobile phones will affect social interaction. Mobile phones can keep in touch with others anytime and anywhere, but at the same time they may rely too much on virtual social interaction. In real life, face-to-face communication and interaction is an important way to establish deep interpersonal relationships, and excessive use of mobile phones may reduce social activities in real life, thus affecting interpersonal relationships.
Excessive reliance on mobile phones may also have a negative impact on physical and mental health. Bowing your head and brushing your mobile phone for a long time will put pressure on cervical vertebrae and eyes, and may even lead to problems such as cervical spondylosis and myopia. In addition, excessive use of mobile phones may also lead to health problems such as decreased sleep quality and increased psychological stress.
Therefore, we should be aware of the dangers of over-reliance on mobile phones, reasonably control the time of using mobile phones, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, we should actively seek other beneficial activities, such as reading, sports and socializing, so as to enrich our life experience and improve our own quality.
Source: Jingchu. com (Hubei Daily)
Author: Shen Dudu (Wufeng, Yichang)
Editor: Ding Chufeng

Double super in one city! Why is Qingdao football fruitful?

Public Network reporter Mao Daoguang reports from Qingdao

The past weekend has become the most unforgettable day for Qingdao football!

In the 29th round of League A, Qingdao West Coast, which holds the initiative, beat Guangzhou team 2-0, thus locking the Super League seat in advance for next season. At this point, there are two Super League teams for the first time in the history of Qingdao football, and it has become the seventh city in China that will soon have the "Super League Derby" after Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Success is never achieved overnight. In the past ten years, Qingdao professional football has set foot on the top of the mountain and once fell into a trough. Fortunately, Qingdao football has never given up lightly, and with a tenacity, it has regained the road of chasing dreams in difficulties.

One city "double super"! At this moment, Qingdao football has realized the "dream of two heroes" in the top leagues in China, and let the whole country see the profound connotation of "Football City" and let football become the shining business card of this city again!


Looking back at Qingdao football in recent years, there are too many moments worth remembering!

Drinking ice for 9 years, blood is hard to cool! After many years of silence, Qingdao Manatee returned to the Super League from China B, and made its home debut 10 years later in Youth Stadium, the first 50,000 professional football stadium newly opened in Shandong this season, beating former enemy Beijing Guoan 3-1, which made countless fans dream back to 10 years ago and rekindled the hope of Qingdao football.

Qingdao West Coast Football Club, formerly known as Qingdao Kangtaiyuan Commercial Concrete Football Team, was established in 2007. In 2019, it was awarded the qualification of Grade B, and officially entered the China Football Professional League in 2020. In April, 2022, Qingdao Youth Island Football Club officially moved into German Football Asia Base. After playing in League A in the 2022 season, the young team hit it off with the West Coast, a city of youth, and set a more ambitious goal: changing its name to the West Coast, fighting for Qingdao and fighting for the West Coast New District.

The home relocation to Qingdao West Coast University Town Stadium marks that Qingdao West Coast New District has the first team to compete in professional football matches. As a new landmark of the West Coast New District, Guzhenkou University Town Stadium can accommodate 20,000 people and is one of the closest stadiums in China. It has been officially unveiled and put into use on May 10th this year. As the home of Qingdao West Coast Team in League A and Qingdao Red Lion Team in League B, it has been frequently unveiled in national competitions.

This autumn, Qingdao Manatee relegated to the Super League two rounds ahead of schedule, Qingdao West Coast overtook the Super League one round ahead of schedule, and Qingdao women’s football team returned to the domestic women’s football professional league, all of which are inseparable from the silent cultivation of Qingdao football for many years. With the end of the "Jinyuan Football" era, the inherent advantages of Qingdao football have gradually emerged, and the achievements of football development and youth training have blossomed everywhere, which has also polished the "golden signboard" of football again.

"The success of the West Coast Club is inseparable from the attention of the municipal party committee and the municipal government and the support from all walks of life. With two super league teams, Qingdao football has reached a new height. I hope that we can make persistent efforts next, and Qingdao Football can continue to contribute to China Football. " Tian Weiguo, director of Qingdao Football Activity Management Center, said this.


As a prestigious "Football City", on January 25th, 2022, Qingdao was successfully selected as one of the first nine key cities for football development in China during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. This is the third time that Qingdao has won this honor since 1979 and 1992. In 2023, Qingdao Football has achieved full coverage of football professional clubs at all levels, including Super League, China A, China B, Women A and Five Super League.

The achievement of such excellent results is inseparable from Qingdao’s policy support for football development.

In terms of support for professional sports clubs, Qingdao Sports Bureau issued the Measures for Supporting and Encouraging High-level Professional Sports Clubs in Qingdao according to the spirit of the document "Implementation Opinions on Promoting National Fitness and Sports Consumption to Promote High-quality Development of Sports Industry". The Qingdao Municipal Sports Bureau will set up a sports industry support incentive fund, which will invest 35 million yuan every year to support the high-level professional sports clubs in Qingdao, and reward them according to the results of professional leagues.

In November of the same year, the leading group for the promotion of football reform and development in Qingdao also issued the "Construction Plan of National Key Cities for Football Development in Qingdao during the Tenth Five-Year Plan". The plan clearly sets the goals to be achieved by 2025, focusing on building 1-2 super league teams; Realize the 9-level elite echelon of Super League Club and the 7-level elite echelon of Zhongjia Club; Set up 1-2 professional women’s football clubs … and the goal of focusing on building 1-2 super league teams was first fulfilled this autumn.

Looking at the whole country, there are only a handful of cities that can be called "football cities". Qingdao has enjoyed a good reputation for many years, which is inseparable from its excellent youth training system and good youth football competitions.

For a long time, Qingdao youth football has a profound foundation and outstanding achievements in youth training. The traditional event "Mayor Cup" campus football league has gone through 32 seasons. The league also achieved full coverage from the primary school, junior high school, senior high school and university four-level campus football league system. By the end of 2021, the "Mayor Cup" campus football league had organized 3,694 games, in which 22,553 players from 1,510 teams participated. Qingdao campus football is constantly exploring the deeper field of integration of sports and education. The introduction of a series of security policies and the practice of trying first provide protection for children who like playing football and take care of their studies.

By 2023, 10 Qingdao athletes, including Wang Ziming, Liu Yang, Li Lei, Wei Zhang, Wang Haobin, Li Suda, Liu Chen, Zhang Yiqian, Shuo Yang and Shao Mingzhen, have been selected into national football teams at all levels, and outstanding talents are constantly emerging; Qingdao U9-U14 football team won five championships in six groups in the 2023 Shandong Football Championship, and Qingdao U16 women’s football team became the first team to advance to the top four of the National Student (Youth) Games, with excellent competitive results.

In addition, Dong Lu, a well-known football commentator, also praised Qingdao’s youth training in the recent live broadcast. He said that Qingdao has a large number of football talents and good football development genes. Youth training clubs such as Qingdao West Coast Football Club and Qingdao Zhuifeng Youth Football Club have performed very well on the field, and many high-level athletes and coaches are also impressive.


"Fight, Qingdao team!" It is not only a slogan, but also engraved into the football memory of a generation.

Counting the football history of Qingdao, at the beginning of the China Professional League, Qingdao established its own professional team-Qingdao Manatee. The time can be traced back to December 31st, 1993. Qingdao Manatee Football Club was formally established, and it became one of the founding teams of Chinese Football Association Super League together with Shandong Taishan, Beijing Guoan, Tianjin Jinmenhu and Shenzhen Team.

In 2002, Qingdao Yizhong Manatee hired Li Zhangzhu, a famous Korean coach, as the head coach, and the team won the China Football Association Cup, which was the first national championship in the history of Qingdao professional football. Qingdao Huanghai Qinggang Team won the championship in the 2019 season and successfully overtook it. In the 2020 season, Qingdao Manatee Team and Qingdao West Coast Team also staged the "Qingdao Derby" in the second season. In the 2021 season, the Qingdao Manatee team took the lead in rushing to the A, and the West Coast team subsequently succeeded in rushing to the A in the play-offs of the 2021 season. In the 2022 season, the two teams will continue to stage the "Qingdao Derby" in the Chinese team. Last year, the Manatees took the lead in overtaking, and the West Coast team gained a foothold in the Chinese team. By the 2023 season, the West Coast team was successful, while the Manatee team was successful in relegation in the Super League.

At the recently concluded 2023 China Qingdao Fashion Sports Industry Conference, Liu Jianhong attended as a guest, also talked about Qingdao at the scene, and praised the development of Qingdao football. He said, "In 1996, as a reporter of CCTV’s Football Night, I came to Qingdao to interview League A and B, and witnessed the process of the Manatees returning from League A to League A that year." After leaving CCTV, Liu Jianhong came to Qingdao again in 2021. He presided over the expedition ceremony of Qingdao Manatee. The Manatee was successfully upgraded from B in that year, and it was successful at the end of 2022. Today, the Manatee has become a strong force in the Super League again. As a football city, Qingdao and Liu Jianhong have witnessed the ups and downs of Qingdao football for so many years.

In the long history of football development in China, Qingdao football has experienced ups and downs, but it has never been absent.


Derby is an unavoidable topic in a region where football is booming. Two teams in the same region staged a "peak showdown", accompanied by tens of thousands of fans shouting like a tsunami, the two sides joined hands in the game to contribute to the offensive and defensive war, and the fierce physical confrontation and the collision of beliefs among fans undoubtedly made it the most eye-catching game at present, which also made the football economy "hot"!

Looking around the world, there are the famous Manchester derby and North London derby in the Premier League, the national derby between Real Madrid and Barcelona in La Liga, the "Milan duo" in Serie A, and the most intense national derby between Boca and Riverbed Argentina.

In China, the derby in the same city is also one of the most concerned games. Compared with the "Jinglu War" and "Jingyue War", the once Guangzhou Derby, Wuhan Derby and Tianjin Derby gradually disappeared from public view with the fading of "Jinyuan Football". Now, the joining of Qingdao Derby not only injects fresh blood into the league, but also appears more precious in timing.

Looking forward to the 2024 season, Qingdao will usher in the "city derby" of the Super League for the first time, Qingdao manatee and Qingdao West Coast will usher in "love and kill each other", and the "football economy" will gradually spread from the north shore of Jiaozhou Bay, which was on fire this year, to the west coast of Jiaozhou Bay. At that time, the two teams will also dedicate a wonderful showdown for Qingdao and even the national fans.

One city "double super"! This is an affirmation of the hard work of Qingdao football for many years, and it has injected a "cardiotonic agent" into the development of Qingdao football. Whether manatees avoid relegation, or the West Coast overtake, or the gradual improvement of the youth training system, to a certain extent, it reflects the long-term vision and unremitting pursuit of Qingdao’s football career development.

Dapeng rises with the wind in one day, soaring to Wan Li. In the future, Qingdao Football will take advantage of the east wind of "building a key city for national football development" to vigorously promote the deepening of football reform, do a good job in training and transporting youth football, comprehensively improve the overall development level of football, and make the reputation of "Football City" a "golden signboard" of Qingdao.

French armour

At 20 o’clock on the evening of October 29th, Beijing time, in the 10th round of Ligue 1 in the 2023-24 season, Paris Saint-Germain challenged brest away. In the first half, 17-year-old Zaire emeri broke the deadlock with a long-range shot, and then Li Gangren assisted Mbappé to expand the score and Mounie pulled back a goal; In the second half, brest equalized the score with a corner kick, and Mbappé finished the winner with a penalty in the 89th minute. In the end, Paris Saint-Germain beat brest 3-2 and rose to the second place in the standings.

In the 3rd minute, Paris broke into the opponent’s restricted area. Li Gangren’s shot was blocked by goalkeeper Bizot, and then his teammate’s supplementary shot was confiscated by Bizot. In the 6th minute, emeri received a return volley from his right foot at the top of the arc, and Bizot saved the ball with his fists. In the 13th minute, Donaruma passed the ball from the backcourt directly to the opponent, but the cross from the brest player directly crossed the bottom line.

In the 16th minute, emeri received a cross from his teammates in front of the penalty area. He passed a defender and came to the penalty area and slammed the door with his right foot. The ball was like a shell, and Bizot could do nothing. Paris was 1-0 brest.

In the 22nd minute, Li Gangren volleyed vigorously from the right side of the restricted area, and Bizot held the ball out of the crossbar.In the 28th minute, taking advantage of brest’s massive pressure, Paris fought back. Li Gangren picked up the ball in the backcourt and passed it to Mbappé. The latter caught the ball and formed a single-handed trend. He entered the left side of the penalty area and missed the defender. His right foot shot low and scored near the corner. Paris scored 2-0 in brest.

In the 41st minute, Mbappé received a cross shot from his right foot at the top of the arc, and Bizot saved the ball again.In the 44th minute, brest pulled back a goal, and the high ball on the right side of the frontcourt passed to the middle. Mounie in the restricted area pressed the Parisian defender to head the ball, and the ball bounced to the net, but Donaruma couldn’t save it. Brest 1-2 Paris.At the end of the first half, Paris temporarily took the lead.

In the second half, change sides and fight again.In the 52nd minute, brest’s right corner kicked into the restricted area, and Ledoualon, who was in front of him, headed the ball back, and the ball flew into the far corner. Donaruma’s whip was not as long as brest’s 2-2 Paris.

In the 57th minute, Mba took the ball to the left side of the restricted area, and shot wide from the far corner with his right foot. In the 62nd minute, Fabian Ruiz stopped the ball in front of the restricted area and buckled the defender, and the long corner was slightly missed. In the 64th minute, Paris stepped up its attack, and Enrique changed into Dembele and Muani.

In the 68th minute, brest got the chance, and the right side of the frontcourt shot the ball into the restricted area, but Ledoualon, who was in the back, outflanked the shot and kicked it. In the 70th minute, brest’s two shots in the restricted area were quite threatening, both of which were resolved by Donaruma. In the 74th minute, the Parisian frontcourt got a chance, but Dembele didn’t stop the ball in the restricted area and was cleared by the opponent’s defender.

In the 75th minute, Vitinia got the ball on the left side of the penalty area, which was quite threatening. Bizot got the ball sideways. In the 83rd minute, Muani in the restricted area tripped after passing the ball on the left side of the Paris frontcourt. The referee watched VAR on the sidelines and awarded a penalty. Because of the conflict caused by this penalty, many players from two teams got yellow cards.

Mbappé took the penalty. His first shot was saved by the goalkeeper, but Mbappé immediately made up the shot and scored the ball. Paris led brest 3-2, which was the 89th minute of the game.

In the end, the whole game ended and Paris Saint-Germain beat brest 3-2.

What historical knowledge do you believe in, but it really happened?

Author: our team Zhang Ying

The more you read history, the more you will feel "unbelievable". A lot of historical knowledge that seems incredible at first glance and even makes people "don’t believe it" is real, but it happened in the past years.

Compared with those political and military events that are often talked about,The following economic and cultural knowledge, which also makes people feel "don’t believe in death", also epitomizes the rise and fall of dynasties.It is worth thinking deeply.

One: the Great Jin Dynasty did not cast money.

Successive dynasties founded the country, and currency issuance was a top priority. And Wang Chao didn’t even do it? The Jin dynasties thought: this is really not a thing.

Since the "Three Kingdoms Reunited", the Jin Dynasty, from the emperor to the officials, has been a competition and a release. Apart from internal strangulation, it has been a feast, a song and dance, an alchemy and a fight for wealth, and it has changed its fancy show "Wei and Jin demeanor". Even if the Yongjia Rebellion broke out and the Dajin became the Eastern Jin, it would still remain unchanged, and it would be impossible to get rid of it by being immersed in metaphysics and talking openly.The issue of currency, a 164-year history of the Jin and Jin Dynasties, has never been done.

What’s the money? In the Western Jin Dynasty, Cao Wei’s five baht money was mainly used, and it was beaten to the south of the Yangtze River to become the "Eastern Jin Dynasty", and all kinds of currencies in the Soochow period were churned out to continue to be used. The currency on the market in the Eastern Jin Dynasty is a mess. Plus a large number of precious metals, all of them have been embezzled by the rich and powerful to make luxury goods, and there is less and less money circulating in the market. As a result, there is not much money, and there is an increasingly serious phenomenon of "money shortage".

Ironically,The first reaction of the Eastern Jin Dynasty to this serious phenomenon was not to stabilize the currency, but to slap the head and think about simply abolishing the currency.When Emperor Andi was in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, someone put forward the "good idea" of "barter". Although it ran aground under the opposition of many ministers, the Eastern Jin Dynasty did nothing, and still allowed the chaos in the money market. The currency is so chaotic, of course, this dynasty is becoming more and more hopeless. The partial Eastern Jin Dynasty was finally usurped by the Liu and Song Dynasties in the absurdity of "not casting money".

Two: Planting cotton in Datang Garden

In the Tang dynasty, rich people cultivated flowers, and all kinds of precious flowers and plants competed for each other. However, during the period of Tang Xuanzong, Suleiman, an Arab traveler who visited the Tang Dynasty, saw a special exotic flower and grass in the garden of the Tang Dynasty: cotton. That’s right. Today, it is used to make cotton-padded clothes, which is necessary to keep out the cold in winter.In the middle Tang dynasty, it was still "on a par" with famous flowers such as peony and rose, and was specially designed for garden enjoyment.

During the Tang Dynasty, there were only Yunnan, Hainan and Xinjiang provinces in China, and some cotton was planted. As an "exotic" cotton, it was a precious flower at that time. More than just for fun. Cotton cloth made of cotton was also a precious luxury at that time. According to the statistics of the Order of Closing the City in the Tang Dynasty, the local price of one end of fine cotton cloth in the western regions is as high as 2,200 articles. Even the coarse denim needs 500 Wen at one end. Cotton-padded clothes made of cotton cloth were called "white-folded cloth" and "kapok fur" at that time, and the price of them sold to the mainland usually turned several times.It is equivalent to "putting precious flowers and plants on your body", which is standard for the rich.

When reading Du Fu’s famous sentence, "The cloth is as cold as iron for many years, and the charming children lie down and crack inside", many historical fans often wonder why Du Fu didn’t cover the quilt when he was so frozen. To tell the truth, I really couldn’t afford it at that time.

It was not until the Song and Yuan Dynasties that cotton planting techniques were gradually popularized in the mainland and gradually adapted to the soil and water in different regions. During the reign of Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, cotton planting was promoted by legislation throughout the country. Cotton, a luxury in the Tang and Song Dynasties, was "dependent on everyone’s wealth" in China.Cotton cotton-padded clothes, once a rare "imported product", became a specialty of China in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. They were not only the daily consumer goods of ordinary people in winter, but also exported abroad in large quantities along the Maritime Silk Road, earning enough money all over the world.

What is "making foreign things serve China"? Learn from the ancients in China how to plant cotton from the garden into the farmland.

Three: The civil servants in the Song Dynasty were very hard.

"Fu Song" is a happy time for literati, and the most enviable among literati is civil servants. Unofficial history often talked about the "sky-high income" of civil servants in the Song Dynasty. For example, the extravagant life of Kou Zhun Song Qi people lighting giant candles and drinking chicken tongue soup, and the happy scene of Bao Zheng Wang Anshi people’s "sky-high annual salary" and "salary basically does not move" have made many fans envy each other and wish to cross to Dasong to take the imperial examination. However, even if there is a chance to "cross", we must be cautious about it. Most civil servants in the Song Dynasty are far poorer than later generations imagined.

For example, in the Song Dynasty,Being a small official in the civil service, such as "county magistrate" and "main thin", the salary is pitiful.Basically, "poverty is not enough to support itself." It was not until Song Shenzong’s time that the salary was raised, but it was just "the county ordered the money to be 15 thousand, and the rice and wheat were 4 stones." Compared with the courtiers, this money is really not enough.

Civil servants at a slightly higher level have limited treatment.For example, Shi Jie, a famous scholar in Song Renzong, told imperial academy that his life was very simple on weekdays, but when he died, his wife was "overwhelmed with cold", that is, his wife and children couldn’t live, and they only had a way out with the support of Fan Zhongyan and others in Han Qi. Zeng Yi, the foreign minister of Song Shenzong, was also "poor because of his family". In the Southern Song Dynasty, Lu You passed the sentence in Kuizhou, which was considered as a "fat vacancy" among civil servants. After several years, he was also "thin in the gorge" and "bare in luggage". That is to say, you can get a round belly.

Why is this happening?First, there were so many civil servants in the Song Dynasty that they were called "redundant officials".According to Fan Zhongyan in the Northern Song Dynasty, "four or five people share one post". In the late Southern Song Dynasty, the total number of officials in the Song Dynasty was more than 43,000, and the territory was half that of the Northern Song Dynasty, and the number of officials was several times higher than that of the Northern Song Dynasty. There are so many officials to support, and no matter how rich they are, they can’t support them. Therefore, if most civil servants only rely on "wages", their lives will be hard.

Plus DaSong’s "ruling the world together with the literati", even if it is "cultivating scholars", of course, we must first pay close attention to the high-level literati.Not only a high-ranking official, but also retired senior officials, as well as giving "grace" to the children and students of retired senior officials, is a lot of money every year. At the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Huainan transshipment ambassador said that the taxes of twenty states in Huainan were not enough to give pensions to retired senior officials in Luoyang. In Song Renzong, there were more than 5,000 salaried idlers in China. Some people even have more than one consul and do nothing.

Officials who have money to support idle people and work honestly have a hard time.How can we not be poor and weak in such a great Song Dynasty?

Four: horsestapErni duancai road

A great event in the diplomatic history of "Kanggan heyday" in Qing Dynasty was "Magalny’s visit to China". During the Qianlong period, a huge mission led by British Lord Macartney visited the Qing Dynasty with the intention of opening the trade door of the Qing Dynasty, but it was rejected by the arrogant Qianlong. A visit, but the result is empty. But Magalny was not depressed, because,On this trip, he found another treasure in China: tea seedlings.

Can a mere tea seedling be comparable to a diplomatic event? In the eyes of the British at that time, this was really close.

Since the mid-18th century, China’s traditional tea drinking style has long been popular in European countries. The British have become the "iron powder" of tea. At that time, all classes of British society had the habit of "drinking afternoon tea", and the atmosphere of drinking tea spread all over Britain and even colonies on all continents. According to the statistics of the 18th century British scholar Stenton,British people, old and young, consume at least one pound of tea every year on average. Where did so much tea come from? You can only buy it from China.

As a result, unconsciously, tea trade became the "heavy head" of foreign exports in the Qing Dynasty. The export price of a load of tea in Guangzhou is only ten pounds. Reselling to the British mainland has soared to at least 106 pounds. Huge profits have also provoked British businessmen to flock to buy buy every year, bringing enough cash to buy them. By the 1780s, China’s annual tea export had exceeded 1.8 million pounds, making it easy for the British to earn money.

But this "easy money" scene, but with the horsetapThe arrival of Ernie and his party turned around.

Although the Qing government, which closed its doors to the outside world, took precautions against Magalny and his party. However, because the Qing officials had no concept of "intellectual property rights", they were defenseless against the "inspection" activities of Magyarni and his party. Therefore, during a trip to China, Macartney made an unannounced visit, which not only clearly recorded the process of tea planting and picking in China. I also got something good that many European countries couldn’t get at that time: tea seedlings.

Thus, from the end of the 18th century, China’s tea planting technology, so ruthless outflow.India under British rule, with this "stolen" technology and modern production, quickly came from behind in the field of tea.By the middle of the 19th century, Indian tea had become the "big head" of the international tea market. At the beginning of the 20th century, Indian tea and Ceylon tea accounted for 92% of the international market at that time, which had already "crushed" modern China tea.

Tea industry, a powerful industry that earned enough money in China, was cut off in less than half a century because of the outflow of several tea seedlings. It was not so much Macartney’s fault as the Qing Dynasty’s indifference to industrial technology, which brought modern China into the pit of backwardness and beatings.

References: Chen Zhonghai’s Debate on Waste of Money in Jin Dynasty, Qing Qiuzi’s Currency History, Wang Zhonghun’s Matou of Xizhou in Tang Dynasty, Zhu Bokang’s General History of China Economy, He Zhongli’s Salary of Officials in Song Dynasty, Political History of Song Dynasty, Zhang Hongjie’s Prosperous Hunger and Wang Xiuping’s 1

How many privileges can the yellow jacket of the Qing Dynasty have?

Is Li Shimin scheming for a long time or being forced to do anything about the change of Xuanwu Gate?

One second into the picture! These original ecological landscapes are so beautiful, and some of them are limited in seasons …

Living in Beijing

We have seen many architectural monuments.

Indulge in the bustling night of the city

Visited many unpopular art halls.

But sometimes

I always have one in my heart.

The throb of longing for the vastness of the world

Birds are singing and flowers are fragrant between mountains and rivers

Forget the world and indulge in chic.

Actually, there are several wetland parks in Beijing.

Original ecological landscape

It can also make you short-lived

Let’s take a look together ~


Cuihu Wetland Park

The total area of Cuihu Wetland is 157.16 hectares, and the water area is about 90 hectares, including 45 hectares of open area and 18.3 hectares of water area.

The reservation opening hours of Cuihu Wetland are from April to October every year, and group tourists are allowed to make reservations on Mondays and Wednesdays, and individual tourists are allowed to make reservations on Saturday mornings.

Birds can be seen in almost all months of the year. If you are a bird watcher, then spring and autumn are the best seasons to watch waterfowl in Cuihu Wetland, especially in October.

The purpose of Cuihu Wetland is to show the northern wetland landscape, popularize wetland knowledge, watch wetland animals and plants, and publicize popular science. The park focuses on ecological protection and does not have amusement facilities.

Address: Cuihu North Road, Shangzhuang Town, Haidian District, Beijing


Dongjiao Forest Park Wetland Park

Beijing Eastern Suburb Forest Park-Wetland Park is one of the five major theme parks in Beijing Eastern Suburb Forest Park, adjacent to the bank of Wenyu River, with a planned total area of about 3.15 million square meters and a water area of about 30% of the park area.

There are Yuling Lake, the largest lake in the Eastern Suburb Forest Park, and Lancui Tower, the first commanding height in the Eastern Suburb Forest Park. In addition, there are scenic spots such as Lin Yun Jade Watching, Lover’s Wharf, White Sands Heron Watching and Liu Yin Yuze Watching.

There are facilities such as riding greenway, landscape wooden plank road, rest station, tree-lined square, children’s activity equipment and so on.

There are more than 60 species of trees and shrubs, such as Sophora japonica, Fraxinus chinensis, weeping willow, Fraxinus fargesii, Pyrus pyrifolia, Magnolia grandiflora, Begonia, Prunus armeniaca, Lagerstroemia indica, and more than 70 species of ground cover flowers and aquatic plants, such as pseudo-faucet, chrysanthemum morifolium, lotus, Lythrum lyratum and Acorus calamus.

Address: East Sixth Ring Road, Tongzhou District, Beijing


Majiawan Wetland Park

Majiawan Wetland Park covers a total area of 710,000 square meters, including 260,000 square meters of water area and 450,000 square meters of landscape area.

The water source of Xiao Taihou Yunliang River is cited in the park, which makes the wetland waters in the park communicate with each other and keep the water level above 1 meter all the year round.

There is a scenic spot in the park, "Woniu Wenxi". In the shape of a huge cow, lying still beside a wetland. Legend has it that a bronze bull statue was built on the south bank of Xiao Taihou River in Liao Dynasty as a water beast, so the nearby village was named "Buffalo House", and the former bronze bull has long been a thing of the past.

In the Woods on the bank of Henan in Xiao Taihou, there is a wooden plank road that is as long as 1,000 meters. This little-known wooden plank road, with no other plank road or road interspersed, bends around and is hidden in the surrounding green jungle.

Address: Daludian North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing


Hanshiqiao Wetland Park

Hanshiqiao Wetland Nature Reserve is located in JD.COM Plain, with a total area of 1,900 hectares, of which the core area is about 3,000 mu. It is the only large reed swamp wetland in Beijing Plain.

There are 153 species of birds recorded in the nature reserve, including 2 species of national first-class protected animals, 17 species of national second-class protected animals and 292 species of wild plants. It is the habitat and transit point of many rare and endangered bird migration.

Hanshiqiao Wetland is open from March 16th to November 14th every year, and it is closed at 8:00-17:20 and 16:20 from Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday are closed from 8: 00 to 17: 50 and 16:50. It is closed to the public from November 15th to March 15th of the following year.

Address: Han Shi Qiaocun, Yangzhen Town, Shunyi District, Beijing


Xinfengqu Wetland Park

Xinfengqu Wetland Park used to be a three-room industrial compound, but now it has been transformed into a picturesque wetland.

The park mainly includes three parts: the front pond in the north, the subsurface wetland in the middle and the surface wetland in the south, which have the functions of regulation, purification and stability respectively, and discharge the treated surface water to the main stream of Xinfeng River.

The park is built by the lake, surrounded by dense green vegetation, and the roads are paved with plastic trails, including small bridges, kiosks and plank roads in the water. Beautiful scenery, fresh air, quiet and comfortable.

The whole park is just the right size, and it is just right to go shopping. Whether it’s oxygen inhalation and lung washing, or want to see the scenery, it is a good place. And every place here can be a holy place to take pictures, so you can pat it as you like.

Address: Zhongding Road, Daxing District, Beijing

Source: Beijing Tourism Network Comprehensive

Top ten funny jokes about "series 1 of abdominal muscle pain"

1. A frustrated man, his parents are ill, and his family is too poor to marry a daughter-in-law. When I was desperate, I met the magic lamp. The magic lamp said, Write down your three wishes, and I will satisfy you. The frustrated man wrote: I wish my parents are healthy, my family is rich and my wife is beautiful. When the frustrated man came home, he saw that the house had become magnificent and opened the door, and his parents were in high spirits. The frustrated man rushed into his room and saw an air conditioner lying on the bed.

2. I went to my friend’s house to play. My friend went to the bathroom. His three-year-old child came up to me and asked, "Uncle, have you seen the new version of 100 yuan?"

I smiled and said, "Of course I have. Is there another one on my uncle?"

Child: "Can you show me!" "

I handed the money to the child, just as my friend came out of the bathroom. The child smiled and said, "Dad, my uncle gave me 100 yuan."

Friend: "Thank you uncle."

Child: "Thank you, uncle."


On the bus, I found a beautiful woman, so I looked at her intently and almost had a nosebleed. At this time, the beauty made a request that caught me off guard. She asked me: What do you want? I was shocked, and it took me a long time to spit out the word: think! But it’s inconvenient here on the bus …

4. Anti-virus software.

My husband just arrived at home when he suddenly heard a man snoring. The man hesitated outside the door for 5 minutes, left silently and sent a text message to his wife: "Divorce! ! !” Then throw away the mobile phone card and go far away … Three years later, they met by chance in another city, and his wife cried: "Why did you leave without saying goodbye?" The man outlined the situation at that time. The wife turned away and said simply, "That’s Rising antivirus software …!"

5. Women are really hard to serve.

I don’t know much about romance. I wanted to surprise my wife on her birthday yesterday, so I spent some private money and bought her a necklace.

At the moment I took out my necklace, she hugged me tightly, and the scene was quite romantic.

About ten seconds later, she made a devastating remark: Where did you get the money for the necklace …

6. A gentleman went ashore after taking a bath in the river when two ladies came. He hurriedly picked up a bucket and buckled it under it to hide his shame. When the two ladies approached, a lady said to him, "Sir, I have to tell you that we will accuse you of sexual harassment if you behave like this!" " The man asked inexplicably, "Why?" The lady replied, "The bucket in front of you has no bottom at all!" "

7. "Grandpa, sit down!" "No, girl, you young people work too hard every day. It’s good for your health if I stand a little longer." "Grandpa, you are so kind." "Girl, do me a favor. Just now, people in the car squeezed me out by 1 yuan. My waist is not good. Please help me pick it up." "Here you go, grandpa, you just lost a dollar. You are so anxious that you have a nosebleed. You can’t get too excited on a hot day. Wipe it quickly."

8. Sun Shangxiang tugged at Liu Bei’s ear and asked, "Did you say that brothers are like brothers and wives are like clothes? What do you take me for? "

Liu Bei: "Madam, don’t be angry. Because I was poor at that time, I didn’t expect to have new clothes in the future. "

9. I am a female. I have gained 30 pounds in love for a year. I can’t wear all the clothes I bought before. Recently, I am struggling to lose weight. Yesterday, I was in a hurry to go out and find clothes to wear. I saw an old pair of jeans in the closet. After I put them on, I found that my pants were still surplus. I was so excited at that time that my husband came into the room and asked if he had seen the pants he wore yesterday. . .

10. A puppy saw a wolf, rushed up to hug and desperately shouted for his father. The wolf was confused: "Son, I think you are mistaken. I am not your father. "Dog:" You are! They all call me German shepherd! "Wolf:" Did … I ever really … love dogs? "

Sports life, start with me.

With the rapid development of the national economy, people’s living standards are constantly improving, and the pursuit of health and quality of life is also increasing. In recent years, sports fitness has become a daily topic for more and more people, and sports life has gradually integrated into people’s daily life. However, the current situation of sports in China is not optimistic, and there are still many problems. Here, I will combine my own sports experience to analyze the current situation of sports in China and talk about my personal views.

First of all, on the whole, the people’s awareness of sports has gradually awakened, but the proportion of the sports population is still not high. In many cities, gymnasiums, parks, playgrounds and other sports venues are crowded, showing people’s love for sports. But at the same time, there are still a large number of people who lack sports awareness, especially middle-aged and elderly people after middle age, and their sports needs have not been fully met. This not only affects personal health, but also puts pressure on national public health. Therefore, it is urgent to raise the awareness of the whole people and popularize the knowledge of sports and fitness.

Secondly, the distribution of sports facilities is uneven, and the gap between urban and rural areas is large. In cities, sports facilities are relatively abundant, but parks, gyms and other places are often concentrated in the city center, which makes it inconvenient for residents in surrounding areas to exercise. In rural areas, sports facilities are scarce, and many rural areas don’t even have a decent playground. This undoubtedly increases the difficulty for rural residents to participate in sports and restricts the improvement of their health level. Therefore, the government should increase investment, optimize the layout of sports facilities, and focus on solving the gap between urban and rural sports resources.

Furthermore, there are many kinds of sports, but there is a shortage of professional coaches. With the rise of fitness craze, various sports came into being to meet people’s diverse needs. However, at the same time, the supply of professional coaches in China is insufficient, which leads to many sports enthusiasts unable to get professional guidance and the sports effect is greatly reduced. To this end, relevant departments should increase investment in physical education, support the training of more professional coaches, and help improve the sports quality of the whole people.

Finally, talk about my personal views on sports. Sports are not only related to personal health, but also the embodiment of a country’s national quality. We should give full play to the role of sports in improving national quality and promoting social harmony, so that more people can enjoy the happiness brought by sports. On this basis, I also propose to improve sports-related policies, encourage enterprises and social groups to participate in sports undertakings, and jointly promote the development of sports undertakings in China.

In short, sports life starts with me. Everyone should realize the importance of exercise, actively participate in it and develop good exercise habits. At the same time, the state and society should also provide people with more convenient sports conditions, so that sports can become a part of the healthy life of the whole people. Only in this way can we work together for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.